TEMA, Evdokia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.030
EU - Europa 2.410
AS - Asia 1.181
SA - Sud America 40
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 7.678
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.972
IT - Italia 696
IE - Irlanda 376
SG - Singapore 356
CN - Cina 346
FR - Francia 251
DE - Germania 240
VN - Vietnam 225
SE - Svezia 185
FI - Finlandia 183
PL - Polonia 153
KR - Corea 103
UA - Ucraina 76
GB - Regno Unito 69
ID - Indonesia 66
AT - Austria 63
CA - Canada 50
BE - Belgio 38
BR - Brasile 37
IN - India 27
JP - Giappone 26
ES - Italia 19
CH - Svizzera 16
HK - Hong Kong 15
GR - Grecia 11
NL - Olanda 11
ZA - Sudafrica 8
MX - Messico 6
TR - Turchia 6
AU - Australia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
RO - Romania 3
TW - Taiwan 3
EU - Europa 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
IR - Iran 2
LT - Lituania 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PT - Portogallo 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BT - Bhutan 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DM - Dominica 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 7.678
Città #
Santa Clara 887
Chandler 385
Dublin 375
Beijing 277
Pisa 237
Singapore 228
Villeurbanne 211
Dong Ket 195
Fairfield 192
Warsaw 152
Houston 150
Wilmington 142
Princeton 135
Ann Arbor 125
Ashburn 123
Columbus 119
Medford 107
Torino 94
Woodbridge 89
Jacksonville 68
Dearborn 67
Seattle 66
Jakarta 64
Boston 60
Vienna 57
Cambridge 56
Nyköping 53
Milan 48
Fremont 42
Turin 39
Brussels 36
Toronto 30
San Diego 22
Norwalk 21
Rome 21
Boardman 19
Düsseldorf 15
Helsinki 12
Verona 12
Buffalo 10
Redwood City 10
New York 9
Ottawa 9
Bologna 8
Falkenstein 8
Hong Kong 8
Nanjing 8
Naples 8
Renens 8
Bottanuco 7
Brandon 7
Madrid 7
Mumbai 7
Kunming 6
Navi Mumbai 6
Phoenix 6
Auburn Hills 5
Bari 5
Central District 5
Falls Church 5
Guangzhou 5
Hefei 5
Jinan 5
Kochi 5
London 5
Nuremberg 5
Paris 5
Pianezza 5
University Park 5
Washington 5
Athens 4
Hebei 4
Lachine 4
Latina 4
Mascali 4
Moncalieri 4
Munich 4
Pagani 4
Pomigliano D'arco 4
Talence 4
Alba 3
Basel 3
Council Bluffs 3
Cuneo 3
Hangzhou 3
Kumar 3
Lappeenranta 3
Montreal 3
New Taipei City 3
Novara 3
Nürnberg 3
Palermo 3
Patras 3
Rivoli 3
Sevilla 3
Shanghai 3
Stockholm 3
São Paulo 3
Abano Terme 2
Barletta 2
Totale 5.331
Nome #
The Afragola settlement near Vesuvius, Italy: the destruction and abandonment of a Bronze Age village revealed by archaeology, volcanology and rock-magnetism 218
A 10,000 yr record of high-resolution Paleosecular Variation from a flowstone of Rio Martino Cave, Northwestern Alps, Italy 195
Archaeointensity determinations from Italy: new data and the Earth's magnetic field strength variation over the past three millennia. 145
Late Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphic record from the Northern Ionian Sea 124
A preliminary Italian Secular Variation Curve: Comparison with global geomagnetic field models and application to archaeomagnetic dating. 118
Secular variation of the Earth’s magnetic field in the Balkan region during the last eight millennia based on archaeomagnetic data. 118
Investigating the archaeointensity determination success of prehistoric ceramics through a multidisciplinary approach: new and re-evaluated data from Greek collections. 118
Fontanetto Po, strada vicinale antica Torino-Casale. Fornaci di epoca moderna e strada glareata romana. 112
Anisotropy of magnetic fabric of tiles and bricks: implications on archaeomagnetic dating. 110
Secular variation in Italy during last four centuries: Comparison of direct measurements and lava flows remanence. 102
A Continuous High Resolution Directional Secular Variation Record from Italian Speleothems: Rio Martino Cave, Western Alps, Italy 99
Holocene Critical Zone dynamics in an Alpine catchment inferred from a speleothem multiproxy record: disentangling climate and human influences 99
Combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence study of a brick kiln excavated at Fontanetto Po (Vercelli, Northern Italy) 98
New archaeointensity data from Italy and geomagnetic field intensity variation in the Italian Peninsula. 98
Studio di provenienza dell’ossidiana mediante analisi della granulometria magnetica. 97
Archaeological, archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence investigation of a baked clay kiln excavated at Chieri, northern Italy: contribution to the rescue of our cultural heritage 93
Reconstructing the Geomagnetic Field in West Africa: First Absolute Intensity Results from Burkina Faso 93
8000 years of geomagnetic field Secular Variation in the Balkan Peninsula based on archaeomagnetic data. 92
Archaeomagnetic study of a lime kiln at Bazzano (northern Italy) 90
The Earth's magnetic field in Italy during the Neolithic period: New data from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (Marche, Italy) 90
High-diversity European palaeoflora favoured by early Pliocene warmth: New chronological constraints from the Ca' Viettone section, NW Italy 88
