Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.654
NA - Nord America 4.093
AS - Asia 3.577
AF - Africa 523
OC - Oceania 200
SA - Sud America 193
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 18.243
Nazione #
IT - Italia 6.470
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.946
GB - Regno Unito 659
SG - Singapore 563
MY - Malesia 550
IN - India 406
ID - Indonesia 390
IE - Irlanda 363
FR - Francia 330
SE - Svezia 329
DE - Germania 316
PH - Filippine 281
CN - Cina 279
AU - Australia 164
NL - Olanda 158
IR - Iran 155
TR - Turchia 152
ZA - Sudafrica 138
ES - Italia 113
PK - Pakistan 111
RO - Romania 106
VN - Vietnam 106
BR - Brasile 104
HK - Hong Kong 97
CA - Canada 96
FI - Finlandia 89
PL - Polonia 88
CH - Svizzera 87
UA - Ucraina 79
NG - Nigeria 74
BE - Belgio 72
KE - Kenya 58
TW - Taiwan 56
AT - Austria 53
JP - Giappone 47
NO - Norvegia 47
KR - Corea 44
PT - Portogallo 42
GR - Grecia 40
DZ - Algeria 36
HU - Ungheria 36
SA - Arabia Saudita 36
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 34
EG - Egitto 34
RU - Federazione Russa 34
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 33
LK - Sri Lanka 32
MA - Marocco 32
TH - Thailandia 30
BD - Bangladesh 28
MX - Messico 28
PE - Perù 25
TN - Tunisia 25
CY - Cipro 22
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 21
CL - Cile 18
GH - Ghana 18
ZW - Zimbabwe 18
EC - Ecuador 17
IL - Israele 17
JO - Giordania 17
TZ - Tanzania 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
AR - Argentina 14
CO - Colombia 14
HR - Croazia 14
LT - Lituania 14
OM - Oman 14
SI - Slovenia 14
SO - Somalia 13
IQ - Iraq 12
QA - Qatar 12
DK - Danimarca 11
EE - Estonia 11
BH - Bahrain 10
UG - Uganda 10
AL - Albania 9
KZ - Kazakistan 9
NP - Nepal 9
PS - Palestinian Territory 9
BN - Brunei Darussalam 8
BZ - Belize 8
LV - Lettonia 7
NA - Namibia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
BT - Bhutan 6
BW - Botswana 6
ET - Etiopia 6
CR - Costa Rica 5
KW - Kuwait 5
MM - Myanmar 5
MW - Malawi 5
RS - Serbia 5
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 5
ZM - Zambia 5
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 4
LB - Libano 4
MT - Malta 4
MU - Mauritius 4
TG - Togo 4
Totale 18.190
Città #
Turin 922
Santa Clara 604
Milan 572
Singapore 445
Rome 378
Ann Arbor 372
Chandler 310
Dublin 301
Torino 262
Kuala Lumpur 236
Naples 173
Redwood City 159
Jakarta 155
Ashburn 141
Columbus 109
Menlo Park 106
Bari 88
Fairfield 86
Nyköping 85
Bologna 74
Medford 69
Princeton 67
Wilmington 65
Houston 55
Beijing 54
Boardman 53
Petaling Jaya 53
Pune 53
Palermo 52
Florence 50
Istanbul 50
Cambridge 49
Sommariva Del Bosco 49
Catania 46
London 46
Helsinki 45
Mountain View 45
Padova 45
Bandung 42
Hanoi 40
Genoa 38
Mumbai 36
Nairobi 36
Verona 36
Manchester 35
Melbourne 35
Johannesburg 34
Brussels 32
Woodbridge 32
Bulandshahr 31
Seattle 31
Cagliari 30
Messina 30
Novara 30
Los Angeles 29
Kolkata 28
Lappeenranta 28
Paris 27
Brisbane 26
Delhi 26
Hangzhou 26
Jacksonville 26
Liberty 26
West Jordan 26
Hebei 25
Islamabad 25
Ankara 24
Quezon City 24
San Jose 24
Dearborn 23
Dubai 23
Durban 22
Hyderabad 22
Makassar 22
Newcastle upon Tyne 22
Salerno 22
Venice 22
Boston 21
Council Bluffs 21
Lagos 21
Pisa 21
Seoul 21
Vienna 21
Barcelona 20
Carignano 20
Dhaka 20
Norwalk 20
Auckland 19
Ottawa 19
Southampton 19
Sydney 19
Birmingham 18
Cape Town 18
Florianópolis 18
Perugia 18
Karachi 17
Kingston 17
Perth 17
Taipei 17
Algiers 16
Totale 8.078
Nome #
Reflection on Coronavirus Accounting Impact on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe 2.897
Accounting e intelligenza artificiale: profili applicativi e nuove tendenze 958
La digitalizzazione nelle professioni contabili: sfide e opportunità 715
Data Quality Methods and Applications in Health Care System: A Systematic Literature Review 646
Bilancio POP 2020-2021 Città di Torino 601
Employing Value Chain Theory To Address COVID-19 Outbreak In Tourism Management: A Resilience and Stakeholder View 530
Linee guida per la realizzazione del Bilancio POP o Integrated Popular Financial Reporting 529
