NARDO', Tiziana
NARDO', Tiziana
Dip. MEDICINA ED ONCOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 30/04/2013)
Bullous pemphigoid is characterised by a reduction of skin-homing/circulating FOXP3+ Tregs and by a down-regulation of the IL-10 pathway
2012-01-01 Quaglino P; Antiga E; Novelli M; Nardò T; Fava P; Ponti R; Osella-Abate S; Caproni M; Fabbri P; Bernengo MG
Circulating CD4+ CD25brightFOXP3+ regulatory T-cells are significantly reduced in bullous pemphigoid patients.
2012-01-01 Quaglino P; Antiga E; Comessatti A; Caproni M; Nardò T; Ponti R; Novelli M; Osella-Abate S; Fabbri P; Bernengo MG
Effectiveness of electrochemotherapy in treatment of a recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp.
2011-01-01 Marenco F; Nardò T; Savoia P; Bernengo MG
Electrochemotherapy in the treatment of Kaposi sarcoma cutaneous lesions: a two-center prospective phase II trial.
2012-01-01 Curatolo P; Quaglino P; Marenco F; Mancini M; Nardò T; Mortera C; Rotunno R; Calvieri S; Bernengo MG. (CP e QP equal contribution)
Electrochemotherapy with intravenous bleomycin in the treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous metastases: results of a prospective single centre trial
2009-01-01 Quaglino P; Mortera C; Marenco F; Nardo T; Bernengo MG
2009-01-01 Mola F; Quaglino P; Burroni M; Nardò T; Dell’Eva G; Bernengo MG
Melanoma of the lower extremities: foot site is an independent risk factor for clinical outcome
2015-01-01 Sanlorenzo, Martina; Osella-Abate, Simona; Ribero, Simone; Marenco, Federica; Nardò, Tiziana; Fierro, Maria Teresa; Novelli, Mauro; Cervetti, Ornella; Bernengo, Maria Grazia; Quaglino, Pietro
Skin metastases of malignant melanoma: a clinical and prognostic survey
2009-01-01 Savoia P; Fava P; Nardò T; Osella-Abate S; Quaglino P; Bernengo MG.