Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.290
EU - Europa 1.274
AS - Asia 643
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
AF - Africa 4
OC - Oceania 2
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 4.222
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.265
CN - Cina 321
IT - Italia 203
IE - Irlanda 198
UA - Ucraina 195
SG - Singapore 168
SE - Svezia 142
FI - Finlandia 112
DK - Danimarca 104
FR - Francia 100
DE - Germania 95
KR - Corea 95
GB - Regno Unito 53
VN - Vietnam 32
PL - Polonia 30
CA - Canada 24
ID - Indonesia 11
GR - Grecia 10
AT - Austria 9
BE - Belgio 9
EU - Europa 7
RU - Federazione Russa 6
HK - Hong Kong 5
NL - Olanda 4
BR - Brasile 2
IN - India 2
JP - Giappone 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
MU - Mauritius 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AU - Australia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
IR - Iran 1
MX - Messico 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 4.222
Città #
Santa Clara 525
Chandler 263
Beijing 232
Dublin 198
Ann Arbor 179
Singapore 128
Jacksonville 108
Fairfield 107
Princeton 81
Medford 76
Villeurbanne 62
Ashburn 57
Columbus 57
Houston 57
Nyköping 51
Wilmington 51
Guangzhou 49
Woodbridge 43
Torino 40
Dearborn 33
Cambridge 32
Warsaw 30
Milan 26
Seattle 25
Dong Ket 22
Pisa 20
Boston 17
Kharkiv 17
Boardman 14
Toronto 14
Turin 14
San Mateo 13
Jakarta 11
Norwalk 10
Brussels 9
Verona 9
Vienna 9
Lachine 8
Scuola 7
Falls Church 6
Hangzhou 6
University Park 6
Nanjing 5
San Diego 5
Bologna 4
Cedar Knolls 4
Des Moines 4
Fremont 4
Hefei 4
Hong Kong 4
Kunming 4
Washington 4
Auburn Hills 3
Los Angeles 3
Moncalieri 3
Mountain View 3
Philadelphia 3
Phoenix 3
Alghero 2
Alpignano 2
Aosta 2
Bosco Marengo 2
Colombo 2
Conegliano 2
Eitensheim 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Fuzhou 2
Gressan 2
Hebei 2
Kuala Lumpur 2
London 2
Nanchang 2
Recife 2
Seoul 2
Stavanger 2
Trieste 2
Uppsala 2
Varese 2
Abidjan 1
Athens 1
Bard 1
Bolingbrook 1
Bonate Sotto 1
Bra 1
Cairo 1
Carcare 1
Carignano 1
Changsha 1
Chengdu 1
Christchurch 1
Collegno 1
Dallas 1
Delhi 1
Dhaka 1
Dnipro 1
Falkenstein 1
Ferrara 1
Forno 1
Fossano 1
Giaveno 1
Totale 2.844
Nome #
Deformed N = 2 theories, generalized recursion relations and S-duality 295
The generating function of amplitudes with N twisted and L untwisted states 195
Evolutionary Rewiring of Human Regulatory Networks by Waves of Genome Expansion 164
Towards a fully stringy computation of Yukawa couplings on non factorized tori and non abelian twist correlators (I): the classical solution and action 128
On the gauge chosen by the bosonic open string 117
Correlators of arbitrary untwisted operators and excited twist operators for N branes at angles 108
Classical solutions for exotic instantons? 104
Exotic instanton counting and heterotic/type I' duality 101
Canonical quantization of a string describing N branes at angles 95
F-theoretic vs microscopic description of a conformal N = 2 SYM theory 91
Fractional D-branes and their gauge duals 90
On the origin of divergences in time-dependent orbifolds 90
Classical p-branes from Boundary State 84
Classical gauge instantons from open strings 81
Wrapped Magnetized Branes: Two Alternative Descriptions? 81
A kappa fixed type IIB superstring action on AdS(5) X S(5) 80
All roads lead to Rome: Supersolvable and supercosets. 75
The Gervais-Neveu gauge in presence of a constant magnetic background 73
Modular anomaly equation, heat kernel and S-duality in N=2 theories 71
Microscopic string analysis of the D0 - D8-brane system and dual R - R states. 69
A Comment on discrete Kalb-Ramond field on orientifold and rank reduction 68
