RICCI, Alessandro
RICCI, Alessandro
A composite scale to recognize abdominal pain and its variation over time in response to analgesia in rabbits
2022-01-01 Banchi, Penelope; Quaranta, Giuseppe; Ricci, Alessandro; Degerfeld, Mitzy Mauthe von
A retrospective study and survival analysis on bitches with mammary tumours spayed at the same time of mastectomy
2021-01-01 Banchi P.; Morello E.M.; Bertero A.; Ricci A.; Rota A.
A study on Italian consumers’ perception towards local dairy products.
2022-01-01 V.M. Merlino, M. Renna, J. Nery, A. Muresu, A. Ricci, A. Maggiolino, G. Celano, B. De Ruggieri, M. Tarantola
Animal Cloning: potentials and limits
2006-01-01 Vincenti L; Ricci A.
Are Local Dairy Products Better? Using Principal Component Analysis to Investigate Consumers' Perception towards Quality, Sustainability, and Market Availability
2022-01-01 Valentina Maria Merlino, Manuela Renna, Joana Nery, Arianna Muresu, Alessandro Ricci, Aristide Maggiolino, Giuseppe Celano, Barbara De Ruggieri, Martina Tarantola
Assessment of the temperature cut-off point by a commercial intravaginal device to predict parturition in Piedmontese beef cows
2018-01-01 Ricci, A.*; Racioppi, V.; Iotti, B.; Bertero, A.; Reed, K.F.; Pascottini, O.B.; Vincenti, L.
Association between metritis and glycogen concentration in neutrophils of lactating Holstein cows
2008-01-01 Galvão KN; Brittin SB; Caixeta L; Sper R; Fraga M; Ricci A; Gilbert RO
Association between uterine disease and indicators of neutrophil and systemic energy status in actating Holsten cows
2010-01-01 K. N. Galvão; M. J. B. Flaminio; S. B. Brittin; R. Sper; M. Fraga; L. Caixeta; Ricci A.; J.V.M.S. Galvão; C.L. Guard; and R. O. Gilbert
Association of production yeld, hormonal treatments and pathologies on twin calving in dairy cows: preliminary results
2007-01-01 Ricci A.; Toni F.; Tincani S.; Grigoletto L.; Vincenti L.
Associazione tra concentrazione di glicogeno nei neutrofili, concentrazione di glucosio ematico e patologie uterine nelle bovine da latte
2009-01-01 Ricci A; Vincenti L
Celioscopy as a method of healthy diagnosis of reproductive tract in raptors.
2012-01-01 Dogliero A.; Mauthe von Degerfeld M.; Ricci A.; Scaglione F.; Quaranta G.
Characterization of luteal dynamics in lactating dairy cows for 32 d after synchronization ovulation and timed artificial insemination
2015-01-01 Ricci A; Carvalho PD; Amundson MC; and Fricke PM
Characterization of luteal dynamics in lactating Holstein cows for 32 days after synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination
2017-01-01 Ricci, A.; Carvalho, P.D.; Amundson, M.C.; Fricke, P.M.*
Circulating and endometrial cell oxidative stress in dairy cows diagnosed with metritis
2023-01-01 Malledevarahalli Chandrappa S.; Pascottini O.B.; Opsomer G.; Meineri G.; Martino N.A.; Banchi P.; Vincenti L.; Ricci A.
Compared results of progesterone patterns and fertility in estrus induced Azawak cows in Niger
2012-01-01 C. Semita; F. Cristofori; G. Trucchi; A. Dogliero; A. Ricci; G. Quaranta; L. Vincenti; T. Nervo
Contributo allo studio della repeat Breading Syndrome nella razza bovina piemontese
2011-01-01 Bernardi A; Pregel P; Ricci A; Cannizzo FT; Biolatti B; Vincenti L
Creatine kinase as marker for purulent vaginal discharge and fertility in beef cattle: Using creatine kinase to diagnose purulent vaginal discharge
2022-01-01 Ricci, Alessandro; Gallo, Stefano; Banchi, Penelope; Santhia, Marco; Starvaggi Cucuzza, Alessandro; Vincenti, Leila
Does subclinical endometritis affect Piedmontese beef cows? Results of uterine bacteriology and cytology on dissected uteri.
2012-01-01 Vincenti L.; Ricci A.; Dutto L.; Sferra C.; Bianchi C.; Pistone G.,
Early lactation ratio of fat and protein percentage in milk is associated with health, milk production, and survival.
2011-01-01 Toni F; Vincenti L; Grigoletto L; Ricci A; Schukken YH
2013-01-01 T. Nervo; A. Ricci; C. Lupato;G. Romano