Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.313
EU - Europa 3.479
AS - Asia 1.708
OC - Oceania 220
AF - Africa 134
SA - Sud America 112
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 9.967
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.135
IT - Italia 1.087
SG - Singapore 404
IE - Irlanda 362
GB - Regno Unito 351
DE - Germania 289
SE - Svezia 282
NL - Olanda 266
CN - Cina 229
VN - Vietnam 222
FR - Francia 206
AU - Australia 196
CA - Canada 152
IN - India 125
HK - Hong Kong 112
KR - Corea 102
ID - Indonesia 100
TR - Turchia 90
RU - Federazione Russa 78
UA - Ucraina 67
FI - Finlandia 66
ES - Italia 60
IR - Iran 56
BR - Brasile 54
AT - Austria 53
PL - Polonia 52
MY - Malesia 45
CL - Cile 39
ZA - Sudafrica 39
BE - Belgio 37
CH - Svizzera 35
PH - Filippine 35
GR - Grecia 34
JP - Giappone 32
IL - Israele 27
PK - Pakistan 27
NO - Norvegia 25
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 24
TW - Taiwan 24
DK - Danimarca 23
EG - Egitto 22
SA - Arabia Saudita 21
RO - Romania 20
KE - Kenya 18
NG - Nigeria 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 14
EE - Estonia 13
PT - Portogallo 13
MX - Messico 12
LT - Lituania 11
CO - Colombia 10
MD - Moldavia 9
LB - Libano 6
TZ - Tanzania 6
HU - Ungheria 5
JO - Giordania 5
SC - Seychelles 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BS - Bahamas 4
CV - Capo Verde 4
PS - Palestinian Territory 4
QA - Qatar 4
RS - Serbia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
BO - Bolivia 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
CY - Cipro 3
GE - Georgia 3
GH - Ghana 3
LY - Libia 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
PE - Perù 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AW - Aruba 2
CD - Congo 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
IS - Islanda 2
KW - Kuwait 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MA - Marocco 2
MR - Mauritania 2
OM - Oman 2
PA - Panama 2
RE - Reunion 2
SI - Slovenia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EU - Europa 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
Totale 9.962
Città #
Santa Clara 1.031
Dublin 311
Singapore 310
Chandler 270
Fairfield 207
Dong Ket 166
Redwood City 129
Houston 128
Ashburn 126
Milan 117
Columbus 109
Nyköping 91
Turin 91
Jakarta 82
Ann Arbor 77
Woodbridge 76
Rome 73
Sydney 71
Beijing 70
Pisa 69
Wilmington 69
Princeton 66
Cambridge 65
Seattle 60
Medford 54
Boardman 50
Warsaw 44
Seoul 43
Boston 42
London 40
San Diego 38
Jacksonville 37
Vienna 33
Las Vegas 31
Helsinki 30
Perth 29
Chennai 28
Los Angeles 27
Hangzhou 26
San Jose 26
Santiago 26
Torino 26
Istanbul 25
Florence 23
Ottawa 23
Brisbane 22
Toronto 22
Dearborn 21
Amsterdam 19
Auckland 19
Council Bluffs 19
Edinburgh 19
Melbourne 18
Montreal 18
San Francisco 18
Central 17
Delft 17
Frankfurt am Main 17
Lappeenranta 17
Munich 17
Utrecht 17
Genoa 16
Palermo 16
Shanghai 16
Ankara 15
Hong Kong 15
Padova 15
Berlin 14
Paris 14
Barcelona 13
Bologna 13
Central District 13
New York 13
Nuremberg 13
Oslo 13
Staten Island 13
Taipei 13
Austin 12
Bray 12
Canegrate 12
Chicago 12
Hamburg 12
Kuala Lumpur 12
Seongnam 12
Stockholm 12
Washington 12
West Palm Beach 12
Bolzano 11
Brussels 11
Columbia 11
Hebei 11
Madrid 11
Manchester 11
Mountain View 11
Pittsburgh 11
Tehran 11
Cairo 10
Charlotte 10
Dallas 10
Enschede 10
Totale 5.346
Nome #
Silence of the Idols: Appropriating the Myth of Sisyphus for Posthumanist Discourses 825
Meaningful Human Control Over Smart Home Systems: A Value Sensitive Design Approach 607
Should We Reset? A Review of Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret’s ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’ 443
The future of war: could lethal autonomous weapons make conflict more ethical? 402
AI Winter 314
Human Enhancement and Reproductive Ethics on Generation Ships 311
The Future of Value Sensitive Design 298
Big Tech corporations and AI: A Social License to Operate and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in the Digital Age 217
Designing Genetic Engineering Technologies For Human Values 213
