PIANO, Serenella
PIANO, Serenella
A preliminary study on new biodegradabile films to cover silages
2010-01-01 G. Borreani; A. Revello Chion; S. Piano; F. Ranghino; E. Tabacco
Aerobic stability of maize silage stored under plastic films with different oxygen permeability
2014-01-01 Borreani G.; Piano S.; Tabacco E
Buffer strip effect on terbuthylazine runoff in light level soil
2008-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; F. Tesio; M. Négre; S. Piano; A. Ferrero
Buffer strip effect on terbuthylazine, desethyl-terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor runoff from maize fields in Northern Italy
2013-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; S. Piano; M. Negre; A. Ferrero
Clostridia spore formation during aerobic deterioration of maize and sorghum silages as influenced by Lactobacillus buchneri and Lactobacillus plantarum inoculants
2009-01-01 E. Tabacco; S. Piano; L. Cavallarin; T.F. Bernardes; G. Borreani
Comportamento dell’erbicida propanile e del suo principale metabolita (3,4 dicloroanilina) in sistemi colturali risicoli caratterizzati da diversa gestione agronomica
2010-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; M. Negre; S. Piano; A. Ferrero
Condizioni di prestoccaggio del mais non essiccato e contaminazione da micotossine
2008-01-01 M. Blandino; A. Reyneri; S. Piano; M. Gilardi
Dairy farm management practices and the risk of contamination of tank milk from Clostridium spp. and Paenibacillus spp. spores in silage, total mixed ration, dairy cow feces, and raw milk
2019-01-01 G. Borreani,* F. Ferrero, D. Nucera, M. Casale, S. Piano, E. Tabacco
Detection, Identification and Typing of Listeria Species from Baled Silages Fed to Dairy Cows
2016-01-01 Nucera, Dm; Grassi, Ma; Morra, P; Piano, S; Tabacco, E; Borreani, G.
Dinamiche microbiche in prove di deterioramento aerobico di silomais
Dissipation of Propanil and 3,4 Dichloroaniline in Three Different Rice Management Systems
2012-01-01 Marco Milan; Francesco Vidotto; Serenella Piano; Michèle Negre; Aldo Ferrero
Dissipation of propanil and its main metabolites in paddy water
2014-01-01 M. Milan;A. Ferrero;F. De Palo;S. Piano;F. Vidotto
Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri LN4637 and Lactobacillus buchneri LN40177 on the aerobic stability, fermentation products, and microbial populations of corn silage under farm conditions.
2011-01-01 E. Tabacco; S. Piano; A. Revello Chion; G. Borreani
Effect of the Ultraviolet C Light-Emitting Diode Treatment on the Quality of Soil-Grown and Pot-Grown Red Raspberries
2023-01-01 Nicole R. Giuggioli, Daniele M. Nucera, Serenella Piano, Selene Ollani
Effects of time of conservation and new Lactobacillus hilgardii inoculum on fermentation profile and aerobic stability of whole corn and sorghum silage
2019-01-01 Francesco Ferrero, Serenella Piano, Ernesto Tabacco, Giorgio Borreani
Effetti delle condizioni pre e post-raccolta sulla qualità di specie minori ad alto valore funzionale destinati alla filiera di IV gamma: il caso del crescione (Lepidium sativum L.)
2010-01-01 E.Fontana; G.Tibaldi; S. Piano; S.Nicola
Environmental fate of oxadiazon in paddy fields
2010-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; S. Piano; M. Negre; A. Ferrero
Evolution of fungal populations in corn silage conserved under polyethylene or biodegradable films
2015-01-01 Spadaro D. ; Bustos Lopez, Maria del Pilar; Gullino, M.L.; Piano, S.; Tabacco, E.; Borreani, G.
Filamentous fungi during ensiling and feed-out of corn silage are affected by polyethylene or biodegradable films.
2015-01-01 Spadaro, D.; BUSTOS-LOPEZ, M.P.; Gullino, M.L.; Piano, S.; Tabacco, E.; Borreani, G
Herbicide leaching from maize fields as affected by weed control strategy
2011-01-01 Marco Milan; Francesco Vidotto; Serenella Piano; Aldo Ferrero