New archeaointensity data from Italian archaeological sites 87
Historical measurements of the Earth's magnetic field compared with remanence directions from lava flows in Italy over the last four centuries 87
Indagine archeomagnetica sulle fornaci rinvenute negli scavi di Vagnari e Faragola 86
Intensity of the Earth's magnetic field in Greece during the last five millennia: New data from Greek pottery 86
Archaeointensity and archaeodirectional determinations from ancient iron kilns located in West Africa 85
Magnetic fabric in carbonatic rocks from thrust shear zones: A study from the Northern Apennines (Italy) 85
Archaeomagnetic dating: Examples from Euboea-Attica and the missing link between the central Greek mainland and the islands. 83
Chieri, via dei Molini n. 4: Resti di età romana e fornace postmedievale. 80
Archaeomagnetic study of a lime kiln at Bazzano (Northern Itlay) and age estimation using the Bayesian approach. 79
Archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence combined analysis as a promising dating tool in archaeology: a case study of an ancient workshop, Kato Achaia, Greece 79
Secular variation of the Earth’s magnetic field in the Balkan region during the last 5 millennia. 79
Unconformity-bounded stratigraphy in the Plio-Pleistocene continental record: New insights from the Alessandria Basin (NW Italy) 78
A compilation of Italian archaeomagnetic data. 76
Stratigraphical and palaeontological data from the Early Pleistocene Pirro 10 site of Pirro Nord (Puglia, south eastern Italy) 76
Archaeomagnetic dating: Examples from Euboea and thte missing link between central Greek mainland and the islands 76
Indagine archeomagnetica sulle fornaci ricevute negli scavi di Vagnari e Ascoli Satriano 75
New malacological data from the Villafranchian upper complex in the Alessandria basin 75
The first latest Piacenzian-Gelasian fluvial record in northern Italy: insights from the Alessandria Basin 75
Archaeomagnetic dating of ancient kilns: a promising dating tool for archaeological research. How precise can it be? 75
Estimating the equivalent firing temperature of ancient baked clay artifacts through magnetic measurements. 75
Geomagnetic Applications in Archeology: State of the Art and Recent Advances 75
Archaeomagnetic study of a brick kiln excavated at Fontanetto Po (Vercelli, Northern Italy) 74
Combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence dating of a kiln excavated at Fontanetto Po (Northern Italy). 71
Magnetic Granulometry as a Sourcing Characteristic of Archaeological Obsidian in the Mediterranean 71
Statistical analysis of the inclination shallowing observed in palaeomagnetic studies of recent (last 400 yr) lava flows 69
New archaeomagnetic results from an ancient kiln excavated at Chieri, Northern Italy 69
A directional Secular Variation Curve for Greece for the last 4500 years: Comparison with regional and global geomagnetic field models. 68
A systematic inclination shallowing in lava flow records from the last four centuries 67
An updated catalogue of Greek archaeomagnetic data and a directional secular variation curve for the last 4500 years. 67
Archaeomagnetic Research in Italy: Recent achievements and future perspectives 67
Reply to Comment on "Historical measurements of the Earth's magnetic field compared with remanence directions from lava flows in Italy over the last four centuries" by Tanguy J.C., Principe C., Arrighi S. 66
The Pliocene-Pleistocene transition in Southern Piedmont: New data from Alessandria basin. 66
Archaeology and Geomagnetism: Investigating the Earth's magnetic field in Italy during the Neolithic period. New data from the Portonovo archaeological site (Marche, Italy) 66
Intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field in prehistoric Macedonia: a multidisciplinary approach for material selection 65
Archaeomagnetic dating in Italy: an example of a baked clay kiln excavated at Santhià, Northern Italy 65
Magnetic fabric of tiles and bricks from three furnaces (IV-VI century A.D.) in southern Italy 64
Dating of ancient kilns: A combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence analysis applied to a brick workshop at Kato Achaia, Greece 63
Archaeometric and archaeomagnetic measurements on Greek ceramics and baked clays: A promising combination. 62
Archaeointensity determination of the Earth's magnetic field in coastal Ecuador during the last six millennia: New data from Ecuadorian Potsherds 62
Human colonization and volcanic activity in the Eastern Campania Plain (Italy) between Early Bronze Age and 79 AD. 61
A Holocene high resolution geomagnetic field record from Rio Martini cave (Western Alps, Northern Italy) 61
Palaeotemperature estimation of the pyroclastic deposit covering the pre-Minoan palaeosol at Megalochory Quarry, Santorini (Greece): Evidence from magnetic measurements. 60
