GAY, Paolo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.315
NA - Nord America 6.997
AS - Asia 2.406
SA - Sud America 160
OC - Oceania 66
AF - Africa 54
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
Totale 17.006
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.674
IT - Italia 2.778
IE - Irlanda 1.004
CN - Cina 820
DE - Germania 617
SG - Singapore 606
FR - Francia 597
GB - Regno Unito 509
UA - Ucraina 480
SE - Svezia 424
FI - Finlandia 324
CA - Canada 303
KR - Corea 258
PL - Polonia 174
VN - Vietnam 118
IN - India 106
ID - Indonesia 86
TR - Turchia 85
BR - Brasile 80
PH - Filippine 64
MY - Malesia 60
AU - Australia 53
RU - Federazione Russa 49
BE - Belgio 46
IR - Iran 46
ES - Italia 45
NL - Olanda 42
PT - Portogallo 33
AT - Austria 32
HK - Hong Kong 31
CO - Colombia 26
DK - Danimarca 25
GR - Grecia 24
JP - Giappone 24
PK - Pakistan 24
CH - Svizzera 19
CL - Cile 19
TW - Taiwan 19
PE - Perù 17
RO - Romania 15
HR - Croazia 14
MX - Messico 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 13
IL - Israele 12
EE - Estonia 11
LT - Lituania 11
NO - Norvegia 10
TH - Thailandia 10
GH - Ghana 8
MA - Marocco 8
EU - Europa 7
IQ - Iraq 7
NG - Nigeria 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
EC - Ecuador 6
HU - Ungheria 6
KE - Kenya 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
UY - Uruguay 6
ZW - Zimbabwe 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
LC - Santa Lucia 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
RS - Serbia 4
SI - Slovenia 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
EG - Egitto 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
PS - Palestinian Territory 3
AR - Argentina 2
BO - Bolivia 2
ET - Etiopia 2
MU - Mauritius 2
MZ - Mozambico 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
VE - Venezuela 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
LB - Libano 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NA - Namibia 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
QA - Qatar 1
SV - El Salvador 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 17.006
Città #
Dublin 1.002
Chandler 910
Beijing 485
Singapore 438
Houston 340
Fairfield 335
Torino 334
Jacksonville 315
Ann Arbor 288
Santa Clara 263
Villeurbanne 261
Ashburn 258
Woodbridge 257
Wilmington 219
Medford 201
Montréal 199
Princeton 199
Munich 187
Columbus 178
Milan 172
Nyköping 168
Turin 161
Warsaw 156
Mcallen 152
Dearborn 144
Pisa 132
Seattle 129
Rome 125
Cambridge 102
Redwood City 83
Dong Ket 68
Guangzhou 68
Boston 66
Jakarta 66
Bologna 51
Toronto 49
New York 45
Boardman 41
Verona 37
Norwalk 36
Florence 33
Brussels 31
Naples 29
Dallas 28
Lons-le-saunier 28
Hangzhou 27
Istanbul 27
Helsinki 26
Bari 25
Nanjing 24
Catania 23
Hefei 22
Palermo 22
San Jose 20
Padova 19
Duncan 18
Fremont 18
San Diego 18
Falls Church 17
Kuala Lumpur 17
Ottawa 17
Parma 17
Frankfurt am Main 15
Jinan 15
London 15
Modena 15
Philadelphia 15
São Paulo 14
Nanchang 13
Taranto 13
Vienna 13
Angers 12
Athens 12
Brescia 12
Kunming 12
Los Angeles 12
Montalcino 12
Napoli 12
Phoenix 12
Pune 12
Shanghai 12
Sydney 12
Cagliari 11
Paris 11
Saint Petersburg 11
Tallinn 11
Trento 11
Wuhan 11
Campobasso 10
Lachine 10
Madrid 10
Manchester 10
Mountain View 10
Perugia 10
Sassari 10
Tokyo 10
Chicago 9
Genoa 9
Harbin 9
Hebei 9
Totale 9.668
Nome #
AGRICOLTURA 4.0 - Nuove opportunità tecnologiche tra presente e futuro 894
Cost-effective visual odometry system for vehicle motion control in agricultural environments 752
Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for quality food protection and advanced consumer services 659
Radio Frequency IDentification for meat supply-chain digitalisation 372
Comparison of satellite and UAV-based multispectral imagery for vineyard variability assessment 341
Leaf Area Index evaluation in vineyards using 3D point clouds from UAV imagery 265
Design of an Innovative Plant for Fast Freezing of Potato Dumplings 240
Impianto innovativo per la surgelazione alimentare a temperature criogeniche 233
Temperature and position effect on readability of passive UHF RFID labels for beverage packaging 223
