Acrylamide in coffee: What is known and what still needs to be explored. A review
2022-01-01 Strocchi G.; Rubiolo P.; Cordero C.; Bicchi C.; Liberto E.
2023-01-01 Giulia Strocchi, Gloria Pellegrino, Janet Menzio, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto
Chromatographic Fingerprinting Strategy to Delineate Chemical Patterns Correlated to Coffee Odor and Taste Attributes
2021-01-01 Bressanello D.; Marengo A.; Cordero C.; Strocchi G.; Rubiolo P.; Pellegrino G.; Ruosi M.R.; Bicchi C.; Liberto E.
Cocoa smoky off-flavour: A MS-based analytical decision maker for routine controls
2021-01-01 Scavarda C.; Cordero C.; Strocchi G.; Bortolini C.; Bicchi C.; Liberto E.
Coffee sensory properties: a complementary data fusion to simulate odour and taste integration by instrumental approach. Possibilities and limits
2021-01-01 GIULIA STROCCHI, Erica Liberto, Gloria Pellegrino, Manuela R. Ruosi , Carlo Bicchi
Diterpenes stability of commercial blends of roasted and ground coffees packed in copolymer coupled with aluminium and Eco-friendly capsules.
2023-01-01 Giulia Strocchi, Anja B. Müller, Nikolai Kuhnert, Katia Martina, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto
Evaluation of the behaviour of phenols and alkaloids in samples of roasted and ground coffee stored in different types of packaging: Implications for quality and shelf life
2023-01-01 Strocchi Giulia, Bagnulo Eloisa, Ravaioli Giulia, Pellegrino Gloria, Bicchi Carlo, Liberto Erica
HS-SPME-GC-MS fingerprints for the “identitation” of the coffee oxidized note
2021-01-01 Strocchi Giulia, Ruosi M.R., Ravaioli G., Pellegrino G., Bicchi C.,Liberto Erica
HS-SPME-MS-Enose Coupled with Chemometrics as an Analytical Decision Maker to Predict In-Cup Coffee Sensory Quality in Routine Controls: Possibilities and Limits
2019-01-01 Erica Liberto, Davide Bressanello, Giulia Strocchi, Chiara Cordero, Manuela R. Ruosi, Gloria Pellegrino, Carlo Bicchi, Barbara Sgorbini
Identification of potential aroma markers of coffee oxidized note
2022-01-01 Giulia Strocchi, Eloisa Bagnulo, Manuela R. Ruosi, Giulia Ravaioli, Francesca Trapani, Carlo Bicchi, Gloria Pellegrino, Erica Liberto
Industrial food quality and consumer choice: Artificial intelligence-based tools in the chemistry of sensory notes in comfort foods (coffee, cocoa and tea)
2024-01-01 Eloisa Bagnulo, Giulia Strocchi, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto
Large-scale evaluation of shotgun triacylglycerol profiling for the fast detection of olive oil adulteration
2021-01-01 Beatriz Quintanilla-Casas; Giulia Strocchi; Julen Bustamante; Berta Torres-Cobos; Francesc Guardiola; Wenceslao Moreda; Jos?? Manuel Mart??nez-Rivas; Enrico Valli; Alessandra Bendini; Tullia Gallina Toschi; Alba Tres; Stefania Vichi
Omics approaches to study the chemistry behind the different aspects of coffee quality
Potential Aroma Chemical Fingerprint of Oxidised Coffee Note by HS-SPME-GC-MS and Machine Learning
2022-01-01 Strocchi G.; Bagnulo E.; Ruosi M.R.; Ravaioli G.; Trapani F.; Bicchi C.; Pellegrino G.; Liberto E.
The challenges of climate change on the consistency of the cocoa flavour quality
2023-01-01 Eloisa Bagnulo, Giulia Strocchi, Cristian Bortolini, Chiara Cordero, Erica Liberto
The chemistry behind the coffee flavour evolution over time: an omic approach
2023-01-01 Erica Liberto, Giulia Strocchi, Gloria Pellegrino, Carlo Bicchi
The chemistry of the temporal evolution of coffee flavor quality
2022-01-01 Giulia Strocchi,Manuela R. Ruosi, Giulia Ravaioli,Francesca Trapani, Gloria Pellegrino, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto
The role of chemometrics in the characterization of coffee quality
2021-01-01 Liberto Erica, Strocchi Giulia, Ruosi M.R., Pellegrino Gloria, Carlo Bicchi