DURIO, Alessandra
DURIO, Alessandra
A Quick Procedure for Model Selection in the Case of Mixture of Normal Densities
2005-01-01 DURIO A; ISAIA E
A Quick Procedure for Model Selection in the Case of Mixture of Bivariate Normal Densities
2003-01-01 E. ISAIA; A. DURIO
A Regression Case Study in Cluster Detection
2007-01-01 E. ISAIA; A. DURIO
A Two Pairs of Gauging Scores Control Chart to Monitoring the Process of Slot Machines
2003-01-01 DURIO A; ISAIA E D
Bivariate Nonparametric Regression Models: Simulations and Application.
2002-01-01 ISAIA E.; DURIO A.
Building useful regression models comparing different estimators
2007-01-01 A. DURIO; E. D. ISAIA
Choosing a Robust Estimator: A Data Based Procedure
2008-01-01 A. Durio; E.D. Isaia
Clusters Detection in Regression Models Applied to a Pollution Risk Evaluation Problem. The L_2 Approach.
2006-01-01 ISAIA E; DURIO A
Clusters Detection in Regression Problems: the Integrated Square Error Approach
2007-01-01 E. D. ISAIA; A. DURIO
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Models of Structural Equations for Customer Satisfaction: a Case Study on Local Public Transport Situation
2004-01-01 ISAIA E.; DURIO A.
Customer satisfaction and quality of service: analysis of coherence and latent variables for the university ’s canteen service
2011-01-01 R. Berni; A. Durio
Estimating the Parameters of a Bivariate Extreme Value Gumbel Distribution
2008-01-01 A. Durio; E. D. Isaia
Gender analysis on COVID-19 data in piemonte: the virus prefers men
2022-01-01 S. De Francia, A. Ferretti, F. Chiara, S. Allegra, D. Mancardi, T. Allice, M.G. Milia, G. Gregori, C. Avanzini, V. Ghisetti, A. Durio
Le preferenze dei consumatori nel mercato degli snack al cioccolato. Limiti e potezianlità della conjoint analysis
2003-01-01 ISAIA E.; DURIO A.
Logit Regression in Forecasting the Insolvency Risk of the Customers of Automotive Financial Services
2005-01-01 DURIO A; ISAIA E
Model Selection in the Case of Mixture of Normal Densities
2004-01-01 ISAIA E; DURIO A
On Robustness to Outliers of Parametric L2 Estimate Criterion in the case of Bivariate Normal Mixtures: a Simulation Study
2003-01-01 A. DURIO; E. D. ISAIA
Parametric Multivariate Density Estimation Using L2 Distance: a Simulation Study on Robustness
2003-01-01 ISAIA E.; DURIO A.
PeerCards: A Cross-Disciplinary Platform for Peer Learning and AI Integration in Education
2024-01-01 Leonardo Agasso, Beatrice Albanesi, Stefano Basso, Donatella Boschi, Marco Amato Cianci, Marco Clari, Francesca Cordero , Alessandra Durio , Ivan Molineris, Roberta Sirovich, Luisa Tibiletti
PeerCards: A Cross-Disciplinary Platform for Peer Learning and AI Integration in Education
2024-01-01 Leonardo Agasso; Beatrice Albanesi; Stefano Basso; Donatella Boschi; Marco Amato Cianci; Marco Clari; Francesca Cordero; Alessandra Durio; Ivan Molineris; Roberta Sirovich; Luisa Tibiletti