ARZARELLO, Ferdinando
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.059
NA - Nord America 7.105
AS - Asia 1.760
OC - Oceania 220
SA - Sud America 212
AF - Africa 63
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 19.425
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.969
IT - Italia 5.027
DK - Danimarca 1.466
DE - Germania 553
SE - Svezia 524
IE - Irlanda 457
CN - Cina 452
FR - Francia 422
UA - Ucraina 352
SG - Singapore 321
FI - Finlandia 261
GB - Regno Unito 255
KR - Corea 221
AU - Australia 208
PL - Polonia 124
TR - Turchia 124
GR - Grecia 122
IN - India 110
IL - Israele 105
ID - Indonesia 98
NO - Norvegia 95
VN - Vietnam 94
CA - Canada 87
CH - Svizzera 84
BR - Brasile 69
NL - Olanda 68
AT - Austria 58
PH - Filippine 55
CO - Colombia 54
CL - Cile 39
MX - Messico 37
ES - Italia 33
HK - Hong Kong 33
RU - Federazione Russa 33
BE - Belgio 32
PT - Portogallo 31
ZA - Sudafrica 31
TW - Taiwan 23
MY - Malesia 22
JP - Giappone 21
TH - Thailandia 18
AR - Argentina 17
PE - Perù 17
RO - Romania 17
PK - Pakistan 16
SA - Arabia Saudita 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 12
VE - Venezuela 11
CR - Costa Rica 7
IR - Iran 7
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 7
SM - San Marino 7
BG - Bulgaria 5
HR - Croazia 5
SI - Slovenia 5
EU - Europa 4
LB - Libano 4
MZ - Mozambico 4
EC - Ecuador 3
ET - Etiopia 3
KE - Kenya 3
TN - Tunisia 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
CY - Cipro 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
EG - Egitto 2
IS - Islanda 2
KH - Cambogia 2
MM - Myanmar 2
NE - Niger 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NP - Nepal 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
UY - Uruguay 2
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 2
AD - Andorra 1
AM - Armenia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BW - Botswana 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
GN - Guinea 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NA - Namibia 1
OM - Oman 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TG - Togo 1
Totale 19.423
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.689
Santa Clara 528
Chandler 478
Dublin 453
Houston 334
Wilmington 333
Beijing 302
Turin 300
Ashburn 244
Torino 242
Singapore 226
Fairfield 225
Milan 221
Jacksonville 220
Rome 181
Redwood City 158
Princeton 130
Pisa 126
Dearborn 120
Columbus 119
Medford 116
Villeurbanne 116
Warsaw 107
Woodbridge 107
Munich 105
Nyköping 79
Seattle 72
Boston 69
Dong Ket 65
Pune 65
Cambridge 64
Bologna 58
Padova 54
Dallas 51
Jakarta 47
Bari 46
Naples 46
Athens 45
Palermo 44
Verona 44
Vienna 43
Florence 40
Boardman 37
Vigliano Biellese 37
Genoa 30
Helsinki 30
Como 27
Catania 23
Guangzhou 23
Mountain View 23
Santiago 23
Cagliari 22
Sydney 22
Istanbul 21
Salerno 21
Bergamo 20
Montréal 20
Pavia 20
Brescia 19
Brussels 19
Paris 19
Bottanuco 18
Frattamaggiore 18
Napoli 18
Beersheba 17
Pescara 17
Ankara 16
Los Angeles 16
Malmo 16
Modena 16
Norwalk 16
Reggio Calabria 16
Düsseldorf 15
Lima 15
Moncalieri 15
Trento 15
Caserta 14
Falkenstein 14
Nanjing 14
Parma 14
Toronto 14
Alessandria 13
Bogotá 13
Bristol 13
Cuneo 13
Grafing 13
Seongnam-si 13
Cellio 12
Fremont 12
Melbourne 12
Seoul 12
Trondheim 12
Albenga 11
Bremen 11
Lachine 11
Linköping 11
Novara 11
Phoenix 11
Rahim Yar Khan 11
San Giuliano 11
Totale 9.108
Nome #
Matematica 2001. La matematica per il cittadino. Attività didattiche e prove di verifica per un nuovo curricolo di Matematica. Scuola primaria. Scuola secondaria di primo grado. 1.187
Matematica 2003. La matematica per il cittadino. Attività didattiche e prove di verifica per un nuovo curricolo di Matematica. Ciclo secondario 697
The Meta-didactical transposition: A model for analysing teacher education programs 627
MOOC: repository di strategie e metodologie didattiche in Matematica 624
Le attività MERLO nell'insegnamento e nell'apprendimento della matematica 615
MERLO: Meaning Equivalence Reusable Learning Object 405
Embodiment e multimodalità nell'apprendimento della matematica 399
MERLO: A New Tool and a New Challenge in Mathematics Teaching and Learning 388
The Multimodal Material Mind: Embodiment in Mathematics Education 369
Practices of Italian teachers with the derivative concept: a problematic meeting between Algebra and Analysis in secondary school. 322
The first century of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (1908-2008). Reflecting and shaping the world of mathematics education 316
The mathematical work with the derivative of a function: teachers’ practices with the idea of “generic” 309
The impact of PISA studies on the Italian national assessment system 291
Game approach with the use of technology: a possible way to enhance mathematical thinking 290
Growth point and gestures: looking inside mathematical meanings 284
