Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.908
EU - Europa 2.297
AS - Asia 777
SA - Sud America 47
AF - Africa 39
OC - Oceania 27
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 6.097
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.846
IT - Italia 836
CN - Cina 276
IE - Irlanda 239
DE - Germania 187
FR - Francia 179
GB - Regno Unito 173
SG - Singapore 173
SE - Svezia 142
FI - Finlandia 134
UA - Ucraina 119
KR - Corea 100
PL - Polonia 83
AT - Austria 78
VN - Vietnam 57
CA - Canada 50
ID - Indonesia 38
BE - Belgio 35
IN - India 31
JP - Giappone 29
SN - Senegal 28
AU - Australia 24
BR - Brasile 23
ES - Italia 20
CH - Svizzera 19
NL - Olanda 15
HK - Hong Kong 13
IR - Iran 11
MX - Messico 10
UZ - Uzbekistan 10
TR - Turchia 9
MY - Malesia 8
RO - Romania 8
CL - Cile 6
PE - Perù 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
AR - Argentina 5
BG - Bulgaria 5
CO - Colombia 5
PK - Pakistan 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
DK - Danimarca 3
DZ - Algeria 3
IL - Israele 3
LT - Lituania 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
EG - Egitto 2
EU - Europa 2
MT - Malta 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PH - Filippine 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
GH - Ghana 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KN - Saint Kitts e Nevis 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PT - Portogallo 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 6.097
Città #
Ann Arbor 361
Chandler 333
Dublin 235
Fairfield 207
Beijing 178
Ashburn 138
Torino 134
Houston 130
Singapore 129
Woodbridge 86
Pisa 84
Wilmington 81
Warsaw 78
Medford 76
Villeurbanne 76
Vienna 75
Columbus 72
Princeton 72
Seattle 72
Turin 63
Jacksonville 62
Nyköping 54
Fremont 52
Cambridge 49
Milan 49
Dearborn 45
Dong Ket 36
Jakarta 35
Redwood City 30
Boardman 25
Boston 25
Rome 22
Brussels 18
San Diego 17
Verona 17
Santa Clara 15
Toronto 14
Hangzhou 13
Perugia 12
Norwalk 11
Paris 10
Saint-hyacinthe 10
Toulouse 10
Helsinki 9
Lachine 9
Liège 9
Nanjing 9
Roverbella 9
Collegno 8
Philadelphia 8
Phoenix 8
Prosper 8
Brisbane 7
Chengdu 7
Cuneo 7
Liverpool 7
London 7
Uberlândia 7
Zurich 7
Auburn 6
Bologna 6
Guangzhou 6
Kunming 6
Lappeenranta 6
Lima 6
Sydney 6
Amsterdam 5
Bristol 5
Fort Collins 5
Hefei 5
Montréal 5
Munich 5
Nürnberg 5
Prato 5
Seoul 5
Silver Spring 5
Tokyo 5
Aachen 4
Antwerp 4
Bari 4
Bergamo 4
Berlin 4
Bocholt 4
Bogotá 4
Brescia 4
Camerino 4
Central District 4
Chelmsford 4
Falls Church 4
Hiroshima 4
Ithaca 4
Moncalieri 4
Pune 4
Shanghai 4
Shenyang 4
Tehran 4
Trecasali 4
Warminster 4
Yalta 4
Annaba 3
Totale 3.625
Nome #
Filarial infection caused by Onchocerca boehmi (Supperer, 1953) in a horse from Italy 308
Gambling on putative biomarkers of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis by equine synovial fluid proteomics. 298
Osteoclasts are recruited to the subchondral bone in naturally occurring post-traumatic equine carpal osteoarthritis and may contribute to cartilage degradation 291
Epidemiology of musculoskeletal injuries in a population of harness Standardbred racehorses in training 236
Identification of surgically-induced longitudinal lesions of the equine deep digital flexor tendon in the digital flexor tendon sheath using contrast-enhanced ultrasonography: an ex-vivo pilot study 207
Clinical findings and prognosis of interference injuries to the palmar aspect of the forelimbs in Standardbred racehorses: a study on 74 cases 181
Subependymal Reaction Secondary to Choroid Plexus Papilloma in a Horse 173
Trattamento non chirurgico di ernia inguino-scrotale in tre puledri neonati 168
Repair of the Achilles mechanism in a miniature horse 158
Detection of Elaeophora bohmi (Filarioidea: Onchocercidae) in horse from northern Italy 136
In vitro evaluation of an inverted end-to-end equine jejunojejunal anastomosis using skin staples 128
Aritmie cardiache e rischio anestesiologico nel cavallo. Discussione di tre casi 120
