RASERO, Roberto
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.563
EU - Europa 4.125
AS - Asia 2.189
SA - Sud America 105
AF - Africa 41
OC - Oceania 29
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
Totale 13.063
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.438
IT - Italia 1.252
CN - Cina 785
IE - Irlanda 488
SG - Singapore 488
SE - Svezia 432
KR - Corea 392
FR - Francia 375
DE - Germania 317
FI - Finlandia 291
UA - Ucraina 263
GB - Regno Unito 192
PL - Polonia 165
VN - Vietnam 135
AT - Austria 94
CA - Canada 87
IN - India 87
JP - Giappone 72
ID - Indonesia 59
BE - Belgio 54
BR - Brasile 41
NL - Olanda 36
MX - Messico 33
ES - Italia 32
RU - Federazione Russa 32
HK - Hong Kong 29
IR - Iran 29
AU - Australia 27
CL - Cile 24
TR - Turchia 23
RO - Romania 16
PH - Filippine 15
PK - Pakistan 15
ZA - Sudafrica 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
TH - Thailandia 12
UZ - Uzbekistan 12
CH - Svizzera 11
CO - Colombia 11
EU - Europa 11
UY - Uruguay 11
SN - Senegal 10
TW - Taiwan 10
HR - Croazia 9
MY - Malesia 9
AR - Argentina 7
HU - Ungheria 7
NO - Norvegia 7
PT - Portogallo 7
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
PE - Perù 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
DK - Danimarca 4
EC - Ecuador 4
ET - Etiopia 4
IL - Israele 4
NG - Nigeria 4
RS - Serbia 4
GR - Grecia 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LT - Lituania 3
LV - Lettonia 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
EE - Estonia 2
EG - Egitto 2
KE - Kenya 2
ML - Mali 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
AD - Andorra 1
AM - Armenia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
MT - Malta 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MZ - Mozambico 1
NP - Nepal 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SM - San Marino 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 13.063
Città #
Chandler 775
Dublin 487
Santa Clara 483
Beijing 482
Fairfield 414
Ashburn 411
Singapore 377
Houston 263
Torino 260
Ann Arbor 259
Villeurbanne 236
Wilmington 227
Princeton 204
Jacksonville 200
Woodbridge 200
Medford 194
Seattle 182
Warsaw 158
Dearborn 153
Nyköping 148
Columbus 132
Pisa 129
Cambridge 127
Dong Ket 89
Vienna 86
Redwood City 73
Fremont 66
Milan 65
Collegno 60
Jakarta 54
Boardman 49
Turin 47
San Diego 42
Boston 41
Brussels 37
Guangzhou 36
Helsinki 31
New York 30
Norwalk 29
Nanjing 28
Toronto 24
Hong Kong 23
Hefei 22
Bologna 20
Falls Church 20
Verona 19
Phoenix 18
Rome 18
Düsseldorf 17
Buffalo 16
Kunming 16
Santiago 16
Fishers 15
Hangzhou 15
Los Angeles 15
Ottawa 15
Padova 15
Napoli 13
Glasgow 12
Lachine 12
Rahim 12
Zhengzhou 12
Des Moines 11
Hebei 9
Moncalieri 9
Montevideo 9
Nuremberg 9
Shanghai 9
Bari 8
Berlin 8
Fujisawa 8
Göttingen 8
Johannesburg 8
Mountain View 8
Nanchang 8
Pune 8
Zagreb 8
Athens 7
Bangkok 7
Bucharest 7
Delhi 7
Jinan 7
Noventa Vicentina 7
Parma 7
Piemonte 7
San Mateo 7
Seoul 7
Suri 7
Washington 7
Edinburgh 6
Englewood 6
Florence 6
Frankfurt am Main 6
Hobart 6
Istanbul 6
London 6
Mexico City 6
Namyangju 6
Naples 6
Taipei 6
Totale 8.007
Nome #
Degenerative Myelopathy in German Shepherd Dog: comparison of two molecular assays for the identification of the SOD1:c.118G>A mutation. 585
HotSHOT Plus ThermalSHOCK, a new and efficient technique for preparation of PCR-quality mite genomic DNA 344
Protein metabolism gene expression in poultry fed mealworm meal 284
Identification of internal control genes for quantitative expression analysis by real-time PCR in bovine peripheral lymphocytes 243
Fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping of six loci containing genes involved in the dioxin metabolism of domestic bovids 196
Is ITS-2 rDNA suitable marker for genetic characterization of Sarcoptes mites from different wild animals in different geographic areas? 193
Casein haplotype structure in five italian goat breeds 188
Modulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor target genes in circulating lymphocytes from dairy cows bred in a dioxin-like PCB contaminated area 182
Local poultry breed assessment in Piedmont (north-west Italy) 181
A non-invasive test for sex identification in Short-toed Engle (Circaetus gallicus) 179
Differential gene expression analysis in broiler chickens in response to dietary larvae Mealworm meal inclusion 175
Analysis of the Sheep MUC1 Gene: Structure of the Repetitive Region and Polymorphism 172
