SACCO, Katiuscia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.438
EU - Europa 7.398
AS - Asia 2.891
SA - Sud America 177
OC - Oceania 165
AF - Africa 63
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 19.137
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.211
IT - Italia 3.045
CN - Cina 1.186
SE - Svezia 627
DE - Germania 609
SG - Singapore 542
FR - Francia 501
IE - Irlanda 443
FI - Finlandia 368
GB - Regno Unito 354
AT - Austria 260
KR - Corea 213
CA - Canada 197
PL - Polonia 192
JP - Giappone 180
UA - Ucraina 173
AU - Australia 156
VN - Vietnam 144
NL - Olanda 141
ES - Italia 136
DK - Danimarca 133
IN - India 107
HK - Hong Kong 87
ID - Indonesia 86
BE - Belgio 77
TW - Taiwan 76
TR - Turchia 73
BR - Brasile 70
CH - Svizzera 60
CL - Cile 52
IR - Iran 52
GR - Grecia 44
RU - Federazione Russa 43
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 41
IL - Israele 34
NO - Norvegia 34
PT - Portogallo 30
SA - Arabia Saudita 30
MX - Messico 23
AR - Argentina 20
CO - Colombia 20
HU - Ungheria 20
EG - Egitto 19
RO - Romania 17
TH - Thailandia 17
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 15
MA - Marocco 14
RS - Serbia 12
ZA - Sudafrica 12
PE - Perù 10
PH - Filippine 10
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
LB - Libano 8
SN - Senegal 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
KE - Kenya 6
UZ - Uzbekistan 6
JO - Giordania 5
PK - Pakistan 5
EU - Europa 4
IQ - Iraq 4
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 4
MY - Malesia 4
NG - Nigeria 4
CY - Cipro 3
PA - Panama 3
SI - Slovenia 3
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 3
UY - Uruguay 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CU - Cuba 2
HR - Croazia 2
IS - Islanda 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MT - Malta 2
PY - Paraguay 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AM - Armenia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
BZ - Belize 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
MC - Monaco 1
TG - Togo 1
Totale 19.137
Città #
Chandler 838
Beijing 544
Santa Clara 516
Ann Arbor 505
Fairfield 459
Dublin 429
Houston 411
Singapore 408
Ashburn 336
Turin 326
Torino 297
Wilmington 265
Vienna 250
Redwood City 234
Seattle 227
Woodbridge 219
Milan 191
Jacksonville 190
Villeurbanne 190
Nyköping 169
Cambridge 164
Warsaw 164
Medford 158
Pisa 148
Rome 148
Princeton 144
Dearborn 129
Columbus 128
Munich 110
Helsinki 96
Dong Ket 82
Nanjing 73
Jakarta 72
Guangzhou 65
Boston 63
Heidelberg 60
Toronto 57
Boardman 56
Santiago 45
Los Angeles 44
New York 43
Padova 40
Tokyo 40
Genoa 38
San Diego 38
Seoul 38
Hefei 36
Shanghai 32
Fremont 31
Brussels 30
Chengdu 30
Taipei 29
San Mauro Torinese 27
Chicago 26
Prague 26
Berlin 25
London 25
Verona 25
Dallas 24
Palermo 24
Paris 24
Utrecht 24
Bologna 23
Melbourne 23
San Francisco 23
Ottawa 22
Silver Spring 22
Brisbane 21
Central 21
Istanbul 21
Madrid 21
Naples 21
Barcelona 20
Norwalk 19
Phoenix 19
Genova 18
Kai Yi Wan 18
Oulu 18
Bari 17
Changsha 17
Chongqing 17
Wuhan 17
Ankara 16
Groningen 16
Hangzhou 16
Montreal 16
Amsterdam 15
Austin 15
Adelaide 14
Bergen 14
San Jose 14
Bengaluru 13
Florence 13
Omaha 13
Ponte San Pietro 13
San Antonio 13
Shenzhen 13
Taoyuan District 13
Zurich 13
Birmingham 12
Totale 10.335
Nome #
The chemotherapy long-term effect on cognitive functions and brain metabolism in lymphoma patients 1.051
Pragmatic abilities in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A study with the ABaCo battery 805
Functional connectivity of the insula in the resting brain. 794
Functional connectivity and coactivation of the nucleus accumbens: a combined functional connectivity and structure-based meta-analysis. 554
Cerebellar Clustering and Functional Connectivity During Pain Processing 439
ABaCo - Assessment Battery for Communication. Giunti Psychometrics OS Firenze 437
Unawareness of deficits in Alzheimer's disease: Role of the Cingulate Cortex 411
Functional anatomy of cortical areas characterized by Von Economo neurons 378
Le Neuroimmagini. Nuove frontiere per lo studio del cervello umano in vivo. 364
Explaining pragmatic performance in traumatic brain injury: a process perspective on communicative errors 346
Linguistic, extralinguistic and paralinguistic abilities in patients with right hemisphere damage (RHD) 341
Altered resting state attentional networks in diabetic neuropathic pain 325
Neuroplastic Changes Induced by Cognitive Rehabilitation in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review 303
Assessment battery for communication (ABaCo): normative data. 294