Pro-inflammatory cytokines and structural biomarkers are effective to categorize osteoarthritis phenotype and progression in Standardbred racehorses over five years of racing career 117
A Preliminary Study on the Use of HD-sEMG for the Functional Imaging of Equine Superficial Muscle Activation during Dynamic Mobilization Exercises 116
A conservative treatment technique for gastrocnemius muscles rupture in young calves (7 cases) 111
Impiego dell’artrodesi metacarpofalangea ed interfalangea prossimale come procedura di salvataggio in presenza di instabilità articolare nel cavallo 104
Compressione del nervo sciatico secondario a frattura dell’ischio in un cane 103
Two Multicenter Surveys on Equine Back-Pain 10 Years a Part 100
Central vestibular syndrome due to a squamous cell carcinoma in a horse 99
Expression of proliferation markers and evaluation of glicosaminoglicans in Achilles tendon healing in a rat model 95
Sindrome vestibolare da carcinoma squamocellulare in un cavallo 94
Is this narcolepsy? 89
Concentrazioni sieriche e sinoviali delle citochine pro-infiammatorie e della COMP in 14 cavalli trottatori affetti da osteoartrite traumatica 85
Standing treatment of sino-cutaneous fistola with periostal flap 81
Ferita penetrante della suola e corpo estraneo intramidollare nell'osso navicolare di un cavallo 81
Mesenteric flap to prevent adhesions after small intestinal end to end anastomosis in the horse 75
Post-traumatic fetlock osteoarthritis in Standardbred racehorses: The culprit of long-term progression to degenerative joint disease? 75
Reattachment of osteochondritis dissecans lesions in the lateral femoral trochlear ridge with bioabsorbable screws in yearling standardbreds 73
Description and in vitro evaluation of two new surgical techniques to perform small intestine end-to-end anastomosis in the horse 73
Is this narcolepsy? 73
Emocomponenti autologhi in medicina veterinaria 72
Lameness in Standardbred racehorses: a three years retrospective study on causes of lameness occured at the racetrack of Turin 71
Comparison of two anaesthetic protocols for field castration in equids 71
Sphenopalatine sinus syndrome in a horse 70
Resezione transorale del frenulo epiglottideo persistente in un puledro 69
Effects of herbal extracts on blood prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes in the horse: comparison with phenylbutazone 69
Minimally invasive metatarsal fracture repair with locking plates in a guanaco (lama guanicoe) 67
Standing surgery for sternothyroideus myotomy and caudal soft palate thermoplasty 66
Descrizione e valutazione in vitro di due nuove tecniche chirurgiche per anastomosi termino-terminali del piccolo intestino nel cavallo 64
In Vitro Evaluation of an Inverted End-to- End Skin Stapled Bowel Anastomosis in the Horse 63
Description and in vitro evaluation of a technique to perform skin stapled jejuno-jejunal end-to-end inverting anastomosis 63
Impiego della scintigrafia ossea per la diagnosi di entesiopatia distale del tendine flessore profondo delle falangi 61
Progressive changes in pro-inflammatory and structural biomarkers in synovial fluid and serum in Standardbred racehorses with traumatic osteoarthritis 61
Mechanical Properties of Animal Tendons: A Review and Comparative Study for the Identification of the Most Suitable Human Tendon Surrogates 59
Enterotomy sites closure with skin staples in horses: in vitro study and preliminary report 58
Diffusion of radiodense contrast medium following perineural injection of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve using two different techniques in horses- an in vivo study. 58
Profiling long-term consequences of interference injuries to the palmar aspect of the forelimbs in Standardbred racehorses in training 56
Post-traumatic fetlock osteoarthritis in Standardbred racehorses : Is it the culprit of long-term progression to degenerative joint disease? 56
How to manage a penetrating hoof wound in horses 54
Tecnica ricostruttiva dopo resezione di estesi tumori perioculari 53
