Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.281
AS - Asia 6.022
EU - Europa 5.216
AF - Africa 156
SA - Sud America 38
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
OC - Oceania 12
Totale 18.743
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.218
VN - Vietnam 4.137
IT - Italia 1.416
DK - Danimarca 935
CN - Cina 788
IE - Irlanda 506
SE - Svezia 495
SG - Singapore 428
DE - Germania 353
FR - Francia 330
FI - Finlandia 311
UA - Ucraina 282
KR - Corea 156
PL - Polonia 148
GB - Regno Unito 142
IR - Iran 139
IN - India 117
MA - Marocco 93
JP - Giappone 89
ID - Indonesia 77
NL - Olanda 66
CA - Canada 53
RO - Romania 41
AT - Austria 36
HK - Hong Kong 31
TR - Turchia 26
RU - Federazione Russa 25
CH - Svizzera 20
BE - Belgio 19
AR - Argentina 18
EU - Europa 18
BG - Bulgaria 16
BR - Brasile 15
ES - Italia 15
GR - Grecia 15
EG - Egitto 14
PK - Pakistan 14
AU - Australia 11
ET - Etiopia 11
NG - Nigeria 11
MX - Messico 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
MU - Mauritius 9
LT - Lituania 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
PT - Portogallo 7
DZ - Algeria 6
IQ - Iraq 6
HR - Croazia 5
NO - Norvegia 5
BW - Botswana 4
MY - Malesia 3
PH - Filippine 3
PY - Paraguay 3
SN - Senegal 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
CO - Colombia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TG - Togo 2
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GH - Ghana 1
IL - Israele 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 18.743
Città #
Dong Ket 4.110
Santa Clara 999
Ann Arbor 831
Chandler 495
Dublin 495
Beijing 456
Wilmington 411
Fairfield 396
Torino 363
Singapore 347
Houston 277
Ashburn 249
Villeurbanne 218
Jacksonville 208
Woodbridge 199
Medford 167
Princeton 165
Columbus 160
Pisa 146
Seattle 139
Warsaw 130
Dearborn 114
Milan 111
Cambridge 104
Nyköping 89
Turin 84
Redwood City 80
Boston 66
Fremont 61
Jakarta 61
Padova 44
Helsinki 34
Bogen 33
Xian 33
Boardman 31
Los Angeles 31
Düsseldorf 30
Agadir 29
San Diego 27
Vienna 26
San Mateo 25
Shanghai 24
Toronto 24
Wuhan 24
Norwalk 23
Rome 21
Groningen 20
Hefei 20
Palermo 20
Chiaravalle 19
Dallas 19
Kagoya 18
Stuttgart 18
Verona 18
Nanjing 17
Wayne 17
Guangzhou 16
Brussels 15
Buenos Aires 15
Phoenix 15
Bologna 14
Mumbai 14
Trana 14
Changsha 13
Gif-sur-yvette 13
San Jose 13
Tangier 13
Delhi 12
London 12
Napoli 12
Kunming 11
Pune 11
Atlanta 10
Central District 10
Easton 10
Engelhard 10
Falls Church 10
Mountain View 10
New York 10
Quanzhou 10
Ruschlikon 10
Seoul 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Redmond 9
Auburn Hills 8
Benevento 8
Bucharest 8
Cracow 8
Hamm 8
Hangzhou 8
Istanbul 8
Jalandhar 8
Nuremberg 8
Putian 8
Tokyo 8
Wietmarschen 8
Zhengzhou 8
Alessandria 7
Berlin 7
Buffalo 7
Totale 12.832
Nome #
Efficient computation of partition of unity interpolants through a block-based searching technique - Software in Matlab 1.867
Robust approximation algorithms for the detection of attraction basins in dynamical systems - Software in Matlab 1.696
Partition of unity interpolation using stable kernel-based techniques - Software in Matlab 1.612
Optimal selection of local approximants in RBF-PU interpolation - Software in Matlab 1.164
Visualization Aspects of Motion Tracking and Analysis of the Outer Surface of the Left Ventricle 270
A trivariate interpolation algorithm using a cube-partition searching procedure - Software in C/C++ language 240
Achieving accuracy and efficiency in spherical modelling of real data 237
Numerical integration on multivariate scattered data by Lobachevsky splines 226
Multidimensional Lobachevsky Spline Integration on Scattered Data 218
Analysis of compactly supported transformations for landmark-based image registration 214
A meshless interpolation algorithm using a cell-based searching procedure 199
Visualization techniques for the motion and deformation assessment of the left ventricular wall during the cardiac cycle 186
Reconstruction of separatrix curves and surfaces in squirrels competition models with niche 181
Adaptive detection and approximation of unknown surface discontinuities from scattered data 180
A RBF partition of unity collocation method based on finite difference for initial-boundary value problems - Software in Matlab 169
