BRUSTIO, Paolo Riccardo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.125
EU - Europa 4.713
AS - Asia 1.516
SA - Sud America 178
OC - Oceania 146
AF - Africa 63
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 12.742
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.020
IT - Italia 2.090
CN - Cina 517
SE - Svezia 396
GB - Regno Unito 338
DE - Germania 315
IE - Irlanda 314
FR - Francia 272
SG - Singapore 264
UA - Ucraina 159
FI - Finlandia 157
VN - Vietnam 141
AU - Australia 125
BR - Brasile 122
ES - Italia 118
JP - Giappone 98
ID - Indonesia 86
PL - Polonia 78
AT - Austria 74
CA - Canada 72
HK - Hong Kong 72
KR - Corea 64
BE - Belgio 60
TR - Turchia 60
IN - India 50
NL - Olanda 49
RU - Federazione Russa 46
GR - Grecia 45
PT - Portogallo 41
TW - Taiwan 37
CL - Cile 32
CH - Svizzera 30
ZA - Sudafrica 29
TH - Thailandia 26
IR - Iran 25
MX - Messico 25
LT - Lituania 22
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 21
PH - Filippine 19
SI - Slovenia 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
IL - Israele 15
MY - Malesia 14
CO - Colombia 11
AR - Argentina 10
BG - Bulgaria 9
DK - Danimarca 9
HR - Croazia 9
HU - Ungheria 9
NO - Norvegia 9
RS - Serbia 9
RO - Romania 7
CG - Congo 6
QA - Qatar 6
EE - Estonia 5
MU - Mauritius 5
TN - Tunisia 5
EG - Egitto 4
NG - Nigeria 4
PK - Pakistan 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
CI - Costa d'Avorio 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
ET - Etiopia 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LV - Lettonia 3
AM - Armenia 2
HN - Honduras 2
LB - Libano 2
PA - Panama 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CU - Cuba 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EU - Europa 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
KE - Kenya 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
NP - Nepal 1
PE - Perù 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SN - Senegal 1
SR - Suriname 1
TG - Togo 1
Totale 12.742
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.783
Chandler 580
Ashburn 530
Fairfield 348
Dublin 289
Beijing 250
Torino 221
Houston 201
Singapore 197
Wilmington 164
Woodbridge 146
Seattle 142
Turin 142
Cambridge 115
Redwood City 114
Nyköping 109
Dong Ket 103
Rome 95
Milan 91
Medford 88
Helsinki 82
Princeton 79
Pisa 78
Jakarta 75
Fremont 69
Villeurbanne 62
West Jordan 57
Jacksonville 53
Vienna 53
Brussels 49
Menlo Park 49
Kharkiv 48
Warsaw 48
Dearborn 41
San Diego 38
Tokyo 34
Naples 33
Sydney 32
Guangzhou 29
Shanghai 29
Verona 28
Central District 27
Hangzhou 25
Cologne 22
Nanjing 22
Palermo 22
Santiago 22
Melbourne 21
Seoul 21
Boardman 20
Grafing 20
Taipei 20
Central 19
Brisbane 18
Hefei 18
Munich 18
Saint Petersburg 18
Bologna 17
Madrid 17
New York 17
Bari 16
Istanbul 16
Ottawa 16
Santa Clara 16
Auckland 15
Boston 15
Cape Town 15
Leeds 15
São Paulo 15
Athens 14
Berlin 14
Cagliari 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
London 13
Phoenix 13
Washington 13
Wuhan 13
Amsterdam 12
Birmingham 12
Cardiff 12
Coursan 12
Florence 12
Toronto 12
Warrington 11
Jinan 10
Monza 10
Parma 10
Settimo Torinese 10
Tarlac City 10
Altamura 9
Chianciano Terme 9
Chieti 9
Dallas 9
Kuala Lumpur 9
Monterrey 9
Montpellier 9
Napoli 9
Padova 9
Paris 9
Perth 9
Totale 7.636
Nome #
1 km al giorno: studio di fattibilità per l'implementazione dei livelli di attività fisica nel contesto scolastico. 805
Percezione del sé in età di sviluppo: Il contributo dell’attività fisica, della sedentarietà e delle abitudini alimentari 593
Dual-task training in older adults: The effect of additional motor tasks on mobility performance 508
Fear of falling and activities of daily living function: mediation effect of dual-task ability 500
Technical and tactical effectiveness is related to time-motion performance in elite rugby 479
A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Aerobic Endurance and Lower Body Strength in Italian Sedentary Older Adults 402
Dancing in the golden age: a study on physical function, quality of life, and social engagement 382
Changes in anthropometric and fitness profile of Italian regional academy rugby union players. 353
Age-related differences in dual task performance: A cross-sectional study on women 330
Effetti dell’attività motoria sulla paura di cadere, equilibrio e deambulazione in donne anziane ospiti in struttura residenziale 320
World-Class Sprinters' Careers: Early Success Does Not Guarantee Success at Adult Age 295
Neuromotor training, mobility and fear of falling in older women living in long-term care setting 275
Dual-task e cammino: interferenze del doppio compito nella popolazione anziana. Una rassegna della letteratura 264
Age-related decrements in dual-task performance: Comparison of different mobility and cognitive tasks. A cross sectional study 264
Participation in a school-based walking intervention changes the motivation to undertake physical activity in middle-school students 241
Elite national athletes reach their peak performance later than non-elite in sprints and throwing events 203
The relative age effect is larger in Italian soccer top-level youth categories and smaller in Serie A 196
