FERRARA, Francesca
FERRARA, Francesca
'The prince and the messenger' story: From a tale to mathematical thinking
2009-01-01 F. Ferrara; L. Bazzini; R. Barbero; P. Laiolo
A graphical approach to function through body motion
2002-01-01 F. Ferrara; O. Robutti
A materialist conception of early algebraic thinking
2015-01-01 Ferrara, F.; Ng, O.-L.
Analysing children’s understanding from a semiotic stance
2010-01-01 K. Savioli; F. Ferrara; L. Bazzini
Are mathematics students thinking as Kepler? Conics and mathematical machines
2013-01-01 F. Ferrara; M. Maschietto
Assembling mathematical concepts through trans-individual coordinated movements: The role of affect and sympathy
2019-01-01 De Freitas E., Ferrara F., Ferrari G.
Becoming mathematical subjects by playing mathematical instruments: Gibbous lines with WiiGraph
2015-01-01 Ferrara, F.; Ferrari, G.
Being collaborative, being rivals: Playing WiiGraph in the mathematics classroom
2015-01-01 Ferrara, F.; Ferrari, G.
Bodily experiments, metaphors, gestures and artefacts in grasping the meaning of a motion graph: a case study
2004-01-01 F. Ferrara
Body motion and early algebra
2019-01-01 Nemirovsky R., Adamuz-Povedano N., Ferrara F., Ferrari G.
Bridging perception and theory: what role can metaphors and imagery play?
2004-01-01 F. Ferrara
Children in movement towards STEAM: Coding and shapes at kindergarten
2022-01-01 Ferrara, Francesca; Ferrari, Giulia; Savioli, Ketty
Close your eyes and see... An approach to spatial geometry
2013-01-01 F. Ferrara; M.F. Mammana
Curve chiuse in movimento: Teoria dei numeri con lo spirografo nella scuola primaria
2020-01-01 Ferrara F., Ferrari G., Savioli K.
Diagrams and mathematical events: Encountering spatio-temporal relationships with graphing technology
2017-01-01 Ferrara, F.; Ferrari, G.
Different perspectives on computer-based graphs and their meaning
2006-01-01 F. Ferrara; O. Robutti; C. Sabena
Embodiment and technology in modelling activities
2004-01-01 L. Bazzini; F. Ferrara; F. Fossati; O. Robutti
Embodiment e tecnologia in attività di modellizzazione: studio di un caso
2004-01-01 F. Ferrara; L. Bazzini; F. Fossati; O. Robutti
Eye tracking and didactics of mathematics: a possible wedding?
2010-01-01 P. Lindström; C. Andrà; F. Arzarello; F. Ferrara; K. Holmqvist; O. Robutti; C. Sabena
Graphing motion to understand math with children
2009-01-01 F. Ferrara; K. Savioli