LIUBICICH, Monica Emma
LIUBICICH, Monica Emma
A nine-month program of adapted tango: the effects in adults with visual impairment
2014-01-01 Gallo, R.; Brustio, PAOLO RICCARDO; Zignin, Claudio; Perissinotto, Alessandro; Liubicich, Monica Emma
Act on ageing: a pilot study. The effects of physical activity in elderly people living in residential care facilities in term of hand grip and finger pinch strength.
2011-01-01 Bardaglio G.; Magistro D.; Mulasso A.; Roppolo M.; Micheletti M.; Liubicich M.E.; Magno F.
Adapted tango for adults with visual impairment: a preliminary study
2014-01-01 P.R. Brustio; R. Gallo; C. Zignin; A. Perissinotto; M.E. Liubicich
Anthropometric and Ergonomic Approach to the Ageing: the Importance of the Multidisciplinary Study in the Act on Ageing Project (Piedmont Region).
2012-01-01 Margherita Cremasco; Alessia Lorè; Alessandra Re; Federica Caffaro; Monica Liubicich; Magistro Daniele
Antropometria ed Ergonomia dell’anziano: l’importanza della multidisciplinarità nel progetto Act on Ageing (Regione Piemonte).
2011-01-01 Micheletti Cremasco M.; Lorè A.; Re A.; Caffaro F.; Liubicich M.E.; Magistro D.; Roggero A.
Balance and mobility impairments in institutionalized elderly: the role of physical axercise for preventing falls. An Act on Ageing study.
2012-01-01 Mulasso A.; Roppolo M.; Magistro D.; Liubicich M.E.; Ciairano S.; Girelli L.
Dual task performance: age-related difference in young and older women
2014-01-01 P.R. Brustio; D. Magistro; E. Rabaglietti; M.E. Liubicich
Effetti dell'attività motoria sul tono emotivo e la percezione di limitazione della salute per le attività quotidiane in anziani istituzionalizzati: una ricerca longitudinale
2010-01-01 Candela F.; Liubicich M.E.; Di Marco M.; Magistro D.; Nebiolo S.; Rabaglietti E.
Elderly performance assessment in step test using optojump. “Act on Ageing”: a pilot study
2013-01-01 P.R. Brustio; D. Magistro; M.E. Liubicich
Exploring involvement in movement of active young older people in order to plan an adequate offer
2010-01-01 Magistro D.; Liubicich M.E.; Pianotti M.; Candela F.; Rabaglietti E.; Kratter G.
Gli effetti di un programma di attività fisica rivolto ad anziani ospiti di strutture di cura assistenziali: la forza della mano quale parametro di valutazione. Uno studio pilota del progetto Act on Ageing.
2011-01-01 Liubicich M.E. ; Magistro D. ; Mulasso A.; Roppolo M.; Micheletti Cremasco M.
Gli effetti sul benessere psicologico di un programma di attività motoria dedicata a ospiti di Residenze Sanitarie Assistenziali: uno studio sperimentale
2009-01-01 Liubicich ME; Ciairano S; Rabaglietti E
Hand grip strenght in elderly living in residential care facilities: the effects of exercise.
2012-01-01 Magistro D.; Davanzo M.; Novero f.; Roppolo M.; Mulasso A.; Liubicich M.E.
Interference during dual-task performance: a pilot study in older women
2013-01-01 P.R Brustio; D. Magistro; M.E. Liubicich
Participating in a program of physical activity in care centres for senior citizens: the preliminary results of a experimental study for promoting physical and psychological health
2008-01-01 Liubicich ME; Rabaglietti E; Ciairano S; Musella G; Gemelli F
Physical activity and health in postmenopausal middle-age women. A preliminary study.
2014-01-01 L. Mattina; P.R. Brustio; C. Zignin; M.E. Liubicich
Physical and psychological condition of older people in a residential care facility: the effects of an aerobic training
2009-01-01 Rabaglietti E; Liubicich ME; Ciairano S
Physical condition of older people living in residential care facilities: the direct effects of an aerobic training on motor skills and the indirect relationships with basic activity of daily living.
2010-01-01 Magistro D.; Mulasso A.; Nebiolo S.; Liubicich M. E
Physical condition of older people living in residential care facilities: the direct effects of an aerobic training on the walking.
2011-01-01 Magistro D.; Mulasso A.; Roppolo M.; Liubicich M.E.;
Relationship among physical actitivty and self-perception in Italian indipendet young older people
2010-01-01 Liubicich M.E.; Magistro D.; Pianotti M.; Rabaglietti E.; Kratter G.; Ciairano S.;