Lobachevsky spline functions and interpolation to scattered data 163
Kinetic modelling and simulation of tracer uptake in PET perfusion imaging 163
Two-dimensional interpolation using a cell-based searching procedure 161
Computing topology preservation of RBF transformations for landmark-based image registration 160
Two and three dimensional partition of unity interpolation by product-type functions 159
Local interpolation schemes for landmark-based image registration: a comparison 159
Scattered and track data interpolation using an efficient strip searching procedure 154
Partition of Unity Interpolation on Multivariate Convex Domains 154
An introduction to the Hilbert-Schmidt SVD using iterated Brownian bridge kernels 153
OpenCL Based Parallel Algorithm for RBF-PUM Interpolation 140
A 3D Efficient Procedure for Shepard Interpolants on Tetrahedra 138
A numerical algorithm for multidimensional modeling of scattered data points 136
OpenCL Based Parallel Algorithm for RBF-PUM Interpolation - Software in OpenCL 135
A trivariate interpolation algorithm using a cube-partition searching procedure 130
Meshfree approximation methods, algorithms and applications 129
Comparing disease control policies for interacting wild populations 127
Spectral analysis and preconditioning techniques for radial basis function collocation matrices 123
Spherical interpolation using the partition of unity method: an efficient and flexible algorithm 123
A class of spline functions for landmark-based image registration 115
Reliable approximation of separatrix manifolds in competition models with safety niches 113
A comparison of interpolation techniques using compactly supported functions for image registration, Quaderno Scientifico del Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, n. 1/2012, 1-25 109
Mathematical models and numerical methods in life sciences 106
Accurate approximation of unknown fault lines from scattered data 104
Lung assist devices influence cardio-energetic parameters: Numerical simulation study 104
Error indicators and refinement strategies for solving Poisson problems through a RBF partition of unity collocation scheme 103
Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation on scattered data on the sphere and other manifolds 101
A model for mildly-severely staged disease 95
A Class of Spline Functions for Multivariate Interpolation 95
Metodi di approssimazione meshfree, algoritmi e applicazioni 94
A. Lisak, M. Sablik, Trapezoidal rule revisited, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.) 6 (2011), no. 3, 347–360. 94
An adaptive LOOCV-based refinement scheme for RBF collocation methods over irregular domains 94
A fast interpolation algorithm using the partition of unity method on the sphere 93
Efficient computation of partition of unity interpolants through a block-based searching technique 93
An Experimental Study of Univariate Global Optimization Algorithms for Finding the Shape Parameter in Radial Basis Functions 92
A note on global and local formulas for scattered data interpolationon the sphere 90
Adaptive Refinement Techniques for RBF-PU Collocation 90
Efficient approximation algorithms. Part I: approximation of unknown fault lines from scattered data 89
Kernel-based methods and function approximation 2016 89
A Modified IDW Algorithm for Scattered and Track Data Interpolation 88
A partition of unity algorithm for spherical interpolation, Quaderno del Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, n.7/2010, 1-10. 88
A class of spline functions for landmark-based image registration 88
Fast computation of triangular Shepard interpolants 87
Software for Approximation 2022 (SA2022) 86
Graphical Representation of Separatrices of Attraction Basins in Two and Three Dimensional Dynamical Systems 86
RBF approximation of large datasets by partition of unity and local stabilization 85
A strip method for continuous surface modelling from scattered and track data 83
A partition of unity algorithm for bivariate interpolation of scattered data, Quaderno Scientifico del Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, n. 4/2012, 1-11 83