Fear of falling and motor functionality. A longitudinal and multidimensional study among older adults in a long-term residential care setting [Paura di cadere e funzionalità motoria. Uno studio longitudinale e multidimensionale tra anziani ospiti in struttura residenziale] 177
Abilità motorie in giovani atleti partecipanti ai programmi di Special Olympics. Uno studio preliminare 173
Actual and wished supports to promote a successful dual career according to Italian student-athletes’ point of view 169
Being a top swimmer during the early career is not a prerequisite for success: A study on sprinter strokes 169
Validation of the ADAMO Care Watch for step counting in older adults 162
Age-related differences of the gaze pattern in a realistic pedestrian traffic task 159
The role of working memory on dual-task cost during walking performance in childhood 154
Performance progression of elite jumpers: Early performances do not predict later success 147
The effect of physical training in Special Olympics athletes with intellectual disabilities 145
Postural stability during dual- and triple-task conditions: The effect of different levels of physical fitness in older adults 145
Italian student-athletes only need a more effective daily schedule to support their dual career 139
The beginning of senior career in team sport is affected by relative age effect 138
Dual task performance: age-related difference in young and older women 133
Feasibility of implementing an outdoor walking break in Italian middle schools 133
FROM THE SILVER TO THE GOLDEN AGE - Iniziative e ricerche sul territorio piemontese per promuovere l’invecchiamento attivo. 132
Age Differences of Gaze Distribution during Pedestrian Walking in a Virtual-Reality Environment 130
Relationship between stature level and success in elite judo: an analysis on four consecutive Olympic Games 126
Neuromuscular Fatigue Does Not Impair the Rate of Force Development in Ballistic Contractions of Submaximal Amplitudes 126
Corrective procedures remove relative age effect from world-class junior sprinters 126
Running technique is more effective than soccer-specific training for improving the sprint and agility performances with ball possession of prepubescent soccer players 125
The Daily Mile Is Able to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness When Practiced Three Times a Week 124
Relevance of evaluating the rate of torque development in ballistic contractions of submaximal amplitude 121
The project “un km al giorno”: implementing 10-minutes of classroom activity breaks, directed by teachers, on a daily basis. 119
A comparison between an ICT tool and a traditional physical measure for frailty evaluation in older adults 114
Interlimb Asymmetries Identified Using the Rate of Torque Development in Ballistic Contraction Targeting Submaximal Torques 113
A nine-month program of adapted tango: the effects in adults with visual impairment 108
The Daily Mile: 15 Minutes Running Improves the Physical Fitness of Italian Primary School Children 107
The use of Focus Group Interviews to define the perceived importance of competencies related to the entrepreneurship as starting point for a new career in European athletes: an AtLETyC study 106
Relative age influences performance of world-class track and field athletes even in the adulthood 103
Adapted tango for adults with visual impairment: a preliminary study 100
The effect of a physical education program focused on acrobatic and balance skills in a High School of Piedmont. 97
Does testosterone treatment increase anger expression in a population of transgender men? 95
Relative age effect in males, but not females, undergraduate students of sport science 93
Changes in temporal parameters during performance of the Step Test in older adults 92
The 3 minutes OptoJump Step Test (3M-OST): repeatability of a new protocol to mesaure physical functions in elderly. 86
The Cut-Off Value for Classifying Active Italian Children Using the Corresponding National Version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire 85
Training sessions with tackles impair upper-limb neuromuscular function in elite rugby union 84
Elite Junior Throwers Unlikely to Remain at the Top Level in the Senior Category 82
Performance analysis of elite lifesavers during competition: effects related to gender, turn of competition, and age category 81
Effects of pre-session well-being perception on internal training load in female volleyball players. 81
“How” is more important than “how much” for game possession in elite northern hemisphere rugby union 78
Physical activity and health in postmenopausal middle-age women. A preliminary study. 73
Elderly performance assessment in step test using optojump. “Act on Ageing”: a pilot study 71
Technical and time-motion indicators, neuromuscular performance, and heart rate impact in elite Italian rugby training. 71
Internal-training-load monitoring, notational and time-motion analyses, psychometric status, and neuromuscular responses in elite rugby union 70
Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles by means of surface electromyography 68
