CEDRINI, Mario Aldo
CEDRINI, Mario Aldo
A Methodological Reading of "Economic Consequences of the Peace"
2014-01-01 A.M. Carabelli; M.A. Cedrini
Ars Ultima Spes? Some Notes on the Unsustainability of Today's Capitalism and Culture as a Possible Remedy
2019-01-01 Mario Aldo Cedrini; Marco Guerzoni
Chapter 18 of the General Theory "Further Analysed". Economics as a Way of Thinking
2014-01-01 A.M. Carabelli; M.A. Cedrini
Consensus Versus Freedom or Consensus Upon Freedom? From Washington Disorder to the Rediscovery of Keynes
2008-01-01 M. A. Cedrini
Convivere con l’incertezza. Nelle logiche economiche del rischio
2009-01-01 M. A. Cedrini; M. Novarese
Current Global Imbalances: Might Keynes Be of Help?
2010-01-01 A. M. Carabelli; M. A. Cedrini
Don Chisciotte e Sancho Panza nelle terre del microcredito. Intervista a Maria Nowak
2005-01-01 M. A. Cedrini
Economia e paura: riflessioni a partire dal paradigma del Washington Consensus
2011-01-01 M. A. Cedrini; S. Busso
Economia, altruismo e dono
2014-01-01 M. Cedrini; M. Novarese
Economics as Social Science. Economics Imperialism and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity
2017-01-01 Roberto, Marchionatti; Mario, Cedrini
Economics imperialism and a transdisciplinary perspective
2022-01-01 Mario Cedrini; Joselle Dagnes
Economics Imperialism and Economic Imperialism: Two Sides of the Same Coin
2025-01-01 Angela Ambrosino, Mario Aldo Cedrini, John B. Davis
Esiste un'alternativa. Intervista a Joseph Stiglitz
2007-01-01 L. Sau; M. A. Cedrini
Expectations, Equilibrium and Time in The General Theory
2018-01-01 Carabelli, Anna Maria; Cedrini, Mario Aldo
Fighting Through Britain. The "Gift Dimension" of Keynes's Quest for a New Global Order
2008-01-01 M. A. Cedrini
From Theory to Policy? Keynes’s Distinction between “Apparatus of Thought” and “Apparatus of Action”, with an Eye to the European Debt Crisis
2015-01-01 Carabelli Anna; Cedrini Mario
Further Issues on the Keynes-Hume Connection Relating to the Theory of Financial Markets in the "General Theory"
2013-01-01 A. M. Carabelli; M. A. Cedrini
Gianni Vattimo. Opere complete. Volume introduttivo
2007-01-01 M. A. Cedrini; A. Martinengo; S. Zabala
Global Imbalances, Monetary Disorder, and Shrinking Policy Space: Keynes’s Legacy for Our Troubled World
2010-01-01 A. M. Carabelli; M. A. Cedrini
Globalisation and Keynes’s Ideal of “a sounder political economy between all nations”
2015-01-01 Carabelli, Anna M.; Cedrini, Mario A.