Gene expression and inducibility of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent pathway in cultured bovine blood lymphocytes 172
MUC1 gene polymorphism in three Nelore lines selected for growth and its association with growth and carcass traits 165
Genetic traceability of two local chicken populations, Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese, versus some current commercial lines. 164
Analysis of MUC1 gene and its polymorphism in Capra hircus 158
Immune responses gene expression in broiler chickens fed mealworm meal 152
Effectiveness of the postponed isolation (post-frozen isolation) method for PCR-quality Sarcoptes mite gDNA 151
Analysis of genetic variation in Agerolese cattle breed 149
Two new variants of the bovine PAS-1 glycoprotein 147
Chromosome fragility in dairy cows exposed to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs 140
Effect of selection for scrapie resistance on genetic diversity in a rare and locally adapted sheep breed: The case of Sambucana. 133
Host taxon-derived Sarcoptes mite in European wild animals revealed by microsatellite markers 127
Polimorfismo dei loci alfa s1-caseina e beta-lattoglobulina in ovini di razza Sarda e Delle Langhe 126
Preliminary results on TLR mRNA expression in intestinal samples of poultry fed Tenebrio molitor meal 126
Bovine serum amyloid A3: analysis of the genomic region 123
Confronto tra le varianti A e B di beta-lattoglobulina nella pecora: attitudine alla caseificazione e analisi dei formaggi 122
Distinguishing industrial meat from that of indigenous chickens with molecular markers 120
Genetic variation of two local chicken populations: ‘Bianca di Saluzzo’ and ‘Bionda Piemontese’ 119
Polymorphism analysis of Ch1 and Ch2 genes in the Siberian cat 118
Preliminary study on the carcass and meat characteristics of two free-range reared Italian local hen breed: Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese 116
Lipid metabolism gene expression in broiler chickens fed mealworm meal 115
Genetic variability of the PRNP gene in goat breeds from Northern and Southern Italy 114
Predicting the impact of selection for scrapie resistance on PRNP genotype frequencies in goats 110
Prospects for applying breeding for resistance to control scrapie in goats: The current situation in Italy 106
Market chain of “Consortium for safeguard of Bianca e Bionda breeds” in Piedmont: 1. demography, housing and slaughtering conditions 105
Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network (Sarcoptes-WMN): integrating research on scabies. 104
Population genetic structure of Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) in the Italian Alps 104
Genetic diversity, productive and reproductive performance in Italian chicken breed Bianca di Saluzzo 104
Skin-scale genetic structure of Sarcoptes scabiei populations from individual hosts: empirical evidence from Iberian ibex-derived mites 103
Genetic variability of the prion protein gene (PRNP) in wild ruminants from Italy and Scotland 103
Market chain of “Consortium for safeguard of Bianca di Saluzzo e Bionda Piemontese breeds” in Piedmont: 2. Meat quality 103
Genetic diversity, productive and reproductive performance in Italian chicken breed Bionda Piemontese 103
Analisi della variabilità genetica del gene PRNP in razze caprine allevate in Piemonte e nella razza Valdostana 102
Analisi della variabilità genetica nella razza bovina Piemontese mediante marcatori microsatelliti 96
Changes in AhR-Gene Battery Expression in Circulating Lymphocytes from Cattle Accidentally Exposed to Dioxin and Dioxin-Like Compounds 96
PAX7 gene polymorphism analysis in Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese poultry breeds 96
Genetic variability of two Italian indigenous chicken breeds inferred from microsatellite marker analysis 95
Growth Performance Analysis of Two Italian Slow-Growing Chicken Breeds: Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese 91
Preliminary analyses of biomarkers of the exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like substances in dairy cattle 90
Variazioni del diametro degli eritrociti di capra in funzione del tipo di emoglobina 90
Sex identification of Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops using morphometric analysis. 89
Attività proteiolitica di enzimi endogeni durante la shelf-life di latte UHT" 88
Microsatelliti utilizzabili nelle indagini sulla variabilità genetica della razza bovina Piemontese 87
Aspetti della produzione dei piccoli ruminanti con impatto sulla salute umana 87
