Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 12.699
EU - Europa 10.743
AS - Asia 5.646
AF - Africa 178
SA - Sud America 67
OC - Oceania 27
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 29.368
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.557
DK - Danimarca 2.307
CN - Cina 2.087
IT - Italia 1.924
IE - Irlanda 1.460
VN - Vietnam 1.401
DE - Germania 1.008
SG - Singapore 988
FR - Francia 943
UA - Ucraina 813
SE - Svezia 746
KR - Corea 565
FI - Finlandia 522
GB - Regno Unito 400
PL - Polonia 277
IN - India 232
CA - Canada 119
ID - Indonesia 91
RU - Federazione Russa 74
IQ - Iraq 69
ES - Italia 59
NL - Olanda 49
TR - Turchia 41
JP - Giappone 35
AT - Austria 33
BE - Belgio 30
ET - Etiopia 29
SN - Senegal 29
BR - Brasile 27
DZ - Algeria 25
HK - Hong Kong 25
AU - Australia 24
ER - Eritrea 23
IR - Iran 23
PK - Pakistan 21
MX - Messico 20
PH - Filippine 19
GR - Grecia 18
PT - Portogallo 18
TW - Taiwan 16
CH - Svizzera 15
LY - Libia 15
AR - Argentina 13
RO - Romania 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
MY - Malesia 12
MA - Marocco 11
CL - Cile 9
EG - Egitto 9
CO - Colombia 8
EU - Europa 8
MU - Mauritius 8
NG - Nigeria 8
ZA - Sudafrica 8
HR - Croazia 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
TH - Thailandia 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PE - Perù 4
SI - Slovenia 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
EC - Ecuador 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PY - Paraguay 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AM - Armenia 2
BF - Burkina Faso 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CU - Cuba 2
KE - Kenya 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
RS - Serbia 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
CM - Camerun 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
TG - Togo 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 29.368
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.791
Dublin 1.457
Dong Ket 1.302
Beijing 1.144
Santa Clara 1.072
Chandler 1.052
Houston 776
Singapore 730
Villeurbanne 671
Wilmington 546
Jacksonville 544
Princeton 455
Medford 437
Fairfield 429
Columbus 419
Torino 418
Ashburn 371
Warsaw 261
Woodbridge 246
Boston 230
Guangzhou 196
Seattle 183
Dearborn 160
Milan 155
Turin 154
Cambridge 150
Pisa 146
Nyköping 145
Redwood City 119
Hangzhou 92
Fremont 85
Boardman 79
Jakarta 67
Norwalk 67
Helsinki 59
Shanghai 55
Nanjing 54
Toronto 54
Verona 48
Falls Church 46
Kolkata 42
Zhengzhou 38
Kunming 37
San Diego 35
Hefei 34
Saint Petersburg 30
Phoenix 28
Jinan 26
Vienna 26
Brussels 25
Changsha 25
Ottawa 25
San Mateo 24
Asmara 23
Florence 23
Pune 21
Rome 21
Ningbo 20
Palermo 20
Düsseldorf 19
Mountain View 18
Shenyang 18
Baghdad 17
London 17
Padova 17
Shaoxing 17
Wuhan 17
Bari 16
Delhi 16
Hebei 15
Xian 15
Benghazi 14
Fuzhou 14
Karlsruhe 14
Naples 14
San Gimignano 13
Tokyo 13
Chengdu 12
Hong Kong 12
Los Angeles 12
Munich 12
Nanchang 12
Trana 12
Visakhapatnam 12
Dallas 11
Grafing 11
Lachine 11
Leicester 11
Moncalieri 11
Van 11
Chennai 10
Harar 10
Redmond 10
Seoul 10
West Jordan 10
Asansol 9
Buenos Aires 9
Guiyang 9
Kanpur 9
Melbourne 9
Totale 17.517
Nome #
Robust approximation algorithms for the detection of attraction basins in dynamical systems - Software in Matlab 1.696
Increase of the prey may decrease the healthy predator population in presence of a disease in the predator, 574
A CAEV epidemiological model for goat breeding 315
Double-layered models can explain macro and micro structure of human sleep. 306
Interplay of network dynamics and heterogeneity of ties on spreading dynamics 278
Visualization Aspects of Motion Tracking and Analysis of the Outer Surface of the Left Ventricle 270
A model for the evolution of parasite-host interactions based on the Maculinea-Myrmica system: numerical simulations and multiple host behavior 259
Ecoepidemics overcoming the species-barrier and being subject to harvesting 239
Aggregation of toxin producing phytoplankton acts as a defense mechanism-- a model based study 234
Comparing functional responses in predator-infected eco-epidemics models 221
A model for biological control in agriculture 218
An ecoepidemic model with diseased predators and prey group defense 216
Modelling the effects of variable densities of vertebrate hosts on the persistence of Borrelia lusitaniae and Borrelia afzelii 208
Travelling waves in plankton dynamics 208
A Predator-Prey Model with Genetically Distinguishable Predators 204
Appunti ragionati di calcolo numerico 198
Do niches help in controlling disease spread in ecoepidemic models? 198
Spatiotemporal behavior of a prey–predator system with a group defense for prey 188
A comparison of several plankton models for red tides 188
Visualization techniques for the motion and deformation assessment of the left ventricular wall during the cardiac cycle 186
Reconstruction of separatrix curves and surfaces in squirrels competition models with niche 181
A two-patch predator-prey metapopulation model 179
The role of variable densities of vertebrate host on the persistence of Borellia lusitaniae and Borellia afzelii 178
A food chain ecoepidemic model: Infection at the bottom trophic level 176
Cellular automata for contact ecoepidemic processes in predator–prey systems 171
Modelling pack hunting and prey herd behavior 171
Competition models with niche for squirrel population dynamics 169
The time delays influence on the dynamical complexity of algal blooms in the presence of bacteria 169
An Ecosystem with HTII Response and Predators’ Genetic Variability 168
Kinetic modelling and simulation of tracer uptake in PET perfusion imaging 163
Editorial of the Special Issue: Advances in Population Ecology 162
Comparison of two mathematical models for the Echinococcus multilocularis-red foxes-rodents interactions 160
Predator's alternative food sources do not support ecoepidemics with two-strains-diseased prey 153