Conceptualizing Policy in Value Sensitive Design: A Machine Ethics Approach 202
Evaluating future nanotechnology: The net societal impacts of atomically precise manufacturing 197
Oggetti Buoni: Per una tecnologia sensibile ai valori 193
Sex Robots: Love in the Age of Machines 190
The moral psychology of value sensitive design: the methodological issues of moral intuitions for responsible innovation 185
Imaginative Value Sensitive Design: Using Moral Imagination Theory to Inform Responsible Technology Design 172
Agile as a Vehicle for Values: A Value Sensitive Design Toolkit 169
Methodology for ethical analysis, scan results of existing ethical codes and guidelines 166
Value-Oriented and Ethical Technology Engineering in Industry 5.0: A Human-Centric Perspective for the Design of the Factory of the Future 156
Designing Smart Operator 4.0 for Human Values: A Value Sensitive Design Approach 156
Designing AI for Explainability and Verifiability: A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Avoid Artificial Stupidity in Autonomous Vehicles 151
Coupling Levels of Abstraction in Understanding Meaningful Human Control of Autonomous Weapons: A Two-Tiered Approach 143
Lethal Autonomous Weapons: Designing War Machines with Values 141
Communities of Quantum Technologies: Stakeholder Identification, Legitimation, and Interaction 140
Reimagining the future of engineering 125
Beneficial Artificial Intelligence Coordination by means of a Value Sensitive Design Approach 123
Safe-(for whom?)-by-Design: Adopting a Posthumanist Ethics for Technology Design 122
Nonconscious Cognitive Suffering: Considering Suffering Risks of Embodied Artificial Intelligence 121
Leadership Strategy and Tactics: Field Manual 120
Book Review: Phil Torres's Morality, Foresight, and Human Flourishing: An Introduction to Existential Risks 106
Designing in Ethics 104
The Contemporary Posthuman 103
Co-Design of a Trustworthy AI System in Healthcare: Deep Learning Based Skin Lesion Classifier 103
Steps to Designing AI-Empowered Nanotechnology: A Value Sensitive Design Approach 95
Technology Ethics: Responsible Innovation and Design Strategies 93
Posthumanism: A Fickle Philosophy? 83
Humankind: solidarity with nonhuman people 83
Designing a Nano-Safe Future 79
Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Contextual Nature of Hors de Combat Status 78
Combinatory and Complementary Practices of Values and Virtues in Design: A Reply to Reijers and Gordijn 76
Book Review: Moving to A Posthuman Technosphere 72
Book Review: Shikake: The Japanese Art of Shaping Behavior Through Design 69
Maurizio Balistreri, "Sex robot. L’amore al tempo delle macchine" 68
Miglioramento e Potenziamento degli Operatori Sanitari attraverso la Progettazione 67
Towards a Value Sensitive Design Framework for Attaining Meaningful Human Control over Autonomous Weapons Systems 66
Designed for Death: Controlling Killer Robots 66
Can Humans Dream of Electric Sheep? 64
A Value-Sensitive Design Approach to Intelligent Agents 63
A Theory of Everything? 63
Atomically precise manufacturing and responsible innovation: A value sensitive design approach to explorative nanophilosophy 63
Imaginative Value Sensitive Design: How Moral Imagination Exceeds Moral Law Theories in Informing Responsible Innovation 61
Reckoning with assessment: can we responsibly innovate? 60
Etica e carne coltivata 59
Responsible Nudging for Social Good: New Healthcare Skills for AI-driven Digital Personal Assistants 59
The Rise of Realism 59
A Review of Leonardo Caffo and Azzurra Muzzonigro's "Costruire Futuri: Migrazioni, citt\`a, immaginazioni" 57
Mapping value sensitive design onto AI for social good principles 57
The Ecological Turn in Design: Adopting A Posthumanist Ethics to Inform Value Sensitive Design 53
Accoppiare i livelli di astrazione nella comprensione del controllo umano delle armi autonome 53
The Morality Pill: The Ethics of Moral Enhancement 52
Editorial Preface 48
A Value Sensitive Design Approach for Designing AI-Based Worker Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 48
