Augmented reality in the tourism industry: A multi-stakeholder analysis of museums
2019-01-01 Francesca Serravalle, Alberto Ferraris, Demetris Vrontis, Alkis Thrassou, Michael Christofi
Cross-Functional Knowledge Management. The International Landscape
2019-01-01 Shams, R., Vrontis, D., Weber, Y., Tsoukatos, E., Ferraris, A.
Determinants of performance in the hotel industry. An empirical analysis of Italy
2015-01-01 Bresciani, Stefano; Thrassou, Alkis; Vrontis, Demetris
Digital workplace and organization performance: Moderating role of digital leadership capability
2023-01-01 Sheshadri Chatterjee; Ranjan Chaudhuri; Demetris Vrontis; Guido Giovando;
Emotional intelligence and perceived negative emotions in intercultural service encounters: Building and utilizing knowledge in the banking sector
2019-01-01 Alkis Thrassou, Gabriele Santoro, Erasmia Leonidou, Demetris Vrontis, Michael Christofi
External knowledge sourcing and new product development: Evidence from the Italian food and beverage industry
2017-01-01 Santoro, Gabriele; Vrontis, Demetris; Pastore, Alberto
Guest editorial: Corporate social responsibility and COVID-19 global crisis: managerial and financial perspectives in developed and emerging countries
2022-01-01 Battisti, Enrico; Bresciani, Stefano; Christofi, Michael; Vrontis, Demetris
High-performance work systems, innovation and knowledge sharing: An empirical analysis in the context of project-based organizations
2019-01-01 Sabeen Hussain Bhatti, Ramsha Zakariya, Demetris Vrontis, Gabriele Santoro, Michael Christofi
Innovation within the food companies: how creative partnerships may conduct to better performances?
2021-01-01 Ferraris A.; Vrontis D.; Belyaeva Z.; De Bernardi P.; Ozek H.
Integrated thinking rolls! Stakeholder engagement actions translate integrated thinking into practice
2021-01-01 Alain Devalle, Melchior Gromis di Trana, Simona Fiandrino, Demetris Vrontis
Intellectual capital and business model: a systematic literature review to explore their linkages
2020-01-01 Baima G.; Forliano C.; Santoro G.; Vrontis D.
Intellectual capital and dividend policy: the effect of CEO characteristics
2022-01-01 Battisti, Enrico; Nirino, Niccolò; Christofi, Michael; Vrontis, Demetris
Intellectual capital, knowledge sharing and equity crowdfunding
2020-01-01 Vrontis, Demetris; Christofi, Michael; Battisti, Enrico; Graziano, Elvira Anna
Knowledge is of no value unless to be shared. A synthesis of knowledge-sharing drivers in born-globals
2023-01-01 Rezaei, Mojtaba; Sadraei, Razieh; Jafari-Sadeghi, Vahid; Vrontis, Demetris
Management accounting systems to support stressing events: evidence from the food sector
2021-01-01 Truant E., Broccardo L., Culasso F., Vrontis D.
Managerial values and sustainable oriented innovation: Examining the role of knowledge exploration versus exploitation practices
2024-01-01 Agnihotri, A.; Bhattacharya, S.; Vrontis, D.; Monge, F.
Managing technological innovation in the sports industry: a challenge for retail management
2020-01-01 Demetris Vrontis, Milena Viassone, Francesca Serravalle, Michael Christofi
Mergers and acquisitions and environmental conditions: a systematic literature review to investigate their linkage
2023-01-01 Battisti, Enrico; Nirino, Niccolò; Leonidou, Erasmia; Thrassou, Alkis; Vrontis, Demetris
Open social innovation: towards a refined definition looking to actors and processes
2018-01-01 Gabriele Santoro; Alberto Ferraris; Demetris Vrontis
Past, present, and future of mergers and acquisitions in the MENA region: a systematic review and integrative framework
2021-01-01 Battisti, Enrico; Christofi, Michael; Vrontis, Demetris; Nirino, Niccolò