Detection of fentanyl, synthetic opioids, and ketamine in hair specimens from purposive samples of American and Italian populations
2023-01-01 Salomone, Alberto; Galletto, Martina; Massano, Marta; Di Corcia, Daniele; Palamar, Joseph J; Vincenti, Marco
Development and application of a sustainable approach for the determination of 95 pharmaceutical substances and metabolites in urban wastewater by means of ultra-high- performance liquid-chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
2024-01-01 Marta Massano, Dana Privitera, Eugenio Alladio, Enrico Gerace, Marco Minella, Marco Vincenti, Alberto Salomone
Development and validation of a UHPLC-HRMS-QTOF method for the detection of 132 New Psychoactive Substances and synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, in Dried Blood Spots
2022-01-01 Massano M.; Incardona C.; Gerace E.; Negri P.; Alladio E.; Salomone A.; Vincenti M.
Development and validation of the UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantitative determination of 25 PFAS in dried blood spots
2024-01-01 Galletto, Martina; Ververi, Christina; Massano, Marta; Alladio, Eugenio; Vincenti, Marco; Salomone, Alberto
Enhancing breast cancer screening with urinary biomarkers and Random Forest supervised classification: A comprehensive investigation
2024-01-01 Alladio, Eugenio; Trapani, Fulvia; Castellino, Lorenzo; Massano, Marta; Di Corcia, Daniele; Salomone, Alberto; Berrino, Enrico; Ponzone, Riccardo; Marchiò, Caterina; Sapino, Anna; Vincenti, Marco
Metabolic study of new psychoactive substance methoxpropamine in mice by UHPLC-QTOF-HRMS
2023-01-01 Massano, Marta; Gerace, Enrico; Borsari, Martina; Marti, Matteo; Tirri, Micaela; Ververi, Christina; Alladio, Eugenio; Vincenti, Marco; Salomone, Alberto
Method development for the quantification of nine nitazene analogs and brorphine in Dried Blood Spots utilizing liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
2024-01-01 Ververi, Christina; Galletto, Martina; Massano, Marta; Alladio, Eugenio; Vincenti, Marco; Salomone, Alberto
Quantitative determination by UHPLC-MS/MS of 18 common drugs of abuse and metabolites, including THC and OH-THC, in volumetric dried blood spots: a sustainable method with minimally invasive sampling
2024-01-01 Ververi, Christina; Gentile, Claudia; Massano, Marta; Salomone, Alberto; Vincenti, Marco
Simultaneous determination of 137 drugs of abuse, new psychoactive substances, and novel synthetic opioids in meconium by UHPLC-QTOF
2021-01-01 López-Rabuñal, Ángela; Di Corcia, Daniele; Amante, Eleonora; Massano, Marta; Cruz-Landeira, Angelines; de-Castro-Ríos, Ana; Salomone, Alberto
Trends in reported and biologically confirmed drug use among people who use ecstasy in the nightclub/festival-attending population, 2016-2022
2023-01-01 Palamar, Joseph J; Salomone, Alberto; Massano, Marta; Cleland, Charles M
Wastewater surveillance of 105 pharmaceutical drugs and metabolites by means of Ultra-High-Performance Liquid-Chromatography-Tandem High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
2023-01-01 Marta Massano, Alberto Salomone, Enrico Gerace, Eugenio Alladio, Marco Vincenti, Marco Minella