A Bottom-Up Approach to Tractor Safety: Improving the Handling of Foldable Roll-Over Protective Structures (FROPS) Through User-Centred Design
2020-01-01 Vigoroso, Lucia; Caffaro, Federica; Micheletti Cremasco, Margherita; Giustetto, Ambra; Paletto, Giuseppe; Cavallo, Eugenio
A method to evaluate the perceived ease of use of Human Machine Interface in agricultural tractors equipped with technological innovations.
2017-01-01 Caffaro, Federica; Carlo, Bisaglia; Maurizio, Cutini; MICHELETTI CREMASCO, Margherita; Cavallo, Eugenio
Acute effects of partial-body cryotherapy on isometric strength: maximum handgrip strength evaluation
2017-01-01 De Nardi, M.; Pizzigalli, Luisa; Benis, R.; Caffaro, Federica; MICHELETTI CREMASCO, Margherita
An ergonomic approach to sustainable development: The role of information environment and social‐psychological variables in the adoption of agri‐environmental innovations.
2019-01-01 Caffaro F., Roccato M., Micheletti Cremasco M., Cavallo E.
Anthropometric and Ergonomic Approach to the Ageing: the Importance of the Multidisciplinary Study in the Act on Ageing Project (Piedmont Region).
2012-01-01 Margherita Cremasco; Alessia Lorè; Alessandra Re; Federica Caffaro; Monica Liubicich; Magistro Daniele
Anthropometric dataset comparisons: stature and weight trend in Italy
2018-01-01 Ambra Giustetto, Margherita Micheletti Cremasco, Federica Caffaro, Giordano Pierlorenzi, Alessandra Fenoglio, Melchiorre Masali
Antropometria ed Ergonomia dell’anziano: l’importanza della multidisciplinarità nel progetto Act on Ageing (Regione Piemonte).
2011-01-01 Micheletti Cremasco M.; Lorè A.; Re A.; Caffaro F.; Liubicich M.E.; Magistro D.; Roggero A.
Approccio multidisciplinare allo studio ergonomico e antropometrico della popolazione anziana: il progetto Act on Ageing della Regione Piemonte.
2010-01-01 Micheletti Cremasco M.; Caffaro F.; Loré A.; Re A.
Can Digital Games Be Adopted as a Learning Method to Engage Farmworkers in Training Sessions? Perspectives and Possible Applications
2022-01-01 Vigoroso L.; Caffaro F.; Micheletti Cremasco M.; Cavallo E.
Comprehension of Safety Pictograms Affixed to Agricultural Machinery among Pakistani Migrant Farmworkers in Italy
2019-01-01 Vigoroso L.; Caffaro F.; Micheletti Cremasco M.; Bagagiolo G.; Cavallo E.
Comprehension rates of safety pictorials affixed to agricultural machinery among Pennsylvania rural population
2018-01-01 Caffaro, Federica; Schmidt, Susanna; Murphy, Dennis J.; Cavallo, Eugenio
Considering Human Variability in the Design of Safe Interaction with Agricultural Machinery: The Case of Foldable Roll-Over Protective Structure ({FROPS}) Manual Handling
2021-01-01 Margherita Micheletti Cremasco; Lucia Vigoroso; Federica Caffaro; Giuseppe Paletto; Eugenio Cavallo
Conveying safety messages on agricultural machinery: The comprehension of safety pictorials in a group of migrant farmworkers in Italy
2019-01-01 Bagagiolo G.; Vigoroso L.; Caffaro F.; Micheletti Cremasco M.; Cavallo E.
Developing a more engaging safety training in agriculture: gender differences in digital game preferences.
2023-01-01 Vigoroso L., Caffaro F., Micheletti Cremasco M., Cavallo E.
Discomfort in Use and Physical Disturbance of FFP2 Masks in a Group of Italian Doctors, Nurses and Nursing Aides during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2023-01-01 Micheletti Cremasco M., Vigoroso L., Solinas C. , Caffaro F.
Drivers of farmers’ intention to adopt technological innovations in Italy: The role of information sources, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use
2020-01-01 Caffaro F.; Micheletti Cremasco M.; Roccato M.; Cavallo E.
Effectiveness of occupational safety and health training for migrant farmworkers: a scoping review
2018-01-01 Caffaro, F.*; Micheletti Cremasco, M.; Bagagiolo, G.; Vigoroso, L.; Cavallo, E.
Environmental quality for comfort and performance in healthcare buildings: a lighting experimental study and simulations
2012-01-01 Aghemo C.; Lo Verso V.R.M.; Caffaro F.
Ergonomic analysis of home hazards: risk perception and attitude toward home modifications in a group of older women.
2011-01-01 Caffaro F.; Loré A.; Micheletti Cremasco M.; Re A.
Ergonomic analysis of the effects of a telehandler’s active suspended cab on Whole Body Vibration level and operator comfort.
2016-01-01 Caffaro, F.; Micheletti Cremasco, M.; Preti, C.; Cavallo, E.