Multibody Computer Model of the Entire Equine Forelimb Simulates Forces Causing Catastrophic Fractures of the Carpus during a Traditional Race 52
Impiego del ponteggio tibio-tarso-metatarsale per la ricostruzione del tendine di Achille in un cavallo. 51
Orchiectomia finalizzata al recupero economico di verri adulti domestici e selvatici 51
A simple technique to repair a hand fracture in a captive Siamang 51
Lateral patellar instability in Standardbred horses at the weanling age: Clinical and morphological features in four cases (2017–2019) 50
Nuovi strumenti per management dietetico e sportivo di un caso di pssm. 49
Patologie professionali del piede nel cavallo sportivo 48
Analisi retrospettiva dei traumi sportivi in una popolazione di cavalli galoppatori non randomizzata 48
Trombolisi della vena tibiale craniale in cavalli di razze da tiro 47
Transoral resection of epiglottis frenulum in a standardbred foal 46
Trattamento chirurgico di tumori dell’apparato riproduttivo del cavallo; analisi della casistica clinica 45
Manuale di Clinica del Cavallo- Apparato Muscolo-Scheletrico 45
Splenic abscesses due to migrant metallic wires from small intestine in a horse 45
Fetlock Joint Angle Pattern and Range of Motion Quantification Using Two Synchronized Wearable Inertial Sensors per Limb in Sound Horses and Horses with Single Limb Naturally Occurring Lameness 44
L'ottimizzazione dei concentrati piastrinici autologhi condiziona la qualità della guarigione di lesioni tendine spontanee nel cavallo sportivo 43
Osteoclast counts in subchondral bone correlate with overlying cartilage degradation in equine carpal joint osteoarthritis 42
Transdermal Application of Anesthetic Preparations Is Effective in Increasing Mechanical Nociceptive Threshold at Perineural Injection Sites in Horses 42
Effect of intravenous tiludronate disodium administration on the radiographic progression of osteoarthritis of the fetlock joint in Standardbred racehorses 39
Osteoclast counts in subchondral bone correlate with overlying cartilage degradation in equine carpal joint osteoarthritis 34
Prognostic Indicators after Musculoskeletal Injuries in Standardbred Racehorses in Italy 31
Recording fetlock joint range of motion using wearable inertial sensors in sound and lame horses 27
A preliminary investigation on prevalence, severity and clinical significance for occipital bone exostoses in Dressage and Standardbred horses 19
Intraluminal administration of a carboxymethyl-starch powder for bladder haemorrhage treatment in two adult horses 16
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for the treatment of surgical site infection (SSI) following ventral midline laparotomy in three horses 14
Mechanical properties of animal ligaments: a review and comparative study for the identification of the most suitable human ligament surrogates 14
Determinants of joint effusion in tarsocrural osteochondrosis of yearling Standardbred racehorses 12
Case report: Findings in ovaries development from an aborted equine fetus 10
Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) in Horses: A Scoping Review 9
Genoprevalenza di EcPV-2 in fattrici residenti in provincia di Torino 8
Multibody modelling of internal forces causing catastrophic carpal fracture during traditional race 7
Pilot study for validation in-vivo of a supporting device limiting extension of metacarpophalangeal joint in sound horses 5
Totale 6.353
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.611
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.049
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 26.660

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020559 0 0 0 0 63 87 84 79 100 79 37 30
2020/2021706 70 44 91 31 51 59 35 37 68 61 35 124
2021/2022948 50 52 70 43 41 28 63 55 102 88 175 181
2022/20231.134 121 89 37 102 92 291 114 66 107 7 67 41
2023/2024489 46 89 35 34 13 45 18 34 1 35 47 92
2024/2025379 20 118 69 157 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.353