RIBONI, Giorgia
RIBONI, Giorgia
Academic Writing on Twitter: How Microblogging Becomes an Empowering Tool for Researchers
2016-01-01 G. Riboni
Approaches to teaching LSP: an Introduction
2016-01-01 G. Garzone; D. Heaney; G. Riboni
Beauty Discourse and Web 2.0: The Case of Makeup Gurus
2015-01-01 G. Riboni
Between professionalism and amateurship : makeup discourse on YouTube
2017-01-01 G. Riboni
Between Professionalism and Amateurship: Makeup Discourse in Social Media
2015-01-01 G. Riboni
Chatting and Whispering: How Twitter Becomes an Empowering Tool for PhD Students
2014-01-01 G. Riboni
Chiara Degano, Discorsi di guerra: il prologo del conflitto iracheno nella stampa britannica e italiana. (Milano, LED, 2008 – pp. 214 ISBN 978-88-7916-376-7)
2011-01-01 G. Riboni
Constructing (Cyber-)space on Twitter: A Study of Place Deixis in Tweets
2014-01-01 Giorgia Riboni
Constructing SYRIZA: The Greek Election in Online Newspapers and Blogs
2015-01-01 G. Riboni
Constructing Syriza: The Greek Elections in British Online Newspapers and Blogs
2017-01-01 Riboni Giorgia
Constructing the terrorist in the decisions of the supreme court of the United States and the European court of human rights
2010-01-01 G. Riboni
Discourses of Authenticity on YouTube : From the Personal to the Professional
2020-01-01 G Riboni
Disease mongering, overdiagnosis, and media practices: a critical discourse analysis of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) and the motivational deficiency disorder (MoDeD) spoof
2024-01-01 Heaney, Dermot; RIBONI, Giorgia
Enhancing Citizen Engagement : Political Weblogs and Participatory Democracy
2015-01-01 G. Riboni
Focus on LSP teaching : developments and issues
2016-01-01 G. Garzone; D. Heaney; G. Riboni
From Blogging to Microblogging: The Case of Whole Foods
2010-01-01 G. Riboni
From Blogging to Microblogging: The Case of Whole Foods Market
2014-01-01 RIBONI, GIORGIA
2017-01-01 B. Mottura; L. Osti; G. Riboni
Knowledge Dissemination, Ethics and Ideology in Specialised Communication: Linguistic and Discursive Perspectives
2018-01-01 Dermot Heaney; Giorgia Riboni; Emanuele Brambilla
Knowledge Dissemination, Ethics and Ideology in Specialised Communication: Linguistic and discursive perspectives : pre-conference proceedings
2018-01-01 Dermot Heaney; Giorgia Riboni; Emanuele Brambilla