Grey matter abnormality in autism spectrum disorder: An ALE - Meta-analysis study. 293
On Mental Imagery in Lexical Processing: Computational Modeling of the Visual Load Associated to Concepts 286
Communicative abilities in children: An assessment through different phenomena and expressive means 272
Nice and Easy: Mismatch Negativity Responses Reveal a Significant Correlation Between Aesthetic Appreciation and Perceptual Learning 263
Linking coordinative and executive dysfunctions to atrophy in spinocerebellar ataxia 2 patients 258
To Move or Not to Move? Functional Role of Ventral Premotor Cortex in Motor Monitoring During Limb Immobilization 246
Imageability effect on the functional brain activity during a naming to definition task 235
Once you feel it, you see it: insula and sensory-motor contribution to visual awareness for fearful bodies in parietal neglect 228
Drawing lines while imagining circles: Neural basis of the bimanual coupling effect during motor execution and motor imagery 225
Assessment battery for communication: Development of two equivalent forms 222
Massive Modulation of Brain Areas After Mechanical Pain Stimulation: A Time-Resolved fMRI Study 206
Discovering the somatotopic organization of the motor areas of the medial wall using low-frequency bold fluctuations. 195
Gamification nelle pratiche HRM: sperimentazione di un training videoludico per il potenziamento del problem solving 194
Altered resting state in diabetic neuropathic pain 192
Cognitive Pragmatic Treatment: A Rehabilitative Program for Traumatic Brain Injury Individuals 192
“Stopping for knowledge”: The sense of beauty in the perception-action cycle 184
Communicative-Pragmatic Treatment in schizophrenia: A pilot study 182
Cognitive Pragmatic rehabilitation program In schizophrenia: A single case fMRI study 178
Rehabilitation of communicative abilities in patients with a history of TBI: Behavioral improvements and cerebral changes in resting-state activity 168
Concomitant use of transcranial direct current stimulation and computer-assisted training for the rehabilitation of attention in traumatic brain injured patients: Behavioral and neuroimaging results 168
Bra.Di.P.O. and P.I.G.R.O.: Innovative Devices for Motor Learning Programs 165
A combined robotic and cognitive training for locomotor rehabilitation: Evidences of cerebral functional reorganization in two chronic traumatic brain injured patients. 156
Meta-analytic clustering of the insular cortex: Characterizing the meta-analytic connectivity of the insula when involved in active tasks 153
Abilità linguistiche, extralinguistiche e paralinguistiche in pazienti con lesioni focali all’emisfero destro 152
Assessment of pragmatic impairment in right hemisphere damage 148
Preferred music listening is associated with perceptual learning enhancement at the expense of self-focused attention 145
Metodiche di medicina nucleare 144
Executive coaching meets cognitive neuroscience: a resting state MRI study 139
Correlation analysis between resting state, glucose brain metabolism, personality and attachment traits 136
Functional connectivity of the posteromedial cortex. 136
Communicative-pragmatic disorders in traumatic brain injury: The role of theory of mind and executive functions 135
Low-Frequency BOLD fluctuations demonstrate altered thalamocortical connectivity in diabetic neuropathic pain. 129
La fRMN visiva nella sindrome calcificazioni occipitali, celiachia, epilessia: risultati preliminari 128
ABaCo: Assessment Battery for Communication. 126
Trauma cranio encefalico e abilità comunicativo-pragmatiche: il ruolo della teoria della mente e delle funzioni esecutive 122
Preliminary structural analysis of an active exoskeleton for robotic neuro-rehabilitation 122
Influence of the amount of body weight support on lower limb joints' kinematics during treadmill walking at different gait speeds: Reference data on healthy adults to define trajectories for robot assistance 118
The functional role of ventral Premotor Cortex in motor monitoring of voluntary actions: an fMRI study during mechanic limb immobilization. 115
L’attaccamento nella patologia oncologica 113
Behavioral and neuroplastic effects of low-frequency rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in a chronic stroke patient: A concomitant TMS and fMRI study. 112
The role of musical aesthetic emotions in social adaptation to the Covid-19 pandemic 109
Mind-Brain Plasticity and Rehabilitation of Cognitive Functions: What Techniques Have Been Proven Effective? 108
Considerazioni conclusive 106
Assessment Battery for Communication - ABaCo: A new instrument for the evaluation of pragmatic abilities 105
