A, B, or C? Exploiting polls as a formative assessment tool for mathematics in a connected classroom environment
2017-01-01 A. Cusi, F. Morselli, C. Sabena
Boundary objects in mathematics education and their role across communities of teachers and researchers in interaction.
2020-01-01 Robutti, O., Aldon, G., Cusi, A., Olsher, S., Panero, M., Cooper, J., Carante, P., Prodromou, T.
Designing and analysing the role of digital resources in supporting formative assessment processes in the classroom: the helping worksheets
2017-01-01 A. Cusi, F. Morselli, C. Sabena
Enhancing formative assessment in mathematical class discussion: a matter of feedback
2017-01-01 A. Cusi, F. Morselli, C. Sabena
ICME international survey on teachers working and learning through collaboration: June 2016
2016-01-01 Robutti, Ornella; Cusi, Annalisa; Clark-Wilson, Alison; Jaworski, Barbara; Chapman, Olive; Esteley, Cristina; Goos, Merrilyn; Isoda, Masami; Joubert, Marie
La collaborazione per rendere i docenti protagonisti della propria formazione: esempi dall’Italia e dal mondo
2017-01-01 Cusi, A., Robutti, O.
Matematica inclusiva in classe: il ruolo chiave dei processi di interazione
2018-01-01 Cusi, A., Boasso, I., Gallipoli, S., Robutti, O., Trinchero, G., Mattei, M., Avandero, S.
Mathematics Teachers Working and Learning Through Collaboration
2017-01-01 Jaworski, B., Chapman, O., Clark-Wilson, A., Cusi, A., Esteley, C., Goos, M., Isoda, M., Joubert, M., Robutti, O.
Meta-Didactical Transposition.2: The Evolution of a Framework to Analyse Teachers’ Collaborative Work with Researchers in Technological Settings
2023-01-01 Cusi, A., Robutti, O., Panero, M., Taranto, E., Aldon, G.
Promoting formative assessment in a connected classroom environment: design and implementation of digital resources
2017-01-01 Cusi, Annalisa; Morselli, Francesca; Sabena, Cristina
Promuovere strategie di valutazione formativa in Matematica con le nuove tecnologie: l’esperienza del progetto FaSMEd
2017-01-01 Cusi, A.; Morselli, F.; Sabena, C.
The challenges of teaching mathematics with digital technologies – the evolving role of the teacher
2014-01-01 Alison Clark-Wilson, Gilles Aldon, Annalisa Cusi, Merrilyn Goos, Mariam Haspekian, Ornella Robutti, Mike Thomas
The use of digital technologies to enhance formative assessment processes
2018-01-01 A. Cusi, F. Morselli, C. Sabena
Valutazione formativa e argomentazione: quale supporto dalle nuove tecnologie? Proposte dal progetto FaSMEd
2017-01-01 A. Cusi, F. Morselli, C. Sabena
Which support technology can give to mathematics formative assessment? The FaSMEd project in Italy and France
2015-01-01 Aldon Gilles; Cusi Annalisa; Morselli Francesca; Panero Monica; Sabena Cristina
“Every time I fell down (made a mistake), I could get up (correct)”: affective factors in formative assessment practices with classroom connected technologies
2017-01-01 Cusi, Annalisa; Morselli, Francesca; Sabena, Cristina