A deep post-castration funiculitis resolved with marsupialization in one horse
2016-01-01 V Caramello; G Giusto; A Garbieri; A Rosso; M Gandini
A modified semi-closed castration technique in 15 horses
2016-01-01 G Giusto; V Caramello; M Gandini
A new technique for laparoscopic trocar site closure in dogs
2016-01-01 Giusto, Gessica; Gandini, Marco
A new technique for laparoscopic trocar site closure: feasibility study and comparison with a previously described method in pigs.
2014-01-01 M. Gandini; G. Giusto
A new, easy-to-make pectin-honey hydrogel enhances wound healing in rats
2017-01-01 Giusto, Gessica; Vercelli, Cristina; Comino, Francesco; Caramello, Vittorio; Tursi, Massimiliano; Gandini, Marco
A new, easy-to-make, Pectin – Honey hydrogel enhances wound healing in rats
2016-01-01 G Giusto; C Vercelli; F Comino; V Caramello; M Gandini
A pectin-honey hydrogel prevents postoperative intraperitoneal adhesions in a rat model
2016-01-01 G Giusto; C Vercelli; A Audisio; S Iussich; E Morello; M Gandini
A pectin-honey hydrogel prevents postoperative intraperitoneal adhesions in a rat model.
2017-01-01 Giusto, G; Vercelli, C; Iussich, S; Audisio, A; Morello, E; Odore, R; Gandini, M.
A pressure-sensitive glove for standardisation of the force applied during distal forelimb flexion tests in horses
2016-01-01 V Caramello; G Giusto; F Comino; C Bellino; M Gandini
A Pressure-Sensitive Glove for Standardization of the Force Applied During Distal Forelimb Flexion Tests in Horses
2016-01-01 Giusto, Gessica; Caramello, Vittorio; Comino, Francesco; Bellino, Claudio; Gandini, Marco
A simple method to produce pectin-honey hydrogels and its characterization as new biomaterial for surgical use
2016-01-01 Giusto G; Vercelli C; Valle E; Tramuta C; Grego E; Nebbia P; Robino P; Gandini M
Abdominal surgery under epidural anaesthesia in calves
2023-01-01 Gessica Giusto, Claudio Bellino, Anna Cerullo, Alberto Ceppa, Marco Gandini
Activité antibactérienne de membranes á base de miel de Manuka et de miel de miellat sur les germes de plaies chez les animaux
2017-01-01 Tramuta, Clara; Nebbia, Patrizia; Robino, Patrizia Maria; Giusto, Gessica; Gandini, Marco; Chiadã²-cutin, S.; Grego, Elena
An effective, easy-to-make haemostasis simulator.
2014-01-01 M. Gandini; G. Giusto; F. Comino
An integrated approach for education/training in Veterinary Public Health (VPH) by the Department of Veterinary Science, University of Turin (DVS_UNITO): the experiences of the “VPH mobile clinic” and the “VPH practical weeks”
2017-01-01 De Meneghi, Daniele; Rota, Alessandra; Sferra, Chiara; Civera, Tiziana; Nebbia, Patrizia; Tarducci, Alberto; Rossi, Luca; Gandini, Marco; Marino, Mario; Tedde, Giovanni; Moretta, Mauro; Re, Giovanni
Anastomotic techniques for small intestinal obstruction in horses. A scoping review
2024-01-01 Gessica Giusto, Anna Cerullo, Marco Gandini
Antibacterial activity of honeys produced in Piedmont against pathogenic bacteria in comparison to manuka honey
2013-01-01 Grego E.; Nebbia P.; Gandini M.; Robino P.
Aritmie cardiache e rischio anestesiologico nel cavallo. Discussione di tre casi
Biomechanical comparison of four technique for pelvic flexure enterotomy closure in horses
2013-01-01 Marco Gandini;Bryan N. Iotti;Gessica Giusto
Changes in Perioperative Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Regimens for Colic Surgery in Horses: A Single Center Report
2022-01-01 Gandini, Marco; Cerullo, Anna; Franci, Paolo; Giusto, Gessica