Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.308
AS - Asia 1.202
NA - Nord America 865
AF - Africa 232
SA - Sud America 110
OC - Oceania 108
Totale 3.825
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 751
IT - Italia 659
NL - Olanda 182
PK - Pakistan 160
KR - Corea 147
SG - Singapore 133
ZA - Sudafrica 130
IR - Iran 113
TW - Taiwan 104
IN - India 103
DE - Germania 97
AU - Australia 76
CN - Cina 74
TR - Turchia 67
FR - Francia 61
CA - Canada 58
MX - Messico 54
ES - Italia 46
JP - Giappone 43
GB - Regno Unito 42
TH - Thailandia 42
PH - Filippine 40
MY - Malesia 39
BR - Brasile 37
CL - Cile 32
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 32
DK - Danimarca 31
LK - Sri Lanka 29
HK - Hong Kong 26
EG - Egitto 25
FI - Finlandia 24
ID - Indonesia 24
PT - Portogallo 23
GR - Grecia 22
NG - Nigeria 22
KE - Kenya 18
AR - Argentina 16
IQ - Iraq 16
PE - Perù 16
VN - Vietnam 15
AT - Austria 14
CH - Svizzera 14
IE - Irlanda 11
NO - Norvegia 10
TN - Tunisia 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
RO - Romania 9
RS - Serbia 8
SE - Svezia 7
HR - Croazia 6
IL - Israele 6
RU - Federazione Russa 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
ET - Etiopia 5
MA - Marocco 5
PL - Polonia 5
UA - Ucraina 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
EC - Ecuador 4
MW - Malawi 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
BE - Belgio 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
BJ - Benin 3
CO - Colombia 3
QA - Qatar 3
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CD - Congo 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
KH - Cambogia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
UG - Uganda 2
UY - Uruguay 2
ZM - Zambia 2
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 3.825
Città #
Santa Clara 188
Turin 156
Amersfoort 114
Singapore 104
Macomb 92
Los Angeles 71
Pretoria 61
Rome 51
Faisalabad 48
Milan 46
Stellenbosch 39
Istanbul 36
Jeju City 36
Lahore 35
Alvand 32
Oud Ade 30
Taichung 30
Taipei 29
Kiel 27
Perth 26
Sydney 26
Brabrand 24
Heidelberg 24
Cheongdo-gun 23
Columbus 23
Ashburn 20
Wageningen 20
Brisbane 17
Jakarta 17
Pullman 17
Santiago 17
Naples 16
Minuwangoda 15
Ottawa 15
Seodaemun-gu 15
Tanjong Malim 15
Helsinki 14
Nairobi 14
Rawalpindi 14
Santa Cruz do Sul 14
Amherst 13
Kuala Lumpur 13
Bangkok 12
Edmonton 12
Frankfurt am Main 12
Granada 12
Multan 12
Phoenix 12
São Paulo 12
Yongin-si 12
Cajamarca 11
Cape Town 11
Mumbai 11
Bologna 10
Cairo 10
Calgary 10
Catania 10
Esposende 10
Guadalajara 10
Ho Chi Minh City 10
Las Vegas 10
Pune 10
Amsterdam 9
Auckland 9
Dublin 9
Manila 9
McMinnville 9
Nam-gu 9
Paris 9
Seoul 9
Taoyuan District 9
Bari 8
Chiang Mai 8
College Station 8
Hat Yai 8
Islamabad 8
Johannesburg 8
Lubbock 8
Mondovì 8
New Taipei City 8
Tivoli 8
Tokyo 8
Toledo 8
Viterbo 8
Adrano 7
Athens 7
Barcelona 7
Blacksburg 7
Compostela 7
Fuzhou 7
Hamilton 7
Homburg 7
Hyderabad 7
Ithaca 7
Kano 7
Karachi 7
Kochi 7
La Cruz 7
Madrid 7
Port Harcourt 7
Totale 2.153
Nome #
Innovative sustainable technologies to extend the shelf life of perishable mediterranean fresh fruit, vegetables, and aromatic plants and to reduce waste: the experience of PRIMA STOPMEDWASTE project. 494
Characterization of the soil, rhizosphere and root microbiome associated to kiwifruit vine decline syndrome in Italy. 488
Efficacy of antagonistic yeasts in the control of brown rot of nectarines and effect on fruit microbiome. 392
The role of the oomycete Phytopythium vexans as a biotic stress component of Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome in Italy. 385
Efficacy of a zero-residue strategy against field and postharvest diseases on strawberries. 313
Efficacy of biofumigation with essential oils in the control of postharvest rots of nectarines. 275
Efficacia di oli essenziali nel contenimento di marciumi da conservazione su nettarine. 111
Mycotoxigenic potential of Penicillium species isolated from fresh chestnuts and derived products. 109
Effetto dell’impiego di oli essenziali sul marciume grigio e sul microbioma delle mele in conservazione. 94
The epidemiology of fungal pathogens of apples unveiled by fruit microbiome: the case of dry lenticel rot and white haze. 93