Spontaneous N=2 ---> N=1 local supersymmetry breaking with surviving compact gauge group. 66
The classical solution for the Bosonic string in the presence of three D-branes rotated by arbitrary SO(4) elements 66
Partial N=2 ---> N=1 local supersymmetry breaking and solvable Lie algebras. 65
Lectures from the Graduate School on Contemporary string theory and brane physics 65
N = 1/2 gauge theory and its instanton moduli space from open strings in RR background 65
On the fixing of the kappa gauge symmetry on AdS and flat background: The lightcone action for the type IIb string on AdS(5) x S(5) 64
Boundary state for magnetized D9 branes and one-loop calculation 64
Generalized QCD in two-dimensions via the bilocal method. 61
Completion of the ten-dimensional anomaly free supergravity program: The Field equations. 59
Instantons in N=2 magnetized D-brane worlds 58
Scattering of closed strings from many D-branes 58
Colored polymers. 58
On the quantization of the GS type IIB superstring action on AdS(3) x S(3) with NSNS flux. 57
Exact results for the supersymmetric G(2) gauge theories. 57
The Master field of QCD in two-dimensions and the 't Hooft equation. 56
The rigid limit in special Kaehler geometry: From K3-fibrations to special Riemann surfaces: A detailed case study 56
Superspace Constraints And Chern-simons Cohomology In D = 4 Superstring Effective Theories 55
Polymers and topological field theory: A Two loop computation. 55
Some remarks on the supersymmetrization of the Lorentz Chern-Simons form in D = 10 N=1 supergravity theories. 54
Supersymmetrization of the Lorentz Chern-Simons term in D = 10. 53
The GS type IIB superstring action on AdS(3) X S(3) X T**4 52
The Generalized Gross-Neveu model on the light cone. 52
Vector induced lattice gauge theories. 51
On the effective potential of the Dp - anti-Dp system in type II theories. 51
The Complete action of chiral D = 10, N=2 supergravity. 47
The Equations of motion of 10-D anomaly free supergravity. 46
The Complete superspace action of chiral D = 10, N=2 supergravity. 46
Instanton effects in N=1 brane models and the Kahler metric of twisted matter 45
The Gross-Neveu model on the light cone. 45
Open and Closed String Vertices for branes with magnetic field and T-duality 44
Light cone quantization and interactions of a new closed bosonic string inspired to D1 string 44
Open strings in the system D5/D9 43
Proceedings of the RTN Winter school on Supergravity and Gauge Theories 42
Multibranes boundary states with open string interactions 42
Heterotic instantons and solitons in anomaly free supergravity 40
Green functions and twist correlators for N branes at angles. 40
Strings in an arbitrary constant magnetic field with arbitrary constant metric and stringy form factors 39
2D fermion on the strip with boundary defects as a CFT with excited spin fields 34
Light-cone quantization of scalar field on time-dependent backgrounds 26
On the breakdown of the perturbative interaction picture in Big Crunch/Big Bang or the true reason why perturbative string amplitudes on temporal orbifolds diverge 18
Totale 4.382
Categoria #
all - tutte 13.943
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 760
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.703

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020284 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 34 58 44 42 29
2020/2021483 44 15 26 21 29 15 85 51 44 57 26 70
2021/2022547 21 21 21 35 25 22 45 49 15 60 94 139
2022/2023732 159 46 22 57 59 181 99 27 52 5 21 4
2023/2024188 27 39 8 18 12 15 1 5 0 9 8 46
2024/2025874 5 71 78 112 478 130 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.382