Unsupervised detection of vineyards by 3D point-cloud UAV photogrammetry for precision agriculture 220
Agricoltura di precisione 215
Robotics for improving quality, safety and productivity in intensive agriculture: challenges and opportunities 205
Enhanced Vineyard Descriptors combining UAV 2D and 3D Crop Models 205
Droni: Efficace Contributo alla Moderna Agricoltura di Precisione 170
Progetto e sperimentazione di un robot cartesiano 169
Case studies in food freezing at very low temperature 167
Individual plant definition and missing plant characterization in vineyards from high-resolution UAV imagery 162
Effect of different chemical compounds concentration in aqueous solution on UHF RFID readability 148
Colonisation by ground and edaphic invertebrates of soil patches with different pollution levels 147
Item-level Radio-Frequency IDentification for the traceability of food products: Application on a dairy product 146
Computer vision for laboratory quality control on frozen fruit 146
3D distance filter for the autonomous navigation of UAVs in agricultural scenarios 146
2D and 3D data fusion for crop monitoring in precision agriculture 143
Image processing for the determination of jam browning kinetics 140
Artificial intelligence to boost traceability systems for fraud prevention in the meat industry 139
Performance optimization of neural-network based colour measurement tools for food applications 135
Radio frequency identification technologies for livestock management and meat supply chain traceability 131
Application of computer vision for quality control in frozen mixed berries production 128
Open problems in traceability: from raw materials to finished food products 128
Impact of several pre-treatments on the extraction of phenolic compounds in winegrape varieties with different anthocyanin profile and skin mechanical properties. 127
Modelling and calibration of multi-energy system in a chocolate industry 126
Performance analysis of a tractor - power harrow system under different working conditions 124
Passive ultra high frequency radio frequency identification systems for single-item identification in food supply chains 121
Cooperative agricultural operations of aerial and ground unmanned vehicles 118
Optimal Input Design for Set-membership Identification of Hammerstein Models 117
Browning kinetics evaluation using image processing techniques 116
Integration of UAVs and ground systems for precision viticulture 116
Modelling of steam storage vessels for batch processes in food plants 112
Reversed Brayton cycle for food freezing at very low temperatures: Energy performance and optimisation 112
Optimal Worst Case Estimation for LPV-FIR Models with Bounded Errors 111
RFID identification and traceability of Agnello Sardo lamb 111
The influence of food composition and tag orientation on UHF RF IDentification 111
LPV approximation of distributed parameter systems in environmental modelling 108
Steam batch thermal processes in unsteady state conditions: Modelling and application to a case study in the food industry 108
UHF-RFID solutions for logistics units management in the food supply chain 107
Vineyard detection from unmanned aerial systems images 106
Discrete time Hammerstein model identification with unknown but bounded errors 105
Methods for traceability in food production processes involving bulk products 105
Applicazione del sistema HACCP e dei sistemi di qualità nelle strutture di macellazione dei bovini: Parte II – Sicurezza e qualità del prodotto: analisi dei pericoli e definizione dei punti di controllo critico 104
A high efficacy steam soil disinfestation system, Part I: Physical backgrounds and supplying optimization 104
Disinfestazione del terreno da patogeni ed erbe infestanti mediante macchina semovente a guida automatica ad iniezione diretta di vapore 102
Applicazione del sistema HACCP e dei sistemi di qualità nelle strutture di macellazione dei bovini: Parte I - Organizzazione del lavoro e tempi di lavorazione 97
Autonomous robot design for pot-plant nurseries 96
A high efficacy steam soil disinfestation system, Part II: Design and testing 95