From Subjectivity to Objectivity: Bernard Lonergan's Philosophy as a Grounding for Value Sensitive Design 47
Values, Imagination, and Praxis: Towards a Value Sensitive Future with Technology 47
Ethics of climate engineering: Don’t forget technology has an ethical aspect too 47
Editorial for the Special Issue on Meaningful Human Control and Autonomous Weapons Systems 47
What do Trollies Teach Us About Responsible Innovation? 46
Value Sensitive Design to Achieve the UN SDGs with AI: A Case of Elderly Care Robots 45
Translators Forward 45
Robot Care Ethics Between Autonomy and Vulnerability: Coupling Principles and Practices in Autonomous Systems for Care 44
Translator's Forward 43
Nihilism and Technology by Nolen Gertz 42
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future 42
Sustainable Climate Engineering Innovation and the Need for Accountability 41
Evolution Science and Ethics in the Third Millennium: Challenges and Choices for Humankind by Robert Cliquet and Dragana Avramov. 38
Ethics of Quantum Technologies: A Scoping Review 37
Explorative Nanophilosophy as Tecnoscienza: An Italian Perspective on the Role of Speculation in Nanoindustry 36
The ethics of artificial intelligence and robotisation in tourism and hospitality – a conceptual framework and research agenda 35
Assessing Trustworthy AI in times of COVID-19. Deep Learning for predicting a multi-regional score conveying the degree of lung compromise in COVID-19 patients 33
Modifying the environment or human nature? What is the right choice for space travel and Mars colonisation? 33
The Role of Engineers in Harmonizing Human Values for AI Systems Design 33
Christ Brings All Newness: Essays, Reviews, and Reflections by Robert Imbelli (review) 29
Editorial: Designing for value change 29
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future 28
Space travel does not constitute a condition of moral exceptionality. That which obtains in space obtains also on Earth! 28
Quantum Technologies in Industry 4.0: Navigating the Ethical Frontier with Value-Sensitive Design 27
Should the colonisation of space be based on reproduction? Critical considerations on the choice of having a child in space 26
The Ethics of Space Travelling and Extraterrestrial Colonization. What is Moral in Space is also Moral on Earth 25
Digital humanism as a bottom-up ethics 25
Beyond the Lab: Ethical and Cultural Contemplations on Cultivated Meat 23
Dalla soggettività all’oggettività: la filosofia di Bernard Lonergan come fondamento per il design sensibile ai valori 21
Humans versus Robots in Space Exploration and Colonization: A Contextualized Approach 20
From speculation to reality: enhancing anticipatory ethics for emerging technologies (ATE) in practice 20
The Intersection of Bernard Lonergan’s Critical Realism, the Common Good, and Artificial Intelligence in Modern Religious Practices 19
Reframing Deception for Human-Centered AI 19
Book Review: The Eucharistic Vision of Laudato Si’: Praise, Conversion, and Integral Ecology 18
Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance and the Threat of Authoritarianism 18
Tolkien’s Faith: A Spiritual Biography, By Holly Ordway 18
Democratization of Quantum Technologies 17
Emotions and Automation in a High-Tech Workplace: A Commentary 16
Introduction: The Biopolitics of Human Enhancement 15
Totale 10.154
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.500
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 943
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 28.443

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020311 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 52 47 65 53 61
2020/20211.318 43 69 87 106 77 135 99 79 137 125 146 215
2021/20221.755 115 163 91 191 119 101 94 234 86 140 239 182
2022/20232.162 133 144 141 196 180 355 205 188 221 158 126 115
2023/20241.763 118 127 135 160 156 128 161 131 57 211 204 175
2024/20252.571 127 257 232 362 1.141 416 36 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.202