Nuevos datos de arqueointensidad para Italia y la variación secular de la intensidad del campo geomagnético durante los últimos tres milenios. 59
Detailed archaeomagnetic study of a ceramic workshop at Kato Achaia: New directional data and archaeomagnetic dating in Greece. 59
Dating of ancient baked clays: A combined archaeomagnetic and thermoluminescence analysis applied to a brick workshop at Kato Achaia, Greece 59
The Earth's magnetic field in Italy during the Neolithic period: New data from the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (March, Italy) 59
L’eruzione delle Pomici di Avellino Evidenze dal sito di Nola - Croce - del Papa 59
Archaeomagnetic dating in Greece: new directional results from two contemporaneous kilns. 58
Archaeometric and archaeomagnetic research on ceramics: case studies from Hellenistic sites in Greece 58
Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic data during the last four centuries: evidence of systematic inclination shallowing in lava flow records. 58
Archaeometric and archaeomagnetic measurements on Greek ceramics and baked clays: A promising combination 57
Archaeomagnetic dating in Italy based on the full geomagnetic field vector: New results from Italian kilns 56
Palaeomagnetic analysis on pottery as indicator of the pyroclastic flow deposits temperature: new data and stastical interpretation from the Minoan eruption of Santorini, Greece 56
Archaeomagnetism in Italy: A compilation of data including new results and a preliminary Italian Secular Variation curve. 54
Estimation of deposition temperatures of the first pumice fall of the Minoan eruption at Santorini determined by palaeomagnetic analysis. 54
Magnetic sourcing of obsidians from a Neolithic site in Northern Italy 54
Estimate of the magnetic anisotropy effect on the archaeomagnetic inclination of ancient bricks. 53
Santhià, via Castelnuovo, Cascina Madonna. Fornaci di età moderna: analisi archeometriche 53
The importance of multidisciplinary dating in rescue excavations: The case of Santhià, Northern Italy 52
An update of Italian archaeointensity data and geomagnetic field strength variation during the last three millennia. 51
Palaeomagnetic analysis on Late Bronze Age Pottery from Santorini: New data from the Akrotiri excavation and estimation of the deposition temperatures of the Minoan pyroclastic products 50
Directional results and absolute archaeointensity determination by the classical Thellier and the multi-specimen DSC protocols for two kilns excavated at Osterietta, Italy 49
Investigating the expected archaeomagnetic dating precision in Europe: A temporal and spatial analysis based on the SCHA.DIF.3K geomagnetic field model 49
Geomagnetic field secular variation in Pacific Ocean: A Bayesian reference curve based on Holocene Hawaiian lava flows. 48
Improving our knowledge of the geomagnetic field intensity in South America: New archaeointensity data from potsherds derived from three archaeological sites in Ecuador 47
Full-vector archaeomagnetic and rock-magnetic results from Portuguese kilns 45
New directional results and determination of absolute archaeointensity using both the classical Thellier and the multi-specimen procedures for two kilns excavated at Osterietta, Italy 45
New archaeointensity results from Italian kilns and archaeomagnetic dating based on the full geomagnetic field vector 45
The use of ceramics in the reconstruction of the geomagnetic field intensity variation in the past: New data from Greek pottery 45
Multi-disciplinary dating of a baked clay kiln excavated at Chieri, Northern Italy 44
First archaeointensity results from four types of ancient kilns excavated in Burkina Faso (West Africa) 44
Geomagnetic field Secular Variation in Pacific Ocean: A first Bayesian reference curve based on Hawaiian Lava Flows 44
Archaeomagnetic Study of Kiln 6, Vagnari 43
Magnetic granulometry as a provenance proxy of archaeological obsidian in the Mediterranean. 43
Investigating the precision of archaeomagnetic dating during the last 3000 years 43
Prehistoric ceramics as recorders of the Earth's magnetic field intensity: case studies from North-Central Greece and a multidisciplinary approach for material selection 42
An Updated Catalogue of Italian Palaeomagnetic Data from Volcanic Rocks and Archaeological Artifacts. 41
Geomagnetic Secular Variation in the Eastern Mediterranean: First directional data from Cyprus 41
Quality control of archaeomagnetic determination using a modern kiln with a complex NRM. 39
Totale 7.309
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.529
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.117
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.646

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 81 43 22
2020/2021751 107 11 39 30 35 33 38 23 65 55 50 265
2021/2022806 26 61 24 30 19 21 65 27 26 67 202 238
2022/20231.320 182 84 37 144 80 335 149 92 118 15 59 25
2023/2024449 70 81 23 24 28 31 14 9 4 19 38 108
2024/20251.709 7 185 103 169 854 201 60 89 41 0 0 0
Totale 8.032