A Calculus of Realizers for EM1-Arithmetic
2008-01-01 Stefano Berardi; Ugo De' Liguoro
A Filter Model for the Lambda-Mu Calculus
2011-01-01 Steffen van Bakel; Franco Brabanera; Ugo de'Liguoro
A Game Interpretation of Retractable Contracts
2016-01-01 Barbanera, Franco; de’ Liguoro, Ugo
A realizability interpretation for intersection and union types
2016-01-01 Dougherty, Daniel J.; De’Liguoro, Ugo; Liquori, Luigi; Stolze, Claude
Characterisation of Strongly Normalising lambda-mu-Terms
2013-01-01 Steffen van Bakel; FrancoBarbanera; Ugo de'Liguoro
Characterizing convergent terms in object calculi via intersection types
2001-01-01 U. DE' LIGUORO
Compliance for reversible client/server interactions
2014-01-01 F. Barbanera; M. Dezani; U. de'Liguoro
From Semantics to Types: the Case of the Imperative lambda-Calculus
2021-01-01 Ugo de' Liguoro, Riccardo Treglia
Global Types for Open Systems
2018-01-01 Barbanera, Franco; de'Liguoro, Ugo; Hennicker, Rolf
Intersection Types for a Computational lambda-Calculus with Global State
2021-01-01 Ugo de'Liguoro - Riccardo Treglia
Intersection types for a λ-calculus with global store
2021-01-01 de'Liguoro, Ugo; Treglia, Riccardo
Intersection Types for the Computational lambda-Calculus
2019-01-01 Ugo de'Liguoro - Riccardo Treglia
Knowledge Spaces and the Completeness of Learning Strategies
2012-01-01 Stefano Berardi; Ugo de'Liguoro
Logical Semantics for the First Order Sigma-Calculus
2003-01-01 Steffen van Bakel ; Ugo de' Liguoro
Loosening the notions of compliance and sub-behaviour in client/server systems
2014-01-01 F. Barbanera; U. de'Liguoro
Mailbox Types for Unordered Interactions
2018-01-01 Ugo de'Liguoro; Luca Padovani
Mixin Composition Synthesis Based on Intersection Types
2015-01-01 Bessai, Jan; Dudenhefner, Andrej; D\"udder, Boris; Chen, Tzu-Chun; de'Liguoro Ugo; Rehof, Jakob
Must preorder in non-deterministic untyped lambda calculus
1992-01-01 Ugo de'Liguoro; Adolfo Piperno
Non-monotonic Pre-fixed Points and Learning
2013-01-01 Stefano Berardi; Ugo de'Liguoro
On Progress for Structured Communications
2008-01-01 Mariangiola Dezani; Ugo de' Liguoro; Nobuko Yoshida