CARANTA, Roberto
CARANTA, Roberto
A Guide to the Italian Literature on Public Procurement
2008-01-01 CARANTA R.
A Setback for Competition (and State Aid) in the Railway Sector
2020-01-01 Roberto Caranta - Benedetta Biancardi
Accordi tra amministrazioni e contratti pubblici
2013-01-01 R. Caranta
Administrative Appeals in Italy
2016-01-01 Caranta Roberto
Administrative appeals in the Italian law: On the Brinks of Extinction or Might They be Saved (and Are They Worth Saving?)
2014-01-01 mario comba; roberto caranta
Administrative Proceedings in Italy
2023-01-01 Roberto Caranta
Administrative Tribunals e Courts in Inghilterra (e Galles)
2015-01-01 Roberto caranta
Affidamento dei servizi di ambulanza al no-profit
2015-01-01 Caranta, Roberto
After Spezzino (Case C-113/13): A Major Loophole Allowing Direct Awards in the Social Sector
2016-01-01 Caranta Roberto
An intelectual history of concessions and PPP law
2020-01-01 roberto caranta; paolo patrito
An Introduction to the Concessions Directive
2018-01-01 Roberto Caranta
Anchor Institutions e diritto degli appalti e dei contratti pubblici
2019-01-01 Roberto Caranta
Ancora in salita la strada per le società miste
2008-01-01 CARANTA R.
Art. 97
2006-01-01 R. CARANTA
Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Field of Public Procurement: Time to Take the Charter Seriously?
2022-01-01 Roberto Caranta
Assicurazioni (vigilanza sulle)
2006-01-01 R. CARANTA
Attività amministrativa ed illecito aquiliano. La responsabilità della p.a. dopo la l. 21 luglio 2000, n. 205
2001-01-01 R. CARANTA
Autonomie e mercato
2006-01-01 R. CARANTA
Award of contracts covered by EU Public Procurement rules in Italy
2013-01-01 R. Caranta; M. Comba
Bringing State Aid cases to courts: the need to rethink standing
2023-01-01 Roberto Caranta