A. Sidi, A user-friendly extrapolation method for computing infinite range integrals of products of oscillatory functions, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 32 (2012), no. 2, 602-631. 83
R. Yu, Z. Meng, Z. Luo, Simple fourth-degree cubature formulae with few nodes over general product regions. Numer. Math. Theory Methods Appl. 7 (2014), no. 2, 179-192. 82
A model for mildly-severely staged disease 82
An Efficient Trivariate Algorithm for Tetrahedral Shepard Interpolation 80
Robust Approximation Algorithms for the Detection of Attraction Basins in Dynamical Systems 80
Adaptive procedures for meshfree RBF unsymmetric and symmetric collocation methods 80
A two-strain ecoepidemic competition model 79
An Adaptive LOOCV-Based Algorithm for Solving Elliptic PDEs via RBF Collocation 79
Partition of unity interpolation using stable kernel-based techniques 77
Compactly supported transformations for landmark-based image registration with applications to medicine 76
An adaptive algorithm based on RBF-PU collocation for solving 2D Poisson problems 76
Quadrature and cubature formulas on irregularly distributed data by a class of splines, Quaderno Scientifico del Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Torino, n. 2/2012, 1-16 75
Geometric modelling and motion analysis of the epicardial surface of the heart 73
Efficient approximation algorithms. Part II: Scattered data interpolation based on strip searching procedures 73
B. Vioreanu, V. Rokhlin, Spectra of multiplication operators as a numerical tool. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36 (2014), no. 1, A267-A288. 73
Topology analysis of global and local RBF transformations for image registration 73
An Efficient Algorithm for Large Scattered Data Interpolation on the Sphere 72
Meshfree interpolation using a cell-based searching procedure 72
A. Sidi, Richardson extrapolation on some recent numerical quadrature formulas for singular and hypersingular integrals and its study of stability. J. Sci. Comput. 60 (2014), no. 1, 141-159. 72
A two-stage adaptive scheme based on RBF collocation for solving elliptic PDEs 72
Detection and Approximation of Fault Lines from Scattered Data 71
Lobachevsky spline functions and interpolation to scattered data 71
G. Da Fies, A. Sommariva, M. Vianello, Algebraic cubature by linear blending of elliptical arcs. Appl. Numer. Math. 74 (2013), 49-61. 71
Fast and flexible interpolation via PUM with applications in population dynamics 71
Optimal Selection of Local Approximants in RBF-PU Interpolation 71
On the principle of competitive exclusion in metapopulation models 70
On the topology preservation of Gneiting’s functions in image registration 70
Numerical Methods for Pulmonary Image Registration 70
Surface approximation of basins of attraction through RBF interpolation schemes 70
Numerical comparison of different weights in Shepard's interpolants on the sphere 69
A. Asheim, A. Deaño, D. Huybrechs, H. Wang, A Gaussian quadrature rule for oscillatory integrals on a bounded interval. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 34 (2014), no. 3, 883-901. 69
Partition of unity interpolation using stable kernel-based techniques 69
Lobachevsky spline functions for landmark-based registration of medical images 68
A partition of unity algorithm based on a cell searching procedure for meshless interpolation 67
Adaptive meshless refinement schemes for RBF-PUM collocation 67
Landmark-based registraton using a local radial basis function transformation 66
Computing Topology Preservation of RBF Transformations for Landmark-Based Image Registration 66
A spherical interpolation algorithm using zonal basis functions 64
Totale 16.772
Categoria #
all - tutte 44.802
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 7.031
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 51.833

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.374 0 0 0 0 0 0 260 191 277 240 192 214
2020/20211.637 239 52 82 94 160 66 114 92 114 123 96 405
2021/20225.970 1.006 3.256 205 253 113 34 75 132 65 143 322 366
2022/20231.879 258 109 40 176 162 525 204 97 173 33 73 29
2023/2024825 91 130 47 50 83 63 11 33 19 58 60 180
2024/20252.001 47 202 165 291 972 317 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.478