A notion of $Delta$-multigenus for certain rank two ample vector bundles
2013-01-01 E. Arrondo; A. Lanteri; NOVELLI, CARLA
Ample vector bundles of small Delta-genera
2010-01-01 A. Lanteri; NOVELLI, CARLA
Ample vector bundles with zero loci of small $Delta$-genera
2008-01-01 A. Lanteri; NOVELLI, CARLA
Blow-ups and dominating unsplit families on Fano manifolds
2022-01-01 Carla Novelli
Blow-ups and Fano manifolds of large pseudoindex
2019-01-01 Carla Novelli
Connections between the geometry of a projective variety and of an ample section
2006-01-01 M. Andreatta; NOVELLI, CARLA; G. Occhetta
Extremal rays of non-integral $L$-length
2013-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA
Fano manifolds of coindex four as ample sections
2006-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA
Fano manifolds: invariants and families of rational curves
In corso di stampa Carla Novelli
Fano varieties with small non-klt locus
2015-01-01 Beltrametti, Mauro C; Höring, Andreas; NOVELLI, CARLA
Geometry of rays-positive manifolds
2012-01-01 M. C. Beltrametti; A. L. Knutsen; A. Lanteri; NOVELLI, CARLA
Manifolds covered by lines and extremal rays
2012-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA; G. Occhetta
Manifolds polarized by vector bundles
2007-01-01 M. Andreatta; NOVELLI, CARLA
Mori contractions of maximal length
2013-01-01 A. Hoering; NOVELLI, CARLA
On Fano manifolds of large pseudoindex
2016-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA
On Fano manifolds with an unsplit dominating family of rational curves
2012-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA
On varieties that are uniruled by lines
2006-01-01 A. L. Knutsen; NOVELLI, CARLA; A. Sarti
Projective manifolds containing a large linear subspace with nef normal bundle
2011-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA; G. Occhetta
Rational curves and bounds on the Picard number of Fano manifolds
2010-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA; G. Occhetta
Ruled Fano fivefolds of index two
2007-01-01 NOVELLI, CARLA; G. Occhetta