Genome assemblies of three strains of Pyricularia oryzae, representative of the variability of the population on Italian rice 68
Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome: the roles of microbiome and abiotic stress in plant health 55
Characterization of the causal agents, epidemiology and biological control of white haze on apple. 51
Fruit microbiome: A powerful tool to study the epidemiology of dry lenticel rot and white haze – Emerging postharvest diseases of apple 47
Sviluppo di una strategia a residuo zero per la difesa della fragola 44
Overview of postharvest disease management practices on apple: prevention, monitoring and control 39
Efficacy of biofumigation with essential oils in the control of postharvest rots on nectarines 39
Efficacy of biofumigation with essential oils in the control of postharvest rots on nectarines. 38
Validation of standard operating procedures for DNA extraction and microbiome analyses of soil samples 36
Microbiome composition provides a powerful tool to elucidate the epidemiology of postharvest diseases of apples 35
Efficacy of antagonistic yeasts in reducing grey mould on grape and effect on the fruit microbiome. 34
Effect of a zero-residue crop protection strategy on yield, fruit quality and pre- and post-harvest diseases of strawberries. 29
Essential Oils Reduce Grey Mould Rot of Apples and Modify the Fruit Microbiome during Postharvest Storage 27
Holistic approach to study soil rhizosphere microbiomes and preservation strategies 26
Postharvest treatments with biocontrol agents and essential oils strongly modify the fruit microbiome 26
Efficacia contro marciume grigio su mele ‘Opal’ ed effetto sul microbiota del trattamento con olio essenziale di timo 19
State of the art on the Kiwifruit Vine Decline Syndrome in Italy 19
Efficacy of antagonistic yeasts in reducing grey mould of grapes and bioprotection activity in winemaking 19
Efficacy of postharvest application of Aureobasidium pullulans in the control of white haze on apples and effect on the fruit mycobiome. 19
Valutazione dell’efficacia di oli essenziali nel contenimento del marciume bruno su nettarine 18
Selection and evaluation of antagonistic yeasts in the control of strawberry postharvest rots and effect on the fruit microbiome 16
Efficacy of Postharvest Application of Aureobasidium pullulans to Control White Haze on Apples and Effect on the Fruit Mycobiome 14
Effectiveness of a novel integrated solarization system to control soilborne pathogens of strawberry and effects on non-target microorganisms in Northern Italy 13
Screening and evaluation of antagonistic yeasts to control postharvest rots of strawberries 11
Efficacy of essential oil vapours in reducing postharvest rots of nectarines and effect on the fruit microbiome 10
The key role of the biotic component in kiwifruit vine decline syndrome (KVDS) in Italy, an emerging multifactorial syndrome 9
Malattie in post-raccolta, l’attenzione parte nel meleto 7
Soil, rhizosphere, and root microbiome in kiwifruit vine decline, an emerging multifactorial disease 6
Efficacy of Essential Oil Vapours in Reducing Postharvest Rots and Effect on the Fruit Mycobiome of Nectarines 5
Un nuovo sistema di solarizzazione integrata per il contenimento dei patogeni tellurici negli appezzamenti di fragola 5
Efficacia di agenti di lotta biologica e biofungicidi commerciali nel contenimento di patina bianca su mele in conservazione 5
Efficacy of antagonistic yeasts to control brown rot of nectarines and effect on the fruit microbiome 4
Several secondary metabolite gene clusters in the genomes of ten Penicillium spp. raise the risk of multiple mycotoxin occurrence in chestnuts 4
Totale 3.871
Categoria #
all - tutte 8.385
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 4.869
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 13.254

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2022/202358 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 5 19 3 5
2023/20242.068 5 25 15 38 39 386 393 510 55 181 246 175
2024/20251.745 232 283 267 172 363 428 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.871