ABaCo - Batteria per l'assessment pragmatico: Dati normativi. 103
The effects of combined physical and mental practice on locomotor cerebral areas: An fMRI study with the ankle dorsiflexion paradigm 101
La comprensione dei connettivi in contesti certi e incerti 101
Profilo delle abilità pragmatiche in pazienti con autismo. 99
Navigational training in virtual environments: A pilot fMRI study on healthy participants 99
Recovering two languages with the right hemisphere 98
Chemotherapy Effects on Cerebral Glucose Metabolism at Rest 98
Batteria di Assessment per la Comunicazione: un nuovo strumento clinico per la valutazione delle abilità comunicative. 96
Validazione di un nuovo strumento per la valutazione delle abilità pragmatiche 94
Trattamento Cognitivo Pragmatico per l'abilità comunicativa in individui con schizofrenia: Uno studio pilota. 94
Long-term limb immobilization modulates inhibition-related electrophysiological brain activity 94
Motor imagery of walking following training in locomotor attention - The effect of 'the tango lesson' 94
How we understand simple and complex communicative acts: A developmental perspective 93
Behavioral and neuroplastic effects of Low-Frequency rTMS of the unaffected hemisphere in a chronic stroke patient 93
Assessment of communicative abilities in aphasic patients 93
Reorganization and enhanced functional connectivity of motor areas in repetitive ankle movements after training in locomotor attention. 93
The neural basis of Distress Thermometer in cancer survivors: a FDG-PET study in the Resting State. 92
Basic Speech Acts in linguistic and extrlinguistic communication 91
Abilità linguistiche ed extralinguistiche in pazienti con afasia 91
Conscious but not nonconscious perception of social emotions alters the “default mode” brain activity 90
Valutazione della competenza pragmatica: Uno studio evolutivo 85
The Assessment Battery for Communication: Parallel forms for use in clinical settings 85
The role of resting state fMRI in Persistent Vegetative State treated with cerebral cortical stimulation. 84
Video game play changes spatial and verbal memory: Rehabilitation of a single case with traumatic brain injury 84
Correlati neurali fra metabolismo cerebrale basale e organizzazione emozionale. 84
Valutazione di un training per la ribilitazione delle abilità comunicativo-pragmatiche in individui con trauma cranio-encefalico 83
Control curves for a new lower limbs robotic exoskeleton obtained from the study of joints angles during an unloaded human walking 82
Communicative ability in schizophrenic patients: executive function, theory of mind and mental representations 81
Understanding the communicative impairments in schizophrenia: A preliminary study 79
Memorisation and implicit perceptual learning are enhanced for preferred musical intervals and chords 79
Beauty and Uncertainty as Transformative Factors: A Free Energy Principle Account of Aesthetic Diagnosis and Intervention in Gestalt Psychotherapy 77
La comunicazione in soggetti affetti da danno cerebrale destro e sinistro: Aspetti paralinguistici. 76
A Virtual Navigation Training Promotes the Remapping of Space in Allocentric Coordinates: Evidence From Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data 74
Preoperative and intraoperative brain mapping for the resection of eloquent-area tumors. A prospective analysis of methodology, correlation, and usefulness based on clinical outcomes. 74
Effect of Low-Frequency rTMS of the contralesional hemisphere on motor and visuo-spatial deficits in a chronic patient with subcortical stroke 73
The role of cognitive functions in communication: The case of traumatic brain Injury 70
Communicative deficit in traumatic brain injured patients: Analysis of errors 70
The role of cognitive and socio-cognitive conflict in learning to reason 69
Physical but not virtual presence of others potentiates implicit and explicit learning 66
Totale 18.060
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.176
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.501
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 55.677

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.249 0 0 0 0 0 0 261 202 240 230 174 142
2020/20212.068 169 105 184 137 197 178 146 130 250 139 189 244
2021/20222.263 84 147 92 212 141 161 179 155 101 199 431 361
2022/20233.127 281 248 141 336 251 623 250 244 341 113 196 103
2023/20242.251 219 259 127 162 219 253 184 136 32 200 200 260
2024/20252.402 145 256 217 374 814 481 115 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.638