Semantic interpretation and complexity reduction of 3D point clouds of vineyards 94
Progetto FruitDeFrost (2011-2012) - Impianti innovativi di microirrigazione sottochioma per la protezione antibrina dei frutteti: validazione e definizione di un protocollo di conduzione per la sostenibilità e la competitività delle aziende frutticole. 93
Multiple single-axis robots for automated grafting machine supplying system 93
Gestione della tracciabilità aziendale della filiera per la produzione della carne bovina e suina 92
Traceability issues in food supply chain management: A review 92
Automazione e robotica in agricoltura 92
NDVI-based vigour maps production using automatic detection of vine rows in ultra-high resolution aerial images 92
A method for crop water status evaluation by thermal imagery for precision viticulture: preliminary results 90
Artificial Vision for the Control of AgriculturalRobots 89
A mixed integer linear programming approach for the optimization of food traceability logistics 89
Droni in agricoltura 86
Performance assessment of a multi-energy system for a food industry 84
Key technological factors for successful RFID systems applicationin food supply chain management 83
Automation and Robotics for precision agriculture: state of the art and perspectives 83
Agricultural robots for structured environment: preliminaryresults 81
Cooperation of unmanned systems for agricultural applications: A theoretical framework 81
3D point cloud density-based segmentation for vine rows detection and localisation 80
A neural ensemble for speech recognition 80
Effect of Packaging on Radio Frequency Identification of Food Products 80
Wine bottling scheduling optimization 79
Disinfezione del suolo con vapore mediante sistema ad iniezione diretta multipunto 79
Soil parameter effects on steamdisinfestation efficiency 79
Refrigerazione nello stoccaggio e trasporto delle mezzene bovine: analisi e modelli di calcolo 78
Food Traceability Systems: Performance Evaluation and Optimization 78
Automatic inspection of baked goods based on cost-effective RGB-D camera 76
UAV-spray application in vineyards: Flight modes and spray system adjustment effects on canopy deposit, coverage, and off-target losses 75
Robotica per le colture protette ed il vivaismo 74
Automation and robotics for workers health and safety improvements in pot-plant nurseries 73
Una soluzione efficiente per geodisinfestare con il vapore 72
Wine bottling scheduling optimization 71
Disinfestazione del suolo mediante vapore 70
Grey-box models for steam soil disinfestation simulation andcontrol 70
Thermal processes in the candy process of chestnut 70
Effect of UASS spray application rates on vines canopy deposit 69
Food traceability systems: performance evaluation and optimization 68
Neural network clustering for crops thermal mapping 68
Non scottiamoci con il vapore 67
Information technology for meat supply chain traceability 66
Cooperation of unmanned systems for agricultural applications: A case study in a vineyard 66
Steam injection systems for soil disinfestation 65
Trattamenti ecocompatibili negli interventi di disinfezione del suolo in serra 64
Impiego del vapore per la geodisinfestazione: nuova opportunità per la difesa delle colture orticole in Piemonte 64
Innovazione nelle linee per il packaging secondario 64
Relationships among electrolyzed water postharvest treatments on winegrapes and chloroanisoles occurrence in wine 63
Totale 13.630
Categoria #
all - tutte 47.224
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 19.447
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 66.671

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.337 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 191 284 229 202 178
2020/20212.156 220 122 233 205 219 141 155 87 226 194 143 211
2021/20222.018 71 94 61 153 80 90 137 114 128 219 362 509
2022/20233.684 351 244 111 344 309 681 331 324 539 124 205 121
2023/20241.569 162 181 136 138 122 164 74 109 21 70 197 195
2024/20251.729 78 168 247 357 681 142 56 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.618