A Survey Of Weed Distribution In Italian Rice Fields Related To Agronomic Techniques
2022-01-01 Silvia Fogliatto, Marco Milan, Giulia Papandrea, Francesco Vidotto
Alternative Rice Stand Establishment Systems to Manage Herbicide Resistant Weeds
2009-01-01 A. J. Fischer, B. Linquist, M. Moechnig, R. Mutters, J. E. Hill, C. Greer, L. Espino, M. Milan, J. W. Eckert
Are wheat hybrids more affected by weeds than conventional varieties?
2015-01-01 Milan, M.; Fogliatto, S.; Ferrero, A.; Vidotto, F.
Biologia e gestione di Cyperus esculentus nelle diverse colture agrarie
2018-01-01 Milan, Marco; Vidotto, Francesco; Ferrero, Aldo; Scarabel, Laura
Buffer strip effect on terbuthylazine runoff in light level soil
2008-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; F. Tesio; M. Négre; S. Piano; A. Ferrero
Chemical control of the invasive weeds Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Acalypha virginica in maize fields
2016-01-01 Milan, Marco; Vidotto, Francesco; Fogliatto, Silvia; Pozzi, Tiziano; Ferrero, Aldo
Comparison among different available strategies for weed control in maize
2015-01-01 Milan, M.; Pozzi, T.; Fogliatto, S.; Vidotto, F.; Ferrero, A.
Comportamento dell’erbicida propanile e del suo principale metabolita (3,4 dicloroanilina) in sistemi colturali risicoli caratterizzati da diversa gestione agronomica
2010-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; M. Negre; S. Piano; A. Ferrero
Control of Ailanthus altissima in a historical fortress
2016-01-01 Fogliatto, Silvia; Vidotto, Francesco; Milan, Marco; Serra, Francesca; Ferrero, Aldo
Cover crops as green mulching for weed management in rice
2021-01-01 Silvia Fogliatto, Lorenzo Patrucco, Fernando De Palo, Barbara Moretti, Marco Milan, Francesco Vidotto
Cover crops as mulching to manage weeds in organic rice cultivation
2018-01-01 Vidotto, Francesco; Fogliatto, Silvia; De Palo, Fernando; Milan, Marco; Ferrero, Aldo
Crop selectivity and weed control efficacy of vinegar and pelargonic acid
2018-01-01 Fogliatto, Silvia; Milan, Marco; De Palo, Fernando; Ferrero, Aldo; Vidotto, Francesco
Dissipation of propanil and its main metabolites in paddy water
2014-01-01 M. Milan;A. Ferrero;F. De Palo;S. Piano;F. Vidotto
Effect of salinity on germination and growth of Echinochloa crus-galli and Oryza sativa
2018-01-01 Serra, Francesca; Fogliatto, Silvia; Milan, Marco; De Palo, Fernando; Ferrero, Aldo; Vidotto, Francesco
Effect of species composition on efficacy of vegetated buffer strips for herbicide runoff mitigation
2018-01-01 De Palo, Fernando; Milan, Marco; Ferrero, Aldo; Fogliatto, Silvia; Vidotto, Francesco
Effect or rice straw and digestate soil incorporation on growth o weedy rice (Oryza sativa) and barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
2015-01-01 Fogliatto, S.; De Palo, F.; Milan, M.; Ferrero, A.; Vidotto, F.
Efficacia di diverse strategie di gestione delle infestanti nel mais
2016-01-01 Ferrero, A; Pozzi, T; Fogliatto, S; Vidotto, F; Milan, M
Efficacy of buffer strips in reducing flufenacet and isoxaflutole runoff from two soils cultivated with maize
2012-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; M. Letey; F. De Palo; A. Ferrero
Environmental fate of imazamox in paddy fields
2012-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; F. De Palo; M. Negre; A. Ferrero
Environmental fate of oxadiazon in paddy fields
2010-01-01 M. Milan; F. Vidotto; S. Piano; M. Negre; A. Ferrero