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The clinical profile and outcome of nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis are not well defined.To compare the characteristics and outcomes of community-associated and nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis.Prospective cohort study.61 hospitals in 28 countries.Patients with definite native valve endocarditis and no history of injection drug use who were enrolled in the ICE-PCS (International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study) from June 2000 to August 2005.Clinical and echocardiographic findings, microbiology, complications, and mortality.Health care-associated native valve endocarditis was present in 557 (34\%) of 1622 patients (303 with nosocomial infection [54\%] and 254 with non-nosocomial infection [46\%]). Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of health care-associated infection (nosocomial, 47\%; non-nosocomial, 42\%; P = 0.30); a high proportion of patients had methicillin-resistant S. aureus (nosocomial, 57\%; non-nosocomial, 41\%; P = 0.014). Fewer patients with health care-associated native valve endocarditis had cardiac surgery (41\% vs. 51\% of community-associated cases; P < 0.001), but more of the former patients died (25\% vs. 13\%; P < 0.001). Multivariable analysis confirmed greater mortality associated with health care-associated native valve endocarditis (incidence risk ratio, 1.28 [95\% CI, 1.02 to 1.59]).Patients were treated at hospitals with cardiac surgery programs. The results may not be generalizable to patients receiving care in other types of facilities or to those with prosthetic valves or past injection drug use.More than one third of cases of native valve endocarditis in non-injection drug users involve contact with health care, and non-nosocomial infection is common, especially in the United States. Clinicians should recognize that outpatients with extensive out-of-hospital health care contacts who develop endocarditis have clinical characteristics and outcomes similar to those of patients with nosocomial infection.None.
Health care-associated native valve endocarditis: importance of non-nosocomial acquisition.
The clinical profile and outcome of nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis are not well defined.To compare the characteristics and outcomes of community-associated and nosocomial and non-nosocomial health care-associated native valve endocarditis.Prospective cohort study.61 hospitals in 28 countries.Patients with definite native valve endocarditis and no history of injection drug use who were enrolled in the ICE-PCS (International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study) from June 2000 to August 2005.Clinical and echocardiographic findings, microbiology, complications, and mortality.Health care-associated native valve endocarditis was present in 557 (34\%) of 1622 patients (303 with nosocomial infection [54\%] and 254 with non-nosocomial infection [46\%]). Staphylococcus aureus was the most common cause of health care-associated infection (nosocomial, 47\%; non-nosocomial, 42\%; P = 0.30); a high proportion of patients had methicillin-resistant S. aureus (nosocomial, 57\%; non-nosocomial, 41\%; P = 0.014). Fewer patients with health care-associated native valve endocarditis had cardiac surgery (41\% vs. 51\% of community-associated cases; P < 0.001), but more of the former patients died (25\% vs. 13\%; P < 0.001). Multivariable analysis confirmed greater mortality associated with health care-associated native valve endocarditis (incidence risk ratio, 1.28 [95\% CI, 1.02 to 1.59]).Patients were treated at hospitals with cardiac surgery programs. The results may not be generalizable to patients receiving care in other types of facilities or to those with prosthetic valves or past injection drug use.More than one third of cases of native valve endocarditis in non-injection drug users involve contact with health care, and non-nosocomial infection is common, especially in the United States. Clinicians should recognize that outpatients with extensive out-of-hospital health care contacts who develop endocarditis have clinical characteristics and outcomes similar to those of patients with nosocomial infection.None.
Benito N, Miró JM, de Lazzari E, Cabell CH, del Río A, Altclas J, Commerford P,
Delahaye F, Dragulescu S, Giamarellou H, Habib G, Kamarulzaman A, Kum...espandi
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simulazione ASN
Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione.
La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e presenta gli indicatori calcolati alla data indicata sul report. Si ricorda che in sede di domanda ASN presso il MIUR gli indicatori saranno invece calcolati a partire dal 1° gennaio rispettivamente del quinto/decimo/quindicesimo anno precedente la scadenza del quadrimestre di presentazione della domanda (art 2 del DM 598/2018).
In questa simulazione pertanto il valore degli indicatori potrà differire da quello conteggiato all’atto della domanda ASN effettuata presso il MIUR a seguito di:
Correzioni imputabili a eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori.
Presenza di eventuali errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS
Variabilità nel tempo dei valori citazionali (per i settori bibliometrici)
Variabilità della finestra temporale considerata in funzione della sessione di domanda ASN a cui si partecipa.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle regole riportate nel DM 598/2018 e dell'allegata Tabella A e delle specifiche definite all'interno del Focus Group Cineca relativo al modulo IRIS ER. Il Cineca non si assume alcuna responsabilità in merito all'uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione.