RUFFO, Giancarlo Francesco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.849
EU - Europa 6.803
AS - Asia 1.855
SA - Sud America 66
AF - Africa 38
OC - Oceania 29
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 19.649
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.656
IT - Italia 2.674
DK - Danimarca 1.069
CN - Cina 776
SE - Svezia 489
DE - Germania 486
SG - Singapore 372
IE - Irlanda 358
UA - Ucraina 318
GB - Regno Unito 315
FR - Francia 275
FI - Finlandia 211
CA - Canada 167
KR - Corea 144
PL - Polonia 101
IN - India 95
VN - Vietnam 89
NL - Olanda 72
ID - Indonesia 71
ES - Italia 68
RU - Federazione Russa 67
BE - Belgio 50
TR - Turchia 47
HK - Hong Kong 44
BR - Brasile 37
GR - Grecia 34
AT - Austria 33
MY - Malesia 33
RO - Romania 30
AU - Australia 26
CH - Svizzera 23
PH - Filippine 23
JP - Giappone 22
MX - Messico 19
IR - Iran 17
PT - Portogallo 17
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 16
PK - Pakistan 16
SA - Arabia Saudita 16
BG - Bulgaria 14
NO - Norvegia 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
TW - Taiwan 12
EC - Ecuador 10
HU - Ungheria 10
LK - Sri Lanka 10
TH - Thailandia 10
IL - Israele 9
NG - Nigeria 9
IQ - Iraq 8
EU - Europa 7
LT - Lituania 7
RS - Serbia 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
CL - Cile 6
EE - Estonia 6
KZ - Kazakistan 6
AR - Argentina 5
CO - Colombia 5
EG - Egitto 5
HR - Croazia 5
IM - Isola di Man 5
IS - Islanda 5
LU - Lussemburgo 5
LV - Lettonia 5
DZ - Algeria 4
MT - Malta 4
MU - Mauritius 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
MA - Marocco 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CY - Cipro 2
ET - Etiopia 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MM - Myanmar 1
OM - Oman 1
PE - Perù 1
QA - Qatar 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 19.649
Città #
Ann Arbor 4.215
Chandler 813
Turin 531
Wilmington 531
Ashburn 518
Santa Clara 480
Dublin 347
Beijing 261
Singapore 256
Fremont 230
Houston 221
Torino 221
Fairfield 199
Boardman 182
Jacksonville 178
Dearborn 167
Milan 160
Woodbridge 144
Guangzhou 134
Rome 129
New York 121
Redwood City 120
Medford 119
Nyköping 109
Seattle 98
Princeton 97
Columbus 90
Villeurbanne 88
Warsaw 80
Montréal 70
Cambridge 68
Dong Ket 60
Pisa 55
Naples 50
Toronto 50
Hangzhou 49
Helsinki 49
Jakarta 41
Norwalk 37
Padova 35
Brussels 33
Los Angeles 26
Nuremberg 26
Boston 25
London 24
Wayne 24
Berlin 23
Bologna 23
Washington 23
Vienna 20
Falls Church 18
Hefei 18
Verona 18
Madrid 17
Mumbai 17
Ottawa 17
Napoli 16
Bari 15
Bellefonte 14
Catania 14
Edinburgh 14
Florence 14
Palermo 14
San Jose 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
Lachine 13
Valencia 13
Dubai 12
Kunming 12
Zhengzhou 12
Central District 11
Düsseldorf 11
Focsani 11
Istanbul 11
Kuala Lumpur 11
Nanjing 11
Venice 11
Chicago 10
Des Moines 10
Melbourne 10
Modena 10
Perugia 10
São Paulo 10
Trento 10
Central 9
Council Bluffs 9
Guayaquil 9
Nanchang 9
Salerno 9
San Diego 9
Seoul 9
Bottanuco 8
Coimbatore 8
Dallas 8
Davao City 8
Hong Kong 8
Izmir 8
Mountain View 8
Rende 8
Siena 8
Totale 12.227
Nome #
Computational linguistics against hate: Hate speech detection and visualization on social media in the "Contro L’Odio" project 975
Capire la diffusione della disinformazione e come contrastarla 900
Detecting Happiness in Italian Tweets: Towards an Evaluation Dataset for Sentiment Analysis in Felicittà 782
Tools and Resources for Detecting Hate and Prejudice against Immigrants in Social Media 568
ValenTo: Sentiment Analysis of Figurative Language Tweets with Irony and Sarcasm 556
Felicittà: Visualizing and Estimating Happiness in Italian Cities from Geotagged Tweets 552
Stance Evolution and Twitter Interactions in an Italian Political Debate 489
Designing a personal informatics system for users without experience in self-tracking: a case study 484
Fact-checking Effect on Viral Hoaxes 444
Extracting Graph Topological Information and Users’ Opinion 394
Felicittà 376
Figurative messages and affect in Twitter: Differences between #irony, #sarcasm and #not 358
Developing corpora and tools for sentiment analysis: the experience of the University of Turin group 328
Fact-checking strategies to limit urban legends spreading in a segregated society 327
A Data Viz Platform as a Support to Study, Analyze and Understand the Hate Speech Phenomenon 325
AIRCacher: Virtual Geocaching Powered with Augmented Reality 318
Discovering Polarized Communities in Signed Networks 306
Network segregation in a model of misinformation and fact-checking 291
GWAP as a Tool to Analyze, Design, and Test Geo-Social Systems 282
Stance polarity in political debates: A diachronic perspective of network homophily and conversations on Twitter 268
LotusNet: Tunable privacy for distributed online social network services 266
People are Strange when you’re a Stranger: Impact and Influence of Bots on Social Networks 228
“Contro L’Odio”: A Platform for Detecting, Monitoring and Visualizing Hate Speech against Immigrants in Italian Social Media 206
EnFilter: a Password Enforcement and Filter 205
Peer-to-peer 200
Privacy Digitale: Giuristi ed Informatici a Confronto 190
News and the city: understanding online press consumption patterns through mobile data 189
Likir: Layered Identity-based Kademlia InfRastructure 179
X-hinter: a framework for implementing social oriented recommender systems 176
Rete e Reti 176
Peer-to-Peer Market Places: Technical Issues and Revenue Models 175
