COSTA, Emanuele
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.560
EU - Europa 4.696
AS - Asia 1.265
AF - Africa 85
SA - Sud America 38
OC - Oceania 28
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 17
Totale 11.689
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.477
IT - Italia 2.133
DE - Germania 622
CN - Cina 529
IE - Irlanda 388
FR - Francia 336
SE - Svezia 334
SG - Singapore 302
FI - Finlandia 228
GB - Regno Unito 136
KR - Corea 124
VN - Vietnam 121
UA - Ucraina 114
PL - Polonia 105
AT - Austria 89
CA - Canada 68
SN - Senegal 55
ES - Italia 34
ID - Indonesia 33
BE - Belgio 28
NL - Olanda 27
BR - Brasile 26
JP - Giappone 26
IN - India 25
AU - Australia 24
CH - Svizzera 23
MT - Malta 18
PK - Pakistan 18
EU - Europa 17
HK - Hong Kong 16
TR - Turchia 16
RU - Federazione Russa 13
RO - Romania 12
IR - Iran 11
MX - Messico 10
GR - Grecia 8
ZA - Sudafrica 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
NG - Nigeria 7
NO - Norvegia 7
PH - Filippine 7
LK - Sri Lanka 6
PT - Portogallo 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
DZ - Algeria 5
IL - Israele 5
PE - Perù 5
LV - Lettonia 4
MY - Malesia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
SI - Slovenia 4
AL - Albania 3
AR - Argentina 3
DK - Danimarca 3
TH - Thailandia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
YE - Yemen 3
ZM - Zambia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CO - Colombia 2
HR - Croazia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NP - Nepal 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
RS - Serbia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
GT - Guatemala 1
KE - Kenya 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
ML - Mali 1
MU - Mauritius 1
SD - Sudan 1
SV - El Salvador 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 11.689
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.052
Chandler 551
Santa Clara 459
Dublin 386
Beijing 350
Ashburn 336
Torino 266
Singapore 244
Houston 199
Fairfield 190
Villeurbanne 170
Jacksonville 169
Turin 165
Wilmington 125
Woodbridge 123
Medford 114
Nyköping 111
Princeton 111
Columbus 100
Milan 100
Dearborn 99
Warsaw 99
Dong Ket 98
Pisa 91
Cambridge 83
Vienna 82
Seattle 66
Rome 57
Redwood City 50
Boardman 46
Boston 43
Jakarta 32
Saluzzo 28
Helsinki 27
Bologna 25
Brussels 21
Guangzhou 21
Nürnberg 21
Toronto 20
Tulsa 18
Genoa 17
Nanjing 17
Hefei 16
Florence 15
Lahore 15
Mountain View 14
Düsseldorf 13
Los Angeles 13
Munich 13
Norwalk 13
Ovada 13
Bottanuco 12
Des Moines 12
Hangzhou 12
Montréal 11
New York 11
Pune 11
San Benedetto Del Tronto 11
San Diego 11
Sydney 11
Melbourne 10
Ottawa 10
Phoenix 10
Alessandria 9
Falls Church 9
Genova 9
Palermo 9
Stratford 9
Bonito 8
Kunming 8
Manta 8
Nanchang 8
Verona 8
Washington 8
West Jordan 8
Borgaro Torinese 7
Madrid 7
Paris 7
Seoul 7
Shanghai 7
Vancouver 7
Cuneo 6
Falkenstein 6
Fort Collins 6
Fremont 6
Fuzhou 6
Jinan 6
Lissone 6
Moncalieri 6
Nuremberg 6
San Mateo 6
University Park 6
Central District 5
Chitose 5
Cumiana 5
Dallas 5
Foligno 5
Imola 5
Istanbul 5
Johannesburg 5
Totale 6.888
Nome #
Caratterizzazione mineralogica e Petrografica dell'Alabastro di Busca 939
Aggiornamenti di mineralogia sistematica ligure - Nuove specie della Val Graveglia 334
L'Alabastro di Busca tra Arte e Scienza 266
Le meteoriti del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell'Università e del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino. Ediz. italiana e inglese 216
The Traversella Mining Site as Piemonte Geosite 204
A 10,000 yr record of high-resolution Paleosecular Variation from a flowstone of Rio Martino Cave, Northwestern Alps, Italy 194
Fragments of the Western Alpine Chain as Historic Ornamental Stones in Turin (Italy): Enhancement of Urban Geological Heritage through Geotourism 192
XRPD and SEM-EDS Identification of a Mineralogical Standards Kit Forming a 19th Century Collection for Educational Analysis 190
New estimates of the free energy of calcite/water interfaces for evaluating the equilibrium shape and nucleation mechanisms 185
Le meteoriti del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell’Università e del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino 185
A petrographic catalogue for the “Onyx Marbles and Alabasters Collection” of The Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography in Turin University 179
Stone materials used for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma 171
Arsenic-bearing new mineral species from Valletta mine, Maira Valley, Piedmont, Italy: I. Grandaite, Sr2Al(AsO4)2(OH), description and crystal structure 159