Caratterizzazione elettroforetica di una popolazione di trota marmorata (Salmo trutta marmoratus) dell'alto bacino del Po 87
Analisis of genetic variation in Agerolese cattle breed 86
Attività della plasmina nella maturazione di un formaggio tipico valdostano 86
Indagini sulla razza bovina Pezzata Rossa d'Oropa 86
Analisi genetica di bovini di razza Piemontese mediante microsatelliti 83
Effetto del trattamento con NaOH o con urea sulla composizione chimico-bromatologica e sulla digeribilità "in vivo" della paglia di sorgo 83
Analisi del gene MUC1 nella pecora 82
Efficienza riproduttiva dei bovini di razza Piemontese iscritti al L.G. AL - AT - CN - TO - VC 82
Comparative FISH-mapping of mucin 1, transmembrane (MUC1) among cattle, river buffalo, sheep and goat chromosomes: comparison between bovine chromosome 3 and human chromosome 1 82
Development of two multiplex PCRs for microsatellite analysis in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra r. rupicapra) 82
Analysis of MUC1 gene in goat 81
Inhibition of hepatic xenobiotic metabolism and of glutathione-dependent enzyme activities by zinc ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamate in the rabbit. 79
Non-Invasive Approaches to Sex Identification in Avian Species 79
Composizione chimico-bromatologica e digeribilità "in vivo" dell'erba di Bromus catharticus, al 2° anno di impianto, in rapporto ai diversi sfalci 79
Associacoes entre o polimorfismo no gene MUC1 e caracteristicas de crescimento e carcaca em bovinos Nelore 78
Blood biochemical polymorphisms in Somali sheep and goats 78
A two-step immunomagnetic separation of somatic cell subpopulations for a gene expression profile study in bovine milk 77
Molecular analysis of the epithelial polymorphic mucin MUC1 gene in Capra hircus 76
Microsatellites as markers for comparison among different populations of Sarcoptes scabiei 76
A polymorphic glycoprotein from the milk fat globule membrane in goat 76
Studio degli effetti della selezione per la resistenza alla scrapie sulla variabilità genetica nella razza ovina Sambucana 75
Caracterizacao do polimorfismo no gene MUC1 em tres linhas de selecao para crescimento em bovinos Nelore 75
Research on biochemical polymorphisms in the Somali blackhead sheep 74
Milchprotein - Polymorphismen in den turkischen Schafpopulationen 72
Influence of type of milk and manufacturing procedures on the typical Italian soft cheese (Robiola delle Langhe) during ripening 72
Mating strategy based on DNA parentage information in Italian chicken breeds 72
Caratterizzazione genetica delle popolazioni ovicaprine del Piemonte 71
Genetic differentiation of Sarcoptes scabiei from selected wild hosts 68
Contributo alla caratterizzazione del "Valle d'Aosta Fromadzo". 67
Effects of dioxin-like compounds and aryl-hydrocarbon receptor agonists on target gene expression in cultured blood lymphocytes from cattle 67
Genetic traceability of two local chicken populations, 'Bianca di Saluzzo' and 'Bionda Piemontese', versus some current commercial lines. 67
Caratterizzazione elettroforetica dei primi stadi di sviluppo di Salmo trutta marmoratus 66
Salmo trutta e Salmo trutta marmoratus: differenziazione elettroforetica 66
La robiola delle Langhe: variazioni di alcuni parametri in relazione alla tecnologia di produzione 65
Polymorphism of genetic variability of MUC1 gene in sheep 63
HospesVorere-derived Sarcoptes mite in wild animals 59
Impact of selection for scrapie resistance on genetic diversity of the Sambucana sheep breed (Piedmont, Italy) 59
Produzione lattea e durata dell'interparto in bovine di razza Frisona allevate in provincia di Torino nel periodo 1984-1988 59
Beta-lactoglobulin types and milk production in sheep 59
Chromosome stability test in both cattle and river buffaloes exposed to dioxins 59
Totale 11.327
Categoria #
all - tutte 37.521
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 19.898
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 57.419

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020681 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 176 190 98 83
2020/20211.438 159 133 128 74 105 77 154 84 170 107 73 174
2021/20221.580 51 47 76 194 72 41 98 100 53 112 320 416
2022/20232.334 324 178 116 255 193 578 177 121 191 48 90 63
2023/20241.042 96 148 47 46 68 156 55 117 11 78 91 129
2024/20251.492 52 138 122 248 643 226 45 18 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.505