#Brexit: Leave or remain? the role of user’s community and diachronic evolution on stance detection 174
Link Creation and Profile Alignment in the aNobii Social Network 167
Dealing with Different Languages and Old Profiles in Keystroke Analysis of Free Text 166
Iterative Key Based Routing for Web Services Addressing and Discovery 165
DeHinter: A Social-oriented Peer-to-Peer Recommender System 162
On the Dynamics of Human Proximity for Data Diffusion in Ad-Hoc Networks 162
Secure and flexible framework for decentralized social network services 158
Accessing and Distributing Streaming Events on DHT-based Systems 157
Publishing, Retrieving and Streaming Lectures via Application 156
P2P Systems in Legal Networks: Another "Small World" Case 156
Tagging with DHARMA, a DHT-based approach for resource mapping through approximation 156
Tagging relations to achieve complex search goals 155
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, HT'09: Foreword 155
Integrated Techniques and Tools for Web Mining, User Profiling and Benchmarking analysis 154
On Collaborative Filtering Techniques for Live TV and Radio Discovery and Recommendation 154
An identity-based approach to secure P2P applications with Likir 153
Tempering Kademlia with a Robust Identity Based System 152
A P2P Market Place Based on Aggregate Signatures 152
Intrusion Detection through Behavioral Data 151
A Peer-to-Peer Recommender System Based on Spontaneous Affinities 151
HT 2009, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 149
MobHinter: Epidemic Collaborative Filtering and Self-Organization in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 148
RD-PVR: Recommendation and Discovery for Personal Video Recorder 147
Proactive Password Checking with Decision Trees 146
Learning logic programs with negation as failure 146
A Totally Distributed Iterative Scheme for Web Services Addressing and Discovery 143
A Decentralized Recommendation System based on Self-Organizing Partnerships 143
Copyright digitale 143
Evaluating Peer-to-Peer Recommender Systems that Exploit Spontaneous Affinities 141
Privacy on Demand: a Difficult Chal lenge in a Highly Connected World 141
X-Hinter 141
Keystroke Analysis of Different Languages: a Case Study 140
Selezione Preliminare di Password in Ambiente NT 138
Benchmarking a Site with Realistic Workload 137
Intelligent Agents: a Tool for Managing and Retrieving Information in Distributed Systems 137
FairPeers: Efficient Profit Sharing in Fair Peer-to-Peer Market Places 137
Recent Advances in Multimedia Information System Security 136
Web User Behavior Characterization: Techniques, Applications and Research Directions 134
Scalability Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer Market Place based on Micro-Payments 131
A Fair Micro-Payment Scheme for Profit Sharing in a P2P Network 130
The Social Impact of P2P Systems 129
null 128
Informatica Journal of Computing and Informatics (Special Issue in Multimedia Information System Secu- rity) 128
WALTy: A User Behavior Tailored Tool for Evaluating Web Application Performance 123
Visualizing Structural Balance in Signed Networks 122
Developing Real Estate Automated Valuation Models by Learning from Heterogeneous Data Sources 122
Legal File and Profit Sharing in a Peer to Peer Network 121
Towards the Learnability of Prolog Programs 121
WALTy: A tool for Evaluating Web Application Performance 121
Events discovery for personal video recorders 120
Pinguino Digitale 114
Java-based and secure learning agents for information retrieval in distributed systems 111
Structural inequalities emerging from a large wire transfers network 111
High dictionary compression with proactive password checking 108
Learning Logic Programs with Negation as Failure 107
Immigration as a Divisive Topic: Clusters and Content Diffusion in the Italian Twitter Debate 107
Security Agents for Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems 104
Measuring scientific brain drain with hubs and authorities: A dual perspective 103
Reasoning about Accountability within Delegation 94
PyPlutchik: Visualising and comparing emotion-annotated corpora 93
MobHinter 92
SocRec 85
Measuring user engagement with low credibility media sources in a controversial online debate 57
Bridging Representation and Visualization in Prosopographic Research: A Case Study 46
Reconciling the Quality vs Popularity Dichotomy in Online Cultural Markets 37
FakeNewsLab: Experimental Study on Biases and Pitfalls Preventing Us from Distinguishing True from False News 36
Studying fake news spreading, polarisation dynamics, and manipulation by bots: A tale of networks and language 34
Emotional profiling and cognitive networks unravel how mainstream and alternative press framed AstraZeneca, Pfizer and COVID-19 vaccination campaigns 31
From Recordings to Recommendations: Suggesting Live Events in the DVR Context 26
Totale 20.208
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.466
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 26.379
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 74.845

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.164 0 0 0 0 0 345 311 217 364 263 370 294
2020/20215.607 347 204 284 245 563 725 621 607 634 704 498 175
2021/20222.133 63 76 113 332 112 107 172 143 106 159 482 268
2022/20232.572 208 195 81 427 155 499 216 249 213 67 194 68
2023/20241.684 132 165 180 77 177 346 42 93 73 89 149 161
2024/20252.082 485 110 165 230 898 194 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.234