BOSIA, Federico
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.009
EU - Europa 2.955
AS - Asia 1.385
SA - Sud America 19
OC - Oceania 7
AF - Africa 6
Totale 10.381
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.981
IT - Italia 764
CN - Cina 737
DK - Danimarca 531
IE - Irlanda 339
FI - Finlandia 296
SG - Singapore 275
FR - Francia 217
SE - Svezia 165
PL - Polonia 161
DE - Germania 155
VN - Vietnam 116
KR - Corea 95
UA - Ucraina 71
ID - Indonesia 67
GB - Regno Unito 63
LV - Lettonia 58
GR - Grecia 42
CA - Canada 26
HK - Hong Kong 25
RU - Federazione Russa 24
IN - India 20
JP - Giappone 18
AT - Austria 15
CH - Svizzera 13
BE - Belgio 11
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 10
BR - Brasile 9
NL - Olanda 8
CO - Colombia 7
AU - Australia 6
TR - Turchia 6
LT - Lituania 4
NO - Norvegia 4
RO - Romania 4
IL - Israele 3
IR - Iran 3
PT - Portogallo 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
ES - Italia 2
MW - Malawi 2
MX - Messico 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EE - Estonia 1
FK - Isole Falkland (Malvinas) 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 10.381
Città #
Santa Clara 776
Fairfield 676
Ann Arbor 630
Beijing 384
Dublin 338
Houston 334
Chandler 300
Woodbridge 286
Ashburn 283
Wilmington 268
Seattle 244
Pisa 219
Cambridge 218
Singapore 204
Villeurbanne 167
Warsaw 156
Torino 152
Guangzhou 126
Princeton 121
Lappeenranta 115
Dearborn 106
Medford 106
Columbus 99
Dong Ket 86
Jacksonville 70
Jakarta 67
Nyköping 48
Boston 46
Norwalk 41
Redwood City 41
Turin 41
Helsinki 38
Nanjing 38
San Diego 38
Phoenix 28
Trento 28
Redmond 27
Como 19
Milan 19
Wuhan 19
Boardman 18
Falls Church 18
Fremont 18
Hangzhou 17
Shanghai 16
Eitensheim 14
Hefei 13
Mountain View 13
Toronto 13
Hong Kong 12
Brussels 11
Macao 10
Paris 10
Rome 10
Assago 9
Kunming 9
Heyuan 8
Trofarello 8
Vienna 8
Bogotá 7
Central District 7
Fuzhou 7
Nanchang 7
Bari 6
Buffalo 6
Changsha 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Los Angeles 6
Moscow 6
Southend 6
Surprise 6
Chongqing 5
Lausanne 5
Ottawa 5
Padova 5
Shenyang 5
Tokyo 5
Verona 5
Gammertingen 4
London 4
Monterotondo 4
Ningbo 4
Nuremberg 4
Recife 4
Silver Spring 4
Zhengzhou 4
Atlanta 3
Candelo 3
Jinan 3
New Delhi 3
Philadelphia 3
Reggio Calabria 3
Rovereto 3
Shenzhen 3
Suzhou 3
São Paulo 3
Vittoria 3
Wroclaw 3
Xian 3
Alessandria 2
Totale 7.421
Nome #
Spectroscopic measurement of the refractive index of ion-implanted diamond 272
Softening the ultra-stiff: Controlled variation of Young’s modulus in single-crystal diamond by ion implantation 244
Modification of the structure of diamond with MeV ion implantation 236
Finite element analysis of ion-implanted diamond surface swelling 228
Structural modifications in ion-implanted diamond 219
Coupling local resonance with Bragg band gaps in single-phase mechanical metamaterials 195
Experimental determination of Young's modulus reduction in ion implanted diamond 194
Modification of the electrical and optical Properties of Single Crystal Diamond with Focused MeV Ion Beams 191
Modeling Mechanical Deformation and Optical Waveguiding Properties of Ion-Implanted Diamond with COMSOL Multiphysics 175
A hybrid deterministic-probabilistic approach to model the mechanical response of helically arranged hierarchical strands 167
Computational modeling of the mechanics of hierarchical materials 166
Spider silk reinforced by graphene or carbon nanotubes 166
Evolution of aerial spider webs coincided with repeated structural optimization of silk anchorages 164
Static and dynamic friction of hierarchical surfaces 163
Hierarchical Spring-Block Model for Multiscale Friction Problems 162
Space charge limited current (SCLC) as observed on diamond surface damaged by MeV ion implantation 161
Characterization of the recovery of mechanical properties of ion-implanted diamond after thermal annealing 159
Proof of Concept for an Ultrasensitive Technique to Detect and Localize Sources of Elastic Nonlinearity Using Phononic Crystals 156
