DALMASSO, Alessandra
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.539
EU - Europa 3.118
AS - Asia 1.576
SA - Sud America 117
AF - Africa 45
OC - Oceania 31
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 9.428
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.439
IT - Italia 1.043
CN - Cina 590
SG - Singapore 329
IE - Irlanda 319
FR - Francia 252
DE - Germania 236
GB - Regno Unito 195
SE - Svezia 191
FI - Finlandia 186
PL - Polonia 148
UA - Ucraina 139
VN - Vietnam 133
IN - India 127
KR - Corea 120
AT - Austria 110
ID - Indonesia 80
CA - Canada 72
JP - Giappone 54
ES - Italia 47
BR - Brasile 43
RU - Federazione Russa 30
AU - Australia 29
CL - Cile 28
HK - Hong Kong 28
MX - Messico 27
TR - Turchia 27
BE - Belgio 25
NL - Olanda 25
GR - Grecia 23
PT - Portogallo 23
CH - Svizzera 19
HR - Croazia 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
TW - Taiwan 18
TH - Thailandia 17
UY - Uruguay 14
HU - Ungheria 13
IR - Iran 13
AR - Argentina 12
DZ - Algeria 12
PE - Perù 12
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 12
TG - Togo 7
DK - Danimarca 6
NG - Nigeria 6
PK - Pakistan 6
RO - Romania 6
RS - Serbia 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
CO - Colombia 5
EE - Estonia 5
LT - Lituania 5
MA - Marocco 5
MY - Malesia 5
TN - Tunisia 5
KZ - Kazakistan 4
LV - Lettonia 4
PH - Filippine 4
SI - Slovenia 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
CY - Cipro 3
EC - Ecuador 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
EG - Egitto 2
EU - Europa 2
KE - Kenya 2
MK - Macedonia 2
NP - Nepal 2
SN - Senegal 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AL - Albania 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
FJ - Figi 1
GE - Georgia 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
QA - Qatar 1
SD - Sudan 1
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 1
Totale 9.428
Città #
Fairfield 434
Chandler 369
Santa Clara 337
Beijing 321
Dublin 313
Torino 285
Ashburn 262
Singapore 247
Houston 239
Wilmington 195
Woodbridge 191
Ann Arbor 161
Pisa 157
Seattle 155
Cambridge 153
Warsaw 141
Villeurbanne 140
Princeton 102
Medford 96
Nyköping 95
Vienna 95
Columbus 88
Jacksonville 84
Turin 81
Dong Ket 78
Dearborn 66
Redwood City 63
Jakarta 62
Milan 51
Boston 43
Pune 36
Helsinki 31
San Diego 27
Jinan 26
Fremont 24
Norwalk 20
Shanghai 19
Guangzhou 18
Boardman 17
Nanjing 17
Gloucester 16
Hangzhou 16
Ottawa 16
Santiago 16
Zagreb 16
Brussels 15
Hefei 15
Toronto 15
Wuhan 15
Hong Kong 14
Phoenix 14
Padova 13
Taipei 13
Verona 13
Washington 13
Berlin 12
Moncalieri 12
Montevideo 12
Bengaluru 11
Buffalo 11
Lima 11
Mumbai 11
Falls Church 10
Napoli 10
London 9
Messina 9
Bangkok 8
Barcelona 8
Coimbatore 8
Göttingen 8
Paris 8
Saint Petersburg 8
Lachine 7
Lomé 7
Munich 7
Nauplion 7
Nottingham 7
Nuremberg 7
Rome 7
Seoul 7
Amsterdam 6
Cagliari 6
Fränkisch-crumbach 6
Gent 6
Ilk 6
Kunming 6
Lincoln 6
Noventa Vicentina 6
Sassari 6
Silver Spring 6
Tehran 6
Tokyo 6
Vancouver 6
Zhengzhou 6
Adelaide 5
Bandung 5
Bern 5
Bologna 5
Buenos Aires 5
Castellazzo Bormida 5
Totale 5.895
Nome #
Degenerative Myelopathy in German Shepherd Dog: comparison of two molecular assays for the identification of the SOD1:c.118G>A mutation. 585
Isolation and characterisation of lactic acid bacteria from donkey milk 557
Characterization of bacterial communities of donkey milk by high-throughput sequencing 334
Omics integrating physical techniques: Aged Piedmontese meat analysis. 273
Characterization of microbiota in Plaisentif cheese by high-throughput sequencing 259
Animal species identification in food products: Evolution of biomolecular methods 242
The microbiological conditions of carcasses from large game animals in Italy 215
Multiplex primer-extension assay for identification of Yersinia species 183
Local poultry breed assessment in Piedmont (north-west Italy) 181
Atypical cerebral listeriosis associated with Listera innocua in a beef bull. 173
Genetic traceability of two local chicken populations, Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese, versus some current commercial lines. 164
Cross-contamination in canine and feline dietetic limited-antigen wet diets 152
Application of DNA barcoding for controlling of the species from Octopus genus 150
A novel minisequencing test for species identification of salted and dried products derived from species belonging to Gadiformes 146
A new molecular approach to assess the occurrence of Sarcocystis spp. in cattle and products thereof: preliminary data 144