Takaful industry and Blockchain: challenges and opportunities for costs’ reduction in Islamic insurance companies 522
Artificial Intelligence to fight COVID-19 outbreak impact: an overview 402
Indici/rating di sostenibilità legati ai mercati 338
Bilancio POP Città di Torino 2021/2022 332
Adozione di indicatori di SDGs all'interno di un Comune di medie dimensioni 302
Knowledge management, digital transformation, and Industry 4.0: Exploring relationship and solutions 278
A Guidance to Systematic Literature Review to Young Researchers by Telkom University and the University of Turin 271
Blockchain in the accounting, auditing and accountability fields: a bibliometric and coding analysis 256
Blockchain, trust, and trust accounting: can blockchain technology substitute trust created by intermediaries in trust accounting? A theoretical examination 233
Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy. An exploratory analysis of academic and practitioners' perspectives 230
Bilancio POP 2020-2021 Città di Nichelino 209
Influencing Factors on Modest Fashion Market: A Case Study 207
Social Stock Exchange between academics and practitioners' view 207
Il principio del controllo nell'IFRS 15 193
Circular Economy In Car Industry-Learning From The Past To Manage Future Steps In Technology: A Bibliometric Analysis 190
The Medical Record and the Cycle of Innovation in the Clinical Pathway of Patients Suffering from Pathological Addictions 180
Social Finance and Banking Research as a Driver for Sustainable Development: A Bibliometric Analysis 178
Halal food: structured literature review and research agenda 174
Beyond the physical world... Digital entrepreneurship opportunities in the metaverse 170
Employing bibliometric analysis to identify suitable business models for electric cars 167
Bilancio Integrato Arcigay 2021 166
Mapping waqf research: a thirty-year bibliometric analysis 164
Passaggio ai principi contabili nazionali 163
Bilancio Sociale Environment Park 2021 - Oltre 161
IPSAS: tra novità e opportunità 158
The use of micafungin in neonates and children: A systematic review 157
The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare: a structured literature review 140
Exploring agricultural entrepreneurship and new technologies: academic and practitioners' views 140
E-health for the future. Managerial perspectives using a multiple case study approach 139
Bilancio POP 2021 Comune di Basiglio 138
Impact of climate change mitigation policies on corporate financial performance: Evidence-based on European publicly listed firms 133
L'intelligenza artificiale alla prova del bilancio d'esercizio italiano XBRL: un caso studio qualitativo 132
Halal certification impact on firms' corporate social responsibility disclosure: Evidence from the food & beverage sector in Italy 131
Towards a hybrid model for the management of smart city initiatives 127
Social Impact Reporting: a Bibliometrix Analysis among Public, Private and No-profit Firms 127
The impact of ESG performance on intangible assets and intellectual capital in the food and beverage industry 125
Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare Connection: A State-of-the-Art Discussion Among Academics and Practitioners 123
Knowledge management and digital transformation for Industry 4.0: a structured literature review 123
M&A e digitalizzazione i nuovi modelli di business per gli studi professionali 112
The Popular Financial Reporting for Hybrid Organization: A Solution to a Tricky Accounting Problem 111
Costs of drug treatment in digital platforms: Systematic review of literature of bottom-up approaches 111
La responsabilità sociale nel turismo: un asset vincente per le Alte Valli 104
Management of Open Innovation in Healthcare for Cost Accounting Using EHR 103
Influencing Factors on Modest Fashion Market: A Case Study 103
Attività di testing rapido HIV al Pride di Torino per determinare politiche strategiche e organizzative tra gli MSM 100
Characteristics and patterns of care of endometrial cancer before and during COVID-19 pandemic 98
I professionisti del futuro: verso l'intelligenza artificiale nel settore contabile 97
