Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.117
EU - Europa 4.106
AS - Asia 1.204
SA - Sud America 41
AF - Africa 8
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 10.479
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.065
IT - Italia 1.144
DK - Danimarca 828
CN - Cina 524
IE - Irlanda 384
SE - Svezia 367
UA - Ucraina 316
SG - Singapore 312
DE - Germania 299
KR - Corea 257
FI - Finlandia 232
FR - Francia 218
GB - Regno Unito 119
PL - Polonia 101
VN - Vietnam 56
CA - Canada 51
BR - Brasile 35
BE - Belgio 22
RU - Federazione Russa 19
IN - India 18
NL - Olanda 16
GR - Grecia 13
ID - Indonesia 13
PT - Portogallo 10
JP - Giappone 7
TR - Turchia 6
CH - Svizzera 5
ES - Italia 4
AT - Austria 3
PK - Pakistan 3
VE - Venezuela 3
AU - Australia 2
CL - Cile 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NG - Nigeria 2
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EU - Europa 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IL - Israele 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KE - Kenya 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
OM - Oman 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TL - Timor Orientale 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 10.479
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.479
Santa Clara 758
Beijing 405
Chandler 391
Dublin 384
Wilmington 268
Singapore 238
Torino 229
Jacksonville 164
Dearborn 138
Medford 135
Villeurbanne 132
Princeton 129
Houston 108
Columbus 106
Warsaw 101
Milan 75
Ashburn 72
Nyköping 66
Turin 66
Boston 46
Fairfield 43
Dong Ket 35
Verona 26
Guangzhou 24
Toronto 24
Brussels 22
Pisa 22
Rome 22
Norwalk 18
Palermo 18
Woodbridge 18
Lachine 16
Bottanuco 15
Moncalieri 15
Seattle 15
Cambridge 14
Falls Church 13
Grafing 13
Jakarta 13
Redwood City 13
Selargius 11
Helsinki 10
Athens 9
Fremont 9
Nanjing 9
Valdagno 9
Hefei 8
Naples 8
Pignone 8
Trento 8
Varese 8
Washington 8
Boardman 7
Bologna 7
Cuneo 7
Kunming 7
Motta 7
Polesine 7
Rivoli 7
Aosta 6
Hangzhou 6
Redmond 6
Varallo Pombia 6
Barisciano 5
Falkenstein 5
Marseille 5
Mountain View 5
Philadelphia 5
Pune 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Salerno 5
San Lorenzo Al Mare 5
Tigliole 5
Tito 5
Venaria Reale 5
Zhengzhou 5
Brindisi 4
Catanzaro 4
Florence 4
Genoa 4
Gilze 4
Legnano 4
Los Angeles 4
Napoli 4
Ottawa 4
Palosco 4
Paris 4
Saint Charles 4
San Diego 4
Shanghai 4
Shenyang 4
Traben-trarbach 4
Amsterdam 3
Belvedere Spinello 3
Biella 3
Bulandshahr 3
Castelfranco Veneto 3
Castello di Godego 3
Duncan 3
Totale 6.217
Nome #
Higgs-like Field from Extended Theory of Gravitation, 311
Equivalence Principle, Higgs Boson and Cosmology 282
Extended gravity 269
The gauge natural structure of conformal theory of gravity 262
Extended Theories of Gravitation - Structure of Spacetime and Fundamental Principles of Physics, following Ehlers-Pirani-Schild Framework 261
A further study on Palatini f(R)-theories for polytropic stars 258
Symmetry operators and separation of variables for Dirac's equation on two-dimensional spin manifolds with external fields 256
Extended cosmologies 253
Variational Principles and Conservation Laws in General Relativity 236
The Structures of Spacetime Geometry 229
Extended Theories of Gravitation - Observation Protocols and Experimental Tests 229
Hubble drift in Palatini f(R) theories 214
Extended cosmology in Palatini f(R)-theories 183
Breaking the Conformal Gauge by Fixing Time Protocols 148
A geometric definition of Lie derivative for spinor fields 144
Entropy of Self--Gravitating Systems from Holst's Lagrangian 131
Natural and Gauge-Natural Formalism for Classical Field Theories (A Geometric Perspective including Spinors and Gauge Theories) 128
Principal symbol of Euler-Lagrange operators 128
Cent’anni di relatività 126
Discrete relativistic positioning systems 123
The generally covariant meaning of space distances 118
Solar System tests in Brans–Dicke and Palatini f(R) -theories 115
Generally Covariant vs. Gauge Structure for Conformal Field Theories 113
Extended theories of gravitation 112
Symmetry Operators and Separation of Variables for Dirac's Equation on Two-Dimensional Spin Manifolds 109
Chetaev vs. vakonomic prescriptions in constrained field theories with parametrized variational calculus 108
Symmetry operators for Dirac opearator in dimension 2 105
The Cauchy problem in general relativity: An algebraic characterization 101
Gauge-natural PVPs, superpotentials and trivial Lagrangians 93
The entropy of black holes via Noether's theorem 91
Più Veloce della Luce: Visualizzare lo SpazioTempo relativistico 89
Constraining the physical state by symmetries 89
Extended Loop Quantum Gravity  88
ADM Pseudotensors, Conserved Quantities and Covariant Conservation Laws in General Relativity 88
Art & Mathematics – Educational Multimedia and Web Technologies: the Projects “MArs”, “SCIENAR” and “ARTEMA” 87