Development and validation of a novel SNP panel for the genetic characterization of Italian chicken breeds by next-generation sequencing discovery and array genotyping 141
Novel multiplex single nucleotide polymorphism-based method for identifying epidemic clones of Listeria monocytogenes. 126
Association of virulence genotype with phylogenetic background in comparison to different seropathotypes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates. 122
Distinguishing industrial meat from that of indigenous chickens with molecular markers 120
Genetic variation of two local chicken populations: ‘Bianca di Saluzzo’ and ‘Bionda Piemontese’ 119
Occurence of Coxiella burnetii in bulk tank milk from northwestern Italy 118
Multiplex primer-extension assay for identification of six pathogenic vibrios 117
Distribution of Pseudomonas species in a dairy plant affected by occasional blue discoloration 116
Preliminary study on the carcass and meat characteristics of two free-range reared Italian local hen breed: Bianca di Saluzzo and Bionda Piemontese 116
A multiplex PCR for the identification of animal species in feedstuff 115
Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of cow and donkey milk 106
Market chain of “Consortium for safeguard of Bianca e Bionda breeds” in Piedmont: 1. demography, housing and slaughtering conditions 105
Isolamento e caratterizzazione delle popolazioni microbiche autoctone da formaggio Castelmagno DOP e Raschera DOP ai fini della predisposizione di starter per la caseificazione 103
Market chain of “Consortium for safeguard of Bianca di Saluzzo e Bionda Piemontese breeds” in Piedmont: 2. Meat quality 103
Simultaneous detection of cow and buffalo milk in mozzarella cheese by Real-Time PCR assay 99
Influence of Alpine highland pasture on the fatty acid and terpene composition of milk and Plaisentif cheese from various Piedmont farms 99
Safety status and physicochemical composition of Plaisentif Cheese 99
Microbiota of the Planalto de Bolona: an artisanal cheese produced in uncommon environmental conditions in the Capo Verde islands 98
Survey on the presence of enterovirulent escherichia coli, including E. COLI O157, in cheese manufactured in the Italian Alpine Region 97
Detection of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in the Milk Production Environment: Impact of Host DNA and Sequencing Depth 97
Listeria monocytogenes strains from ruminant rhombencephalitis constitute a genetically homogeneous group related to human outbreak strains. 97
Development of a PCR assay targeting the rpoA gene for the screening of Vibrio genus 96
Tissue and species identification in minced meat and meat products from italian commercial markets by dna microarray and histological approach 96
A novel multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection and identification of Sarcocystis spp. in cattle 95
Development of a Biomolecular Assay for Post-mortem Diagnosis of Taenia saginata Cysticercosis 93
Characterization of vegetative bacillus cereus and bacillus subtilis strains isolated from processed cheese products in an italian dairy plant 93
Microbiological analysis of the Robiola di Roccaverano cheese by means of traditional culturing methods 91
Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the identification of pathogenic genes of Escherichia coli in milk and milk products 87
Prevalenza e identificazione di Vibrio spp. in orate di allevamento 85
Identificazione di specie in prodotti ittici 84
Approccio biomolecolare per l’identificazione di specie di una trancia di pesce. 81
Caseificazioni sperimentali: resistenza di ceppi enteropatogeni. 80
Caratteristiche igienico-sanitarie di formaggi prodotti sul territorio piemontese. 79
Antibiotic resistance of Vibrio species isolated from Sparus aurata reared in Italian mariculture. 79
Biomolecular approaches for the identification of tuna species 77
Identificazione biochimica e genotipica di vibrioni, con particolare riferimento a Vibrio parahaemolyticus, in prodotti della pesca 75
A Fibre- vs. cereal grain-based diet: Which is better for horse welfare? Effects on intestinal permeability, muscle characteristics and oxidative status in horses reared for meat production 75
Approcci biomolecolari per l’identificazione di alcune specie di tonno 72
Multiplex PCR: applicazioni nel controllo sanitario degli alimenti di origine animale. 72
Microbial characterization of an artisanal production of Robiola di Roccaverano cheese 71
