The paper investigates how multilingual films are translated for an Italian audience, focusing on three films by South Asian diasporic directors which portray linguistic and cultural diversity. The paper makes use of a small bilingual parallel corpus with transcriptions of the original, dubbed and subtitled film dialogues, tagged for some of the main aspects of multilingual films: instances of cultural references, code-mixing, code-switching and ethnolects.

“’You fancying your gora coach is okay with me’: Translating multilingual films for an Italian audience”



The paper investigates how multilingual films are translated for an Italian audience, focusing on three films by South Asian diasporic directors which portray linguistic and cultural diversity. The paper makes use of a small bilingual parallel corpus with transcriptions of the original, dubbed and subtitled film dialogues, tagged for some of the main aspects of multilingual films: instances of cultural references, code-mixing, code-switching and ethnolects.
Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility at the Crossroads. Media for all 3.
Approaches to Translation Studies
code-switching; code-mixing; multilingual films; ethnolect; cultural references
V. Minutella
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