About the Energy of AdS-Kerr Solutions 86
Gravitational energies and generalized geometric entropy 82
E = mc2 82
Geometric Framework for Entropy in General Relativity 81
Covariant Formulation for Chern-Simons Theories 80
Remarks on conserved quantities and entropy of BTZ black hole solutions. II. BCEA theory 79
Why metrics? Is the metric the most fundamental description for gravity? 79
Symmetries and Conservation Laws in Gauge Covariant Field Theories 78
Augmented Variational Principles and Relative Conservation Laws in Classical Field Theory 77
Nöther conserved quantities and entropy in general relativity 76
Conservation Laws and Variational Sequences in Gauge-Natural Theories 76
Deformations of spin structures and gravity 76
Covariant Formulation of Chern-Simons Theories 75
Strong gravitational lensing in f(\chi)=\chi^{3/2} gravity 74
Conformal gravity: light deflection revisited and the galactic rotation curve failure 74
Covariant Energy in Mechanics 73
Faster than Light: Visualizing Relativistic Spacetime 73
The relative energy of homogeneous and isotropic universes from variational priciples 71
Entropy in General Relativity 70
Covariant Conserved Currents for Spinors 69
Remarks on the entropy of non-stationary black holes. 
Una sfida: comunicare la relatività speciale in 5 minuti. Il video e multimediale 68
Geometric Constructions Inspired by Loop Quantum Gravity 68
About Boundary Terms in Higher Order Theories 67
The Energy of a Solution from Different Lagrangians 66
Spin structures on manifolds 66
Entropy for Horizon in Theories of Gravitation 66
Gauge Natural Field Theories and Spin Structures on Manifolds
Una Sfida - Divulgare la Relatività 65
The Entropy of the Taub-Bolt Solution 65
Supersymmetries and Gauge-Natural Theories 65
Inducing Barbero-Immirzi connections along SU(2)-reductions of bundles on spacetime 65
Un Video per Visualizzare la Relatività Speciale 64
Remarks on conserved quantities and entropy of BTZ black hole solutions. I. The general setting 62
Covariant Lagrangian Formalism for Chern-Simons Theories 62
E=mc2: a Video and Multimedia to Visualize Relativity 61
Visualizzare la Relatività - Più Veloce della Luce? 61
Portale di Matematica, Fisica e Arte - un Nuovo Approccio Verso il rapporto tra Queste Discipline 61
On a Characterization of Geodesic Trajectories and Gravitational Motions 61
Gauge-natural parametrized variational problems, vakonomic field theories and hydrodynamics of a charged fluid 60
Spin Structures on Manifolds and Ashtekar Variables 60
Gauge natural field theories and applications to conservation laws 60
Weyl Geometries and Timelike Goedesics 60
Barbero-Immirzi connections and how to build them 60
Erratum: "Nöther formalism for conserved quantities in classical gauge field theories'" 59
Remarks on Nöther charges and black holes entropy 59
Generalized symmetries in mechanics and field theories 58
Do Barbero-Immirzi connections exist in different dimensions and signatures? 58
The Geometric Variational Framework for Entropy in General Relativity 57
Nöther charges, Brown-York quasilocal energy, and related topics 57
From the Ehlers-Pirani-Schild analysis on the foundations of gravitational theories to extended theories of gravity and dark matter 57
Nöther formalism for conserved quantities in classical gauge field theories 56
Covariant Lagrangian Formulation of Chern-Simons and BF Theories 56
Nöther formalism for conserved quantities in classical gauge field theories. II. The arbitrary Bosonic matter case 56
Spacetime Lagrangian Formulation of Barbero-Immirzi Gravity 56
Thermodynamics of (d+1)-dimensional NUT-charged AdS spacetimes 55
“MArs”, a Web Portal on “Mathematics & Art” – a New Approach to Introduce Mathematics through Art 55
Spazio, Tempo e Materia: Descartes, Newton, Einstein e le Teorie di Campo Moderne e Contemporanee 55
E=mc2 - Divulgare la Relatività Speciale 54
Two-spinor formulation of first-order gravity coupled to Dirac fields. 54
Conformal gravity as a Gauge natural theory 54
Introduction to loop quantum gravity. The Holst’s action and the covariant formalism 53
Gauge formalism for general relativity and fermionic matter 53
Totale 10.012
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.844
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 6.389
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.233

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.031 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 106 167 155 164 237
2020/2021927 155 18 103 21 67 35 88 21 159 60 21 179
2021/20221.834 121 234 173 373 114 122 136 136 51 30 78 266
2022/20231.238 156 71 33 82 114 356 185 56 112 19 37 17
2023/2024510 62 92 43 35 33 52 8 12 2 26 48 97
2024/20251.486 14 156 61 185 756 281 33 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.857