Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.066
EU - Europa 1.737
AS - Asia 745
AF - Africa 11
SA - Sud America 4
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.564
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.040
CN - Cina 327
IT - Italia 293
IE - Irlanda 275
SE - Svezia 242
FR - Francia 193
SG - Singapore 187
UA - Ucraina 183
FI - Finlandia 168
DE - Germania 151
KR - Corea 141
PL - Polonia 83
GB - Regno Unito 69
VN - Vietnam 52
CA - Canada 23
AT - Austria 21
BE - Belgio 19
RU - Federazione Russa 15
ID - Indonesia 14
IN - India 8
MU - Mauritius 8
PH - Filippine 6
RO - Romania 5
BY - Bielorussia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
GR - Grecia 3
PA - Panama 3
BR - Brasile 2
CH - Svizzera 2
EC - Ecuador 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
NL - Olanda 2
TR - Turchia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
ES - Italia 1
EU - Europa 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
KE - Kenya 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 5.564
Città #
Santa Clara 383
Chandler 355
Dublin 275
Beijing 236
Fairfield 185
Villeurbanne 144
Houston 141
Jacksonville 141
Singapore 141
Ann Arbor 134
Seattle 103
Woodbridge 103
Ashburn 101
Medford 91
Princeton 85
Warsaw 82
Wilmington 80
Columbus 78
Cambridge 71
Pisa 52
Nyköping 50
Dearborn 48
Milan 46
Dong Ket 33
Boston 31
Vienna 21
Verona 20
Torino 19
Brussels 17
Falls Church 16
Jakarta 14
Boardman 12
San Diego 11
Lachine 10
Nanjing 9
Norwalk 9
Redwood City 9
Fremont 8
Hefei 8
Philadelphia 8
Shanghai 8
Zhengzhou 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Helsinki 7
Kunming 7
Phoenix 7
Bologna 6
Guangzhou 6
Jinan 6
Toronto 6
Villafranca Piemonte 6
Marikina City 5
Pune 5
Saint Petersburg 5
San Jose 5
Las Vegas 4
Los Angeles 4
Mountain View 4
Nanchang 4
Rome 4
San Mateo 4
Turin 4
Irkutsk 3
Modena 3
Munich 3
Ottawa 3
Padova 3
Thessaloníki 3
Villabate 3
Washington 3
Aosta 2
Brescia 2
Bricherasio 2
Bucharest 2
Centrale 2
Citta 2
Conegliano 2
Florence 2
Hangzhou 2
Hebei 2
Hong Kong 2
Le Landeron 2
Paris 2
Phoenixville 2
Pichincha 2
Pioltello 2
Rivoli 2
Saint Louis 2
Saint-nicolas 2
Sakarya 2
Saluzzo 2
Spinetoli 2
Trieste 2
Amsterdam 1
Bangor 1
Baotou 1
Birmingham 1
Bloomsbury 1
Braunschweig 1
Brindisi 1
Totale 3.579
Nome #
Inspection of high-concentration CO2 events at the Plateau Rosa Alpine station 187
Turbulent transport efficiency and the ejection-sweep motion for momentum and heat on sloping terrain covered with vineyards 145
Sensitivity Analysis and Investigation of the Behaviour of the UTOPIA Land-Surface Process Model: A Case Study for Vineyards in Northern Italy 144
Air-sea interactions in the Adriatic basin: simulations of Bora and Sirocco winds events 143
Assessment of dispersion parameterizations through wind data measured by three sonic anemometers in a urban canopy 127
Influence of the Sonic Anemometer Temperature Calibration on Turbulent Heat-Flux Measurements 125
Neutral Saturated Lapse Rate: An Experimental Check from CALJET-1998 and PACJET-2001 116
On the Stability Criterion in a Saturated Atmosphere 114
Low-Frequency processes and turbulence structure in a perturbed boundary layer 113
Identification, tracking, validation and forecast of local high resolution precipitation patterns observed through X-band micro radars 110
Crescita dello strato rimescolato nelle prime ore dopo l'alba 100
Experimental investigation of surface-layer parameters in low wind-speed conditions in a suburban area 100
A Rain Episode Related to a Mesoscale Gravity Wave 96
Response of temperature and sea surface circulation to a Sirocco wind event in the Adriatic basin: A model simulation 96
La stazione sperimentale di remote sensing dello strato limite urbanodell'atmosfera di Torino 94
A Mesoscale Gravity Wave Event during MAP : a Possible Source 86
Metodologia delle teleosservazioni aerologiche insiti naturali 85
An application of a plume rise model for multiple sources to the cooling tower plumes of John E. Amos Power Plant 85
Circolazioni atmosferiche locali nell'Appennino ligureprospiciente il mare 84
Detection of Flow Distortions and Systematic Errors in Sonic Anemometry using the Planar Fit Method 83
Confronto tra metodi diversi nella valutazione degli stress turbolenti in atmosfera 79
Analysis of wind data gathered by three sonic anemometers on a mast in urban area 79
Air-sea interaction in the Adriatic basin: simulations of bora and sirocco wind events 78
Acoustic sounding of land and sea breeze 77
A wavelet analysis of low-wind-speed submeso motions in a nocturnal boundary layer 77
Multifractality of air transmittency at small time scales 77
Temperature variations in the low stratosphere (50-200 hPa) monitored by means of the atmospheric muon flux 77
Analisi fisico-meteorologica di un sito come base per l'indagine sulloinquinamento a scala locale 75