The historic ornamental stone of Turin (NW Italy): a scientific dissemination approach for the development of urban geological heritage 158
The geological heritage of Piedmont Region: Turin a "Stone-Town". 150
Traversella and Brosso mining sites - Restore as touristic and scientific development opportunity 148
'Mesitine' and its relationship with other carbonates from Traversella Mine. 148
Sedimentary rocks in the urban geological heritage of the Torino city 146
Virtual tour of past environmental and climate change: the Messinian succession of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin 143
Historic ornamental stones from the Western Alps and their use in Cultural Heritage. 140
Messinian carbonate-rich beds of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW Italy): microbially-mediated products straddling the onset of the salinity crisis 140
Geochemical characterization of a marine sediment core from the Joides Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica 140
Amethyst from Boudi, Morocco 139
The Ivrea Morainic Amphitheatre in Piedmont (NW Italy) as a well-preserved record of the Quaternary climate variability (PROGEO-Piemonte Project) 138
Morphology of calcite (CaCO3) crystals growing from aqueous solutions in the presence of Li+ ions. Surface behavior of the {0001} form 136
Deterioration of building materials and artworks in the ‘Santa Maria della Stella’ church, Saluzzo (Italy): Causes of decay and possible remedies 127
Growth of Carbonates. New experimental and theoretical insights 123
Estrazione di Granato Grossularia (var Essonite) a Kamburupitiya, Sri lanka 122
The contact angle between a liquid drop and a flat crystal surface. A simple and reliable measurement method. 122
‘‘Mohsite’’ of Colomba: Identification as Dessauite-(Y) 115
Mobility of men versus mobility of goods: Archaeometric characterization of Middle Bronze Age pottery in Malta and Sicily (15th-13thcentury BC) 115
Optimization of a sequential extraction procedure for trace elements in Arctic PM10 113
Biodegradation of frescoes in the “Beata Vergine del Pilone” Sanctuary, Polonghera (Italy) 113
The Busca Onyx: An historical ornamental stone from Piedmont 112
A time-trip to the sunny Messinian shores: climate variability and past environmental changes recorded in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (PROGEOPiemonte Project). 111
Witherite (BaCO3)/-quartz epitaxial nucleation and growth. Experimental findings and theoretical implications on biomineralization 108
Morphological change of Calcite crystals grown from aqueous solution in the presence of L - and D/L - Aspartic acid 108
Una caduta meteoritica nel comune di Montemagno (Asti) 107
Metamorphic CO2 degassing in the active Himalayan orogen: exploring the influence of orogenic activity on the long-term global climate changes. 104
Growth and equilibrium morphology of NaNO3. A preliminary study 103
Decorated prehistoric pottery from Castello di Annone (Piedmont, Italy): archaeometric study and pilot comparison with coeval analogous finds 103
Investigation about ancient mortars and plasters in the Mondovì cathedral (Cuneo, Italy) 101
Preliminary chemical and isotopic characterization of high-altitude spring waters from eastern Nepal Himalaya 97
A deep-green fuchsite-rich rock 96
Holocene Critical Zone dynamics in an Alpine catchment inferred from a speleothem multiproxy record: disentangling climate and human influences 96
Climate variability and past environmental changes: lessonos from the Messinian record of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. Progeo Piemonte Project, Geothematic area 3 91
Turin: the foundation stones of geological culture in the Piemonte Region(PROGEO Piemonte, geothematic area 9) 90
Chemical behaviour and mobility of copper in contaminated vineyard soils. 90
The Egyptian child mummy of the Civic Museums in Imola (Italy): scientific investigation and public exhibition 89
Exploitation of the Traversella Mine in the 18th and 19th centuries 89
2D epitaxy of lithium carbonate inducing growth mechanism transitions on {00.1}-K and {01.8}-S forms of calcite crystals 89
Celso Crida - Medico e Naturalista Piemontese 88
Neutron diffraction on lapis lazuli: characterisation of rocks and artworks for a provenance study 88
Single and Twinned Li2CO3 Crystals (Zabuyelite) Epitaxially Grown on {0001} and {10-14} Forms of CaCO3 (Calcite) Crystals 87
Towards a portable X-ray luminescence instrument for applications in the Cultural Heritage field 87