Città di Moncalieri: Bilancio POP 2020 96
COVID-19 and Islamic Finance: A Practitioners' View and Financial Accounting Investigation 92
Management of hydrogen mobility challenges: A systematic literature review 89
Bilancio Pop 2020: Città di Acqui Terme 86
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Management Accounting: An Exploratory Case Study 82
Emerging markets and multiple sectors for entrepreneurship: A multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder analysis 81
Bilancio POP 2020: Comune di Basiglio 81
The link between sustainable business models and Blockchain: A multiple case study approach 79
INSPIRE. Exploring Social Entrepreneurship: Selected Case Studies 79
La professione di commercialista perde appeal tra i giovani 74
Electric vehicles’ consumer behaviours: Mapping the field and providing a research agenda 73
MNMUR: Formulare e comunicare una proposta di valore circolare 72
Con l'automazione intelligente diminuisce il peso della burocrazia fiscale 69
International Entrepreneurship and Technology: A Structured Literature Review 65
Il commercialista 4.0 al centro dei processi di innovazione aziendale 63
Data quality for health sector innovation and accounting management: a twenty-year bibliometric analysis 60
AI and Blockchain as New Triggers in the Education Arena 59
Bilancio Sociale 2022/2023 Lions Club International Distretto 108-IA1 58
From Data to Disclosure: How Modern Technologies Are Transforming ESG Reporting? 56
Exploring social exchange theory in Italian cultural heritage. A case study on the Ordine Mauriziano Foundation’s Historical Archives 53
La valutazione d'Impatto Sociale del Servizio Civile Universale italiano: tra solidarietà, occupabilità e occupazione 50
Made In - La sostenibilità e il valore delle azioni che costruiscono il futuro 48
Metaverse meets digital entrepreneurship: a practitioner-based qualitative synthesis 48
Nella gestione dei forfetari 4.0 meno tempo perso negli studi, meno errori e costi 48
IPSAS 16 Investimenti immobiliari 47
Smart mobility in sanità: il trasporto di farmaci tramite droni. Il caso Flying Aid 47
Islamic countries and Maqasid al-Shariah towards the circular economy. The Dubai case study. 46
IPSAS 33 Prima adozione degli IPSAS redatti secondo il principio della competenza economica 46
Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Applications 45
Bilancio Sociale Rotary Distretto 2031 - Anno 2022/2023 44
Robotic process automation e professione contabile, un win-win strategico 43
IPSAS 40 Aggregazioni di aziende del settore pubblico 43
La qualità dei dati all'interno dell'evoluzione dei servizi territoriali: il caso del Servizio Dipendenze 42
Mapping Islamic finance and new technologies: research and managerial perspectives 41
IPSAS 17 Immobili, impianti e macchinari 40
Popular Financial Reporting 2022 - Bilancio POP Città di Castel Maggiore 39
La responsabilità sociale nel turismo 38
IPSAS 5 Oneri finanziari 37
Dalla canzone agli stormi di emozioni: un esempio di misurazione di impatto sociale per le band musicali 36
Exploring IFRS in Islamic finance: a bibliometric and coding analysis of emerging topics and perspectives 34
New technologies in supporting ESG criteria and the implementation in the new normal: mapping the field and proving future research paths 34
IPSAS 38 Informativa sulle partecipazioni in altre entità 33
Bilancio Sociale POP 2023/2024 Lions International Distretto 108Ia1 31
Totale 18.359
Categoria #
all - tutte 44.095
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 2.261
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 46.356

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020472 0 0 0 0 0 44 59 45 33 44 107 140
2020/20212.411 164 144 175 192 211 174 188 170 279 230 224 260
2021/20223.943 213 214 388 386 361 399 400 304 274 221 430 353
2022/20233.691 232 252 218 297 299 452 365 367 358 232 268 351
2023/20244.457 316 255 386 362 312 414 400 473 143 426 497 473
2024/20253.536 320 418 463 675 1.181 479 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.724