The influence of substrate roughness, patterning, curvature and compliance in peeling problems 156
Large scale mechanical metamaterials as seismic shields 151
Metamaterials-based sensor to detect and locate nonlinear elastic sources 148
An analytical model for the mechanical deformation of locally graphitized diamond 139
Refractive index variation in a free-standing diamond thin film induced by irradiation with fully transmitted high-energy protons 139
Quantum Micro–Nano Devices Fabricated in Diamond by Femtosecond Laser and Ion Irradiation 133
Mapping the Local Spatial Charge in Defective Diamond by Means of N- v Sensors - A Self-Diagnostic Concept 131
Self-similarity of waiting times in fracture systems 130
Hierarchical fiber bundle model to investigate the complex architectures of biological materials 126
Design and Fabrication of Bioinspired Hierarchical Dissipative Elastic Metamaterials 126
Numerical implementation of multiple peeling theory and its application to spider web anchorages 125
Polarized micro-Raman studies of femtosecond laser written stress-induced optical waveguides in diamond 124
Knotted synthetic polymer or carbon nanotube microfibres with enhanced toughness, up to 1400 J/g 123
Direct measurement and modelling of internal strains in ion-implanted diamond 119
Investigating the role of hierarchy on the strength of composite materials: evidence of a crucial synergy between hierarchy and material mixing. 119
An experimental and numerical study on the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-latex thin films 118
Structural reinforcement and failure analysis in composite nanofibers of graphene oxide and gelatin 117
Preisach-Mayergoyz approach to fatigue-induced irreversibility 117
An experimental-numerical study of the adhesive static and dynamic friction of micro-patterned soft polymer surfaces 114
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of Surface Patterning on the Frictional Properties of Polymer Surfaces 114
A hierarchical lattice spring model to simulate the mechanics of 2-D materials-based composites 111
Tuning the strain-induced resonance shift in silicon racetrack resonators by their orientation 111
Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview 110
Self-Healing of Hierarchical Materials 108
Systematic numerical investigation of the role of hierarchy in heterogeneous bio-inspired materials 107
Spider web-inspired acoustic metamaterials 104
Competition between delamination and tearing in multiple peeling problems 102
In silico tensile tests and design of hierarchical graphene fibres and composites 99
Fatigue of self-healing hierarchical soft nanomaterials: The case study of the tendon in sportsmen 99
A 2-D model for friction of complex anisotropic surfaces 98
A phenomenological approach to mechanical damage growth analysis 97
Bulk diamond optical waveguides fabricated by focused femtosecond laser pulses 97
Micro and nano-patterning of single-crystal diamond by swift heavy ion irradiation 97
Hierarchical multiple peeling simulations 96
Hierarchical simulations for the design of supertough nanofibers inspired by spider silk 95
Tuning friction with composite hierarchical surfaces 95
Scaling properties of nanotube-based macroscopic cables through multiscale numerical simulations 95
Splitting of photoluminescent emission from nitrogen–vacancy centers in diamond induced by ion-damage-induced stress 94
Experimental Observation of a Large Low-Frequency Band Gap in a Polymer Waveguide 93
Grafting carbon nanotubes onto carbon fibres doubles their effective strength and the toughness of the composite 92
Application of a laser-based time reversal algorithm for impact localization in a stiffened aluminum plate 91
Road noise pollution in the province of Turin 90
Random fuse model in the presence of self-healing 89
Types of leaky SAW degeneracy in crystals 88
Optimal adhesion control via cooperative hierarchy, grading, geometries and non-linearity of anchorages 88