Antibiotic resistance of Aeromonas spp. strains isolated from Sparus aurata reared in Italian mariculture farms 68
Development of a biomolecular assay for the identification of Listeria at genus and species level 68
Development of a multiplex SNP-typing method to identify the four epidemic clones of Listeria monocytogenes 67
Genetic traceability of two local chicken populations, 'Bianca di Saluzzo' and 'Bionda Piemontese', versus some current commercial lines. 67
Il controllo sanitario di filiera: ricerca della presenza di farine di origine animale in mangimi zootecnici. 65
Una nuova metodica biomolecolare per la ricerca di Sarcocystis spp. nella carne bovina: dati preliminari 64
Safety assessment of traditional Plaisentif cheese 64
Real-Time PCR and melting curve analysis per l’identificazione di quattro specie ittiche appartenenti al genere Thunnus 63
Culture-dependent and -independent analysis to explore microbiota of Robiola di Roccaverano cheese 63
Molecular identification of the indigenous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the Bolona cheese from the islands of Capo Verde 62
Study of the microflora of Bolona cheese from the Islands of Capo Verde by traditional and molecular methods 62
Development of a PCR assay for the detection of animal tissues in ruminant feeds 60
Microcantilever-based DNA hybridation sensors for Salmonella identification 60
Sviluppo di una metodica biomolecolare per l'identificazione di alcune specie di tonni 58
Meningo encephalititis in a Blonde Aquitaine Bull caused by Listeria innocua 58
Effects of feeding managements on microbial contamination of mesenteric lymph nodes and liver and on intestinal histo-morphology in horses 57
Determination du pathotype et du site d’insertion du locus d’effacement des enterocytes (LEE) parmi des souches d’Escherichia coli producteurs de Shiga-toxines (STEC) 56
Sviluppo di una Real-Time PCR per l’identificazione di latte bovino e di bufala in mozzarelle di bufala campana 53
Identificazione di alcune specie di tonno mediante analisi delle mutazioni puntiformi 53
Indagine sulla presenza di Campylobacter spp. nella filiera avicola 52
Exploring the microbial dynamics of an artisanal cheese-making process 51
High-throughput sequencing approach to investigate Italian artisanal cheese production 49
Ricerca di farine animali in alimenti ad uso zootecnico: un nuovo sistema in PCR multiplex per affiancare il metodo ufficiale 48
Structure phylogénétique d’une population de souches E. coli producteurs de Shiga toxines 48
Identificazione di vibrioni di interesse sanitario in orate di allevamento mediante metodiche biomolecolari 48
The Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota of “Robiola di Roccaverano” Protected Designation of Origin Raw Milk Cheese 47
Differentiation of five tuna species by a multiplex primer-extension assay 46
Identificazione di latte bovino e di bufala in formaggi a pasta filata mediante Real-Time PCR 46
Indagine sulla presenza di Campylobacter spp. nella filiera avicola 44
Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes strains from ruminant rhomboencephalitis cases in northern Italy. 44
Identification of four tuna species by means of Real-Time PCR and Melting Curve Analysis 43
Genetic characterization of macroscopic sarcocystis found in sardinian sheep 40
Microbial evaluation of Robiola di Roccaverano cheese 40
Mycobiota composition of robiola di roccaverano cheese along the production chain 37
Evaluation of the biofilm-forming ability and molecular characterization of dairy Bacillus spp. isolates 25
Pet feeding habits and the microbiological contamination of dog food bowls: effect of feed type, cleaning method and bowl material 24
Use of Biomolecular Tools to Control the Labels of Ethnic Food Coming from Eastern Europe 14
137Cesium (137Cs) assessment in wild boars from northwestern Italy 11
Totale 9.789
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.662
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 8.192
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.854

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 152 109 76 61
2020/20211.076 85 66 106 75 90 63 67 48 104 105 88 179
2021/20221.138 25 66 74 95 57 97 89 46 59 71 215 244
2022/20231.370 156 90 34 133 111 361 129 87 129 42 54 44
2023/2024741 70 112 50 35 47 116 33 62 9 72 50 85
2024/20251.158 50 123 113 181 428 174 79 10 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.789