Energia solare: contributo e caratteristiche della radiazione diffusa 74
Stazione a terra per il comando di un sistema di radiosonde per il rilevamento di dati micrometeorologici 72
Preliminary Results on the Evaluation of Factors Influencing Evapotranspiration Processes in Vineyards 72
CDS (Campaign Data Storage) 71
The Urban Meteorological Station of Turin 70
La dispersione di inquinanti in atmosfera a scala locale 70
Numerical experiments and case study with a mathematical model oflocal flows 70
Experimental evaluation of diffusion parameters at local scale by means of no-lift balloons 69
Calibration with experimental data of a 2-D sea breeze model by heating parametrization 67
Un esperimento sulle onde di gravita' in nebbia 67
Experimental Study of Atmospheric Gravity Waves and Visibility Oscillations in a Fog Episode 67
A storage system for environmental campaign data 65
Modeling of combined effects of emissions from multiple sources 65
Gravity Waves Detection from Microbarometric Measurements in the Western Po Valley 64
Modello di circolazione urbana 64
Analysis of urban boundary-layer turbulence on thebasis of an experimental campaign in Turin city - UTP Project 64
Urban Turbulence Project . The Field Experimental Campaign 63
Caratteristiche della circolazione locale a La Spezia in relazione a quella generale 62
Influenza della curva di risposta di un anemometro sonico sulla misura del flusso turbolento di calore sensibile 62
Simulation of Sea Surface Temperature trends under severe wind forcing with a full atmosphere-ocean coupled model 61
Influenza delle onde di gravita' sullo strato limite e sulla formazione di nebbie 61
Modulation of precipitation by a mesoscale gravity wave in northern Italy: Detection and analysis 61
Vento e pioggia: monitoraggio sulle Alpi 60
Plume rise from multiple sources: a new model 59
The transfer function of a differential microbarometer 58
A Rain Episode Related to a Mesoscale Gravity Wave during MAP 56
Use of the Planar Fit Method in Tilt and Distortion Analysis of the Mean Flow 56
Gravity-wave activity during 1994 Piedmont flood 56
Evolutionary spectral analysis of European climatic series 56
Hydrometeors Production and Advection in a Gravity Wave Environment 56
CDS: Un sistema di archiviazione per le campagne di misure ambientali 55
Attivita' di orientamento e immatricolazioni: risultati di una indagine tra gli studenti del I anno della laurea triennale in Fisica a Torino 55
Experimental and modeling analysis of micro-meteorological factors involved in the development of piedmontese vineyards 53
Modello di circolazione atmosferica locale 52
Studio chimico-meteorologico degli effluenti emessi da impianti digrande potenza 51
Un check sperimentale sul criterio di stabilita' in atmosfera satura 50
Inland convection and energy transfers in a sea breeze model 48
Numerical experiments on urban heat island intensity 44
Analysis of urban boundary layer flow and turbulence parameters on the basis of an experimental campaign in Turin city 44
Il metodo del fit planare nell'anemometria sonica: un mezzo per scoprire errori sistematici e distorsioni del flusso 44
Interazione tra onde di gravita' atmosferiche e precipitazioni 43
Vertical structure and turbulent properties of wind field observed at a coastal complex site 42
Esperimenti numerici sulla circolazione urbana 42
Lidar measurement of plume structures and trajectories 42
Temperature measurement with sonic anemometers: an instrument characterization 41
Study of Local Scaling in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer for the Evaluation of Turbulence parameters 40
Investigation of surface-layer parameterizations on the basis of the UTP experimental campaign in Turin city 38
Stima del flusso delle quantita' di moto e dei coefficienti didiffusione dedotti dalle traiettorie di palloncini a La Spezia 37
Methods for the Optimal Computation of Turbulent Heat Fluxes: Application on Data Collected at Hells Gate, Antarctica 37
Sensitivity study of non- local turbulence closure scheme in local circulation 37
Simulazione dell'influenza di un'onda di gravita' sulla precipitazione 36
Venti nelle regioni costiere 31
Numerical experiments on urban heat island intensity 30
Totale 5.762
Categoria #
all - tutte 16.981
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 7.809
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.790

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020379 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 42 103 47 42 43
2020/2021636 90 19 58 41 53 20 56 17 95 51 55 81
2021/2022597 14 23 12 35 24 11 37 28 23 18 186 186
2022/20231.013 106 51 30 104 90 274 101 87 102 12 46 10
2023/2024274 60 65 8 16 21 11 3 9 0 7 17 57
2024/2025784 3 81 26 132 468 74 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.762