The relative age effect in elite Italian team sports emerged only in the first years of career 67
Session-RPE is a valuable internal loading evaluation method in beach volleyball for both genders, elite and amateur players, conditioning and technical sessions, but limited for tactical training and games 67
Relative age effect in soccer: a study on Italian clubs competing in Serie A and relative youth sectors. 65
The effect of physical exercise on daily activities in older women living in care facilities 60
Internal Training Load Affects Day-After-Pretraining Perceived Fatigue in Female Volleyball Players 60
Walking and balance in Special Olympics athletes: a pilot study. 58
A machine learning approach to analyze home advantage during COVID-19 pandemic period with regards to margin of victory and to different tournaments in professional rugby union competitions 58
Interference during dual-task performance: a pilot study in older women 56
Different responses on upper- and lower-body neuromuscular function following rugby union training sessions: the effect of physical contacts 56
Water versus land-based exercise in older women. 53
Player Session Rating of Perceived Exertion: A More Valid Tool Than Coaches' Ratings to Monitor Internal Training Load in Elite Youth Female Basketball 51
Fracture risk assessment in an Italian group of transgender women after gender-confirming surgery 50
Players are more able to monitor training in elite youth female basketball than coaches 50
Integrated approach to monitor training in elite rugby union players: internal load, time motion analyses, and neuromuscular responses 48
Don't Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater: Talent in Swimming Sprinting Events Might Be Hidden at Early Age 47
Corrective Adjustment Procedures as a strategy to remove Relative Age Effects: Validation across male and female age-group long jumping 46
Strength Asymmetries Are Muscle-Specific and Metric-Dependent 43
Physical Activities at Distance: Feasibility and Acceptability of Online Remote Exercise Intervention in Older Adults 41
Small relative age effect appears in professional female italian team sports 39
Padel Match Analysis: Notational and Time-Motion Analysis during Official Italian Sub-Elite Competitions 32
Subjective Versus Objective Measure of Physical Activity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Convergent Validity of the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) 28
Two Is Better than One: Successful World-Class Sprinters Compete in Two Disciplines 22
Decreased neural drive affects the early rate of force development after repeated burst-like isometric contractions 21
Commentary: Comment and reflection about Mental health outcomes of the Daily Mile in elementary school children: a single-arm pilot study. The implementation of the Daily Mile in the school context 21
Junior to senior transition pathway in Italian Football: The rocky road to the top is not determined by youth national team's selections 18
Optimal bipolar system positioning to provide information about the trapezius activity associated with scapular retraction during shoulder exercises for resistance training 17
High-Intensity Interval Training versus Usual Care during Cancer Prehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the Impact on Cardiorespiratory Fitness. 15
Indoor Mobility, Frailty, and Disability in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Mediation Model 15
A multidisciplinary pilot study in people with HIV who switched from triple to dual therapy: influence on physical capacities, lifestyle and oxidative stress 15
Time-efficient, space-saving, and interactive platform to assess physical capacities in adult employees 14
Impact of active lifestyle on the primary school children saliva microbiota composition 13
Youth-to-senior transition in women's and girls' football: Towards a better understanding of relative age effects and gender-specific considerations 12
Effects of adapted physical exercise on dual-task ability and frailty in people with chronic diseases: preliminary results of the ‘‘Palestra Salute’’ (Piedmont Region). 11
Effects of online and face-to-face exercise training compared in healthy older adults: a feasibility study 11
The Influence of Contextual Factors on the Relative Age Effect in Male International Rugby Union: The Impact of Sociocultural Influences and Playing Position 11
Birth Advantages in Male Italian Soccer: How They Influence Players Youth Career and Their Future Career Status 7
Totale 13.052
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.081
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 5.114
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 38.195

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.078 0 0 0 144 71 109 153 129 153 138 102 79
2020/20211.813 84 109 85 126 146 166 104 95 186 150 138 424
2021/20223.338 272 293 265 302 301 316 375 325 178 222 270 219
2022/20232.391 226 263 105 244 213 408 191 198 245 89 127 82
2023/20241.918 103 159 144 131 124 161 169 386 41 199 164 137
2024/2025703 156 201 261 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.084