Proof of concept of a frequency-preserving and time-invariant metamaterial-based nonlinear acoustic diode 86
Accordion-like metamaterials with tunable ultra-wide low-frequency band gaps 85
Leaky SAW branches coupled with oblique acoustic axes in trigonal crystals 83
Creation of pure non-crystalline diamond nanostructures via room-temperature ion irradiation and subsequent thermal annealing 83
Micro-beam and pulsed laser beam techniques for the micro-fabrication of diamond surface and bulk structures 80
Mesoscopic modeling of Acoustic Emission through an energetic approach 79
Evidence of friction reduction in laterally graded materials 77
Editorial: Advances in Mechanical Metamaterials 76
Evidence of Light Guiding in Ion-Implanted Diamond 75
Emergence of the interplay between hierarchy and contact splitting in biological adhesion highlighted through a hierarchical shear lag model 72
Analysis of the adhesion of hierarchical fibrillar structures using finite element simulations 71
Multiscale stochastic simulations for tensile testing of nanotube-based macroscopic cables 69
Spider web-structured labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials for low-frequency sound control 68
Smart composites with embedded shape memory alloy actuators and fibre Bragg grating sensors: activation and control 67
Deformation characteristics of composite laminates - part 1: speckle interferometry and embedded Bragg grating sensor measurements 64
Internal strain measurements in composite laminates using fibre Bragg grating sensors. 61
Subharmonic generation in physical systems: An interaction-box approach 60
null 59
Through-the-thickness distribution of strains in laminated composite plates subjected to bending 58
A comparison of different instances of phenomenological universalities 55
Hybrid metamaterials combining pentamode lattices and phononic plates 55
Characterization of the response of fibre Bragg grating sensors subjected to a two-dimensional strain field 54
Deformation characteristics of composite laminates - part II: an experimental/numerical study on equivalent single-layer theories 54
Numerical Analysis of the Anomalous Elastic Behavior of Hysteretic Media: Quasi-Static, Dynamic and Relaxation Experiments 51
Modeling of the residual stresses acting on a low-birefringence fiber Bragg grating sensor embedded in an epoxy matrix 51
Labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials with space-coiling channels for low-frequency sound control 51
Modelling the energy balance of acoustic emission 50
Effects of piezoelectricity on acoustic axes in crystals 50
Editorial of the Special Issue on the Mechanics of Extreme Materials 50
Characterization of embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors written in high-birefringent optical fibers subjected to transverse loading 49
Through-the-Thickness Deformation of Composite Laminates Subjected to Bending 46
ESPI and Embedded FBG Sensors for Composite Plate Bending Measurements 46
Acoustic axes and leaky waves 46
Modeling acoustic emission by a statistical energy-balance algorithm 44
Modelling Damage Progression by a Statistical Energy-Balance Algorithm 43
Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors in Experimental Mechanics of Composite Laminated Plates 42
Size effects on the strength of nanotube bundles 37
Totale 10.680
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.730
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 3.565
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.295

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.118 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 206 241 176 112 130
2020/20211.191 68 98 69 67 66 98 177 57 61 180 55 195
2021/20221.542 127 83 79 120 79 83 116 141 57 93 359 205
2022/20231.090 138 43 27 53 127 334 126 60 111 7 45 19
2023/2024593 64 104 22 22 41 25 13 32 2 120 49 99
2024/20251.400 15 122 126 158 777 190 12 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.848