Ecoepidemics, or the effects of diseases on demographic interactions 153
Effect of a functional response-dependent prey refuge in a predator-prey model 151
A theory and a mathematical model for the evolution of single and multiple host behavior in a parasite-host system (Maculinea-Myrmica) 150
An effective management strategy for the control of two lentiviruses in goat breedings 150
On the influence of small Ruminant Lentivirus infection on the replacement rate in goat breeding 149
Competition among invasive and native species: the case of European and mountain hares 147
Recent Advances in the Study of How Diseases Affect Interacting Populations 146
Metapopulations and Metaecoepidemic Models 146
Modeling the effects of variable feeding patterns of larval ticks on the transmission of Borrelia lusitaniae and Borrelia afzelii 143
Effects of herd behavior on population interactions 141
Spiders as biological controllers in the agroecosystem 137
On epidemics crossing the species barrier in interacting population models, 136
Wastewater bioremediation using white rot fungi: validation of a dynamical system with real data obtained in laboratory 133
Group defense in ecoepidemic models 132
Theoretical assessment of the relative incidences of sensitive and resistant tuberculosis epidemic in presence of drug treatment 132
Comparing disease control policies for interacting wild populations 127
Modelling the effect of MDR-TB on Tuberculosis epidemic 125
Poxvirus, red and grey squirrel dynamics: Is the recovery of a common predator affecting system equilibria? Insights from a predator-prey ecoepidemic model 125
Simple metaecoepidemic models 124
A Two-Clones Tumor Model: Spontaneous Growth and Response to Treatment 122
Migration paths saturations in meta-epidemic systems 121
Competition between algae and fungi in a lake: a mathematical model 121
Effects of diseased top predators in food chains 120
Effects of Host Interspecific Interaction in the Maculinea–Myrmica Parasite–Host System 119
A cost-effectiveness-assessing model of vaccination for varicella and zoster 115
A two-prey -- diseased predator ecosystem 115
Social behavior-induced multistability in minimal competitive ecosystems 115
Reliable approximation of separatrix manifolds in competition models with safety niches 113
Modelling the spiders ballooning effect on the vineyard ecology. 110
Global stability and persistence in LG–Holling type II diseased predator ecosystems 110
Il calcolatore come laboratorio virtuale: Esperienze, suggerimenti e idee per insegnanti di scuola media inferiore 108
Mathematical models and numerical methods in life sciences 106
A meta-epidemic model with steady state demographics and migrations saturation 105
Lung assist devices influence cardio-energetic parameters: Numerical simulation study 104
Wastewater Bioremediation using White Rot Fungi: Validation of a Dynamical System 103
A wanderer spider’s model as biological vineyard controller in the Langa Astigiana 97
Mimicking the spatial self defense effect in a toxic phytoplankton - zooplankton system 96
Numerical investigation of equilibria in age-dependent interacting population models 96
A wanderer spider's model as biological vineyard controllers in the langa astigiana 96
A model for mildly-severely staged disease 95
Viral epidemiology of the adult Apis Mellifera infested by the 94
A model for which toxic and non-toxic phytoplankton are indistinguishable by the zooplantkon 91
An ecogenetic disease-affected predator���prey model 90
A decision-making differential model for social insects 88
Do Diseases Spreading on Bipartite Networks Have Some Evolutionary Advantage? 88
Biological controls of intensive agroecosystems: wandererspiders in the Langa Astigiana 87
WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine 86
Graphical Representation of Separatrices of Attraction Basins in Two and Three Dimensional Dynamical Systems 86
The paradox of enrichment in ratio-dependent ecoepidemic models 85
Parareal investigation of equilibria in an age-dependentinteracting population model. 84
Influence of Small Ruminant Lentivirus infection on the replacement rate in goat breeding 84
Mimicking spatial effects in predator-prey models with group defense 83
On competition of predators and prey infection 83
Wild herbivores in forests: four case studies 83
Mathematical analysis of a B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia model with immune response 83
A model for mildly-severely staged disease 82
Models for Two Strains of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus 82
A fast Fourier-Galerkin method for solving integral equations of second kind with weakly singular kernels (Cai, Haotao). 80
Robust Approximation Algorithms for the Detection of Attraction Basins in Dynamical Systems 80
A two-strain ecoepidemic competition model 79
Modelling environmental influences on wanderer spidersin the Langhe region (Piemonte -- NW Italy) 79
2nd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications: Book of Abstracts 79
A constructive approach to basic linear algebra concepts 78
Comparing two new ecoepidemic models of the Salton sea 78
Models of symbiotic associations in food chains 78
Two mathematical models for dissolved oxygen in a lake—CMMSE-16 78
Totale 15.798
Categoria #
all - tutte 86.142
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 18.923
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 105.065

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.424 0 0 0 0 0 556 602 434 591 434 453 354
2020/20213.059 522 66 257 115 251 187 269 84 350 208 156 594
2021/20224.993 549 1.358 387 308 166 156 216 205 127 172 418 931
2022/20234.111 534 141 73 318 367 1.321 523 237 326 48 170 53
2023/20242.022 203 297 136 222 233 156 51 61 27 91 123 422
2024/20253.129 44 465 181 634 1.471 334 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 30.724