La collezione “Marmi Onice ed Alabastri” del Museo di Mineralogia e Petrografia dell’Università di Torino 86
Nanostrutture epitattiche sulla calcite (CaCO3). Adsorbimento di Li2CO3 e transizione delle forme (0001) da K a F a K e (01-18) da S a K 85
Chalcedony beads coated with titanium nitride 85
Nucleazione eterogenea e crescita cristallina attorno a microcavità gassose in soluzione e nel fuso 84
Archaeological hair in paleobiological research 83
Geomaterials as a resource for mankind development: the Traversella & Brosso mining areas in the framework of the "Progeo-Piemonte" project (geothematic area 7). 83
MINERALI A TORINO - Le collezioni del Museo di Mineralogia dell'Università e del Museo di Scienze Regionali di Torino 80
Crystalline microbubbles nucleated and grown around gas cavities formed in solution and melt(0795) 79
Caratterizzazione mineralogica e petrografica dell'alabastro di Busca 78
Applicazioni dell’isotopia naturale dell’azoto per lo studio della dinamica nel suolo dei nitrati derivanti da liquami 77
Recovery and touristic fruition of a dismissed quarry area. The case of Busca Onyx quarry: Characterization of the site and valorisation strategies 77
Experimental value of the specific surface energy of the cleavage 10.4 calcite rhombohedron in the presence of its saturated aqueous solution 77
Dolomite-rich beds in the Messinian succession of Alba (Tertiary Piedmont Basin): a deep water equivalent of primary gypsum. 75
A provenance study on the lapis lazuli collection from the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences in Turin 75
Touristic Fruition of the Disused Quarry of Busca Onyx: Problematics and Strategies 73
Hollow rhombohedral calcite crystals encompassing CO2 micro-cavities nucleated in solution 72
The competition between {10-14} cleavage and {01-12} steep rhombohedra in gel grown calcite crystals. 71
JADE - Object-signes et interprétations sociales des jades alpins dans l'Europe néolitique 71
Multi-disciplinary approach to the characterization of an ornamental stone: the case study of “Busca Onyx 70
2D epitaxy of lithium carbonate inducing growth mechanism transitions on (00.1) - K and (01.8) - S forms of calcite crystals(0723) 69
Materiali di interesse gemmologico dalla Valle d’Aosta 69
Meteoriti - Le pietre del cielo 68
Depositional environment of calcite-alabaster: two compared case studies 68
Transfiguring biodegradation of frescoes in the Beata Vergine del Pilone Sanctuary (Italy): microbial analysis and minero-chemical aspects 67
Preliminary chemical and isotopic characterization of cold and hot-spring waters from Nepal 65
Past-to-present metamorphic CO2-degassing in the Himalayan orogen and its influence on the long-term global climate changes 60
Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of crystalline micro-bubbles around gas cavities formed in solution 60
Growth morphology of gypsum (CaSO4  2H2O) in the presence of copolymers 60
Petrographic collections as a valuable tool in archaeometric investigations 58
Archaeometric investigation of bronze Iron Age fibulae with nestled coral insets from three archaeological sites of the Piedmont region (Northwestern Italy) 57
Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of crystal bubbles in aqueous solutions and melts. The thermodynamic conditions 51
Johann Struver e i minerali di Traversella 51
The Meteorite Collection in the Natural Science Museum of Turin 50
Metamorphic CO2 degassing in the Himalayan orogen from past to present 47
The biological archive of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of Turin: microscopic analysis to assess the preservation of ancient human hair. 44
Metamorphic CO2 degassing from the active Himalayan Orogen and its influence on the long-term Global Climate Changes. 41
Looking for metamorphic CO2 degassing in the active Himalayan orogen. 41
Guida ai Minerali del Mondo 40
Totale 11.803
Categoria #
all - tutte 30.167
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 11.509
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 41.676

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020825 0 0 0 0 0 177 141 103 116 104 108 76
2020/20211.354 122 109 63 106 91 95 87 61 114 103 123 280
2021/20221.968 134 129 129 207 128 141 203 155 119 63 288 272
2022/20231.936 187 131 48 153 220 475 160 136 205 46 116 59
2023/20241.102 117 124 50 74 106 158 38 152 7 69 70 137
2024/20251.243 52 169 90 200 536 196 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.028