Matematica: non è solo questione di testa. Strumenti per osservare i processi di apprendimento in classe 279
Learning with touchscreen devices: game strategies to improve geometric thinking 279
Emma Castelnuovo e la ricerca in didattica della matematica in Italia: alcune riflessioni 278
Dragging in Cabri and modalities of transition from conjectures to proofs in geometry 268
MOOC for mathematics teacher training: design principles and assessment 262
Teaching and Assessing with New Methodological Tools (MERLO): a New Paradigm? 251
Meta-didactical transposition: A theoretical model for teacher education programs 250
Introduction to the approach of action, production, and Communication (APC) 246
Analyzing MOOCs in terms of their potential for teacher collaboration: the Italian experience. 246
Ways of manifulation touchscreen in one geometrical dynamic software 245
Approaching functions through motion experiments 230
The planimeter as a real and virtual instrument that mediates the introdunction of area 223
Moving from dragging to touchscreen: geometrical learning with geometric dynamic software 205
A tool for analysing multimodal behaviours in the mathematics classroom 199
The Method of Varying Inquiry for Stimulating Learning 179
Translating practices for reflecting on ourselves: Lesson Study 166
Gestures as semiotic resources in the mathematics classroom 162
Mathematical modelling with technology: the role of dynamic representations 161
The development of a semiotic framework to analyze teaching and learning processes: Examples in pre- and post-algebraic contexts 160
A method for quantifying focused versus overview behavior in AOI sequences 158
How students read mathematical representations: An eye tracking study 157
Approaching Proof in the Classroom Through the Logic of Inquiry 145
Semiosis as a Multimodal Process 144
Dalle congetture alle dimostrazioni. Una possibile continuità cognitiva 144
Shaping a multi-dimensional analysis of signs 137
From Body Motion to Algebra through Graphing 136
Gesture and the construction of mathematical meaning 135
Approaching algebra through motion experiences 134
MOOCs for Mathematics Teacher Education to Foster Professional Development: Design Principles and Assessment 130
Analytic-Structural Functions of Gestures in Mathematical Argumentation Processes 127
MOOC as a resource for teachers’ collaboration in educational program 127
A cognitive analysis of dragging practises in Cabri environments 126
The teacher’s activity under a phenomenological lens 126
La matematica nei licei matematici 122
Multimodality in multi-representational environments 120
Approaching functions through motion experiments 119
Abduction and conjecturing in mathematics 119
Eye tracking and didactics of mathematics: a possible wedding? 116
Will Penelope choose another bridegroom? Looking for an answer through signs 114
Reading mathematical texts: a question of time 108
Acting is learning: focus on the construction of mathematical concepts 101
Comparing, combining, coordinating-networking strategies for connecting theoretical approaches 100
m@t.abel. Matematica per gli studenti alla soglia del terzo millennio 100
The ostensive dimension through the lenses of two didactic approaches 100
Un inedito di Peano sulla sua celebre curva. Le radici logico-aritmetiche di un oggetto geometrico 99
Networking of theories in mathematics education (Research Forum) 99
Analyzing Teachers’ Work with Resources: Methodological Issues 99
Semiotic and theoretic control within and across conceptual frames 98
Meta-cognitive unity in indirect proofs. 97
The transition to formal proof in geometry 93
Sketching primary school teachers’ profiles 93
Centenario della Commissione Internazionale dell'insegnamento matematico 92
Matematica 2004. La matematica per il cittadino. Attività didattiche e prove di verifica per un nuovo curricolo di Matematica (Quinta classe del ciclo secondario) 90
A model for analizing algebraic thinking 88
Mente matematica, cervello biologico e nuove tecnologie 87
Matematica 2001. Materiali per un nuovo curricolo di matematica con suggerimenti per attività e prove di verifica (scuola elementare e media)) 85
Learning with the logic of inquiry: game-activities inside Dynamic Geometry Environments 85
ICMI Renaissance: the emergence of new issues in mathematics education 84
Logical and semiotic levels in argumentation 84
MOOCs-UniTo: Theoretical Framework and Research Lines on Teachers and Researchers 83
Curricolar innovation: an example of a learning environment integrated with technology 82
The genesis of signs by gestures. The case of Gustavo 82
Disclosure of mathematical relationships with a digital tool: a three layer-model of meaning 80
Complementary Networking: enriching understanding 78
The proof in the 20th century: from Hilbert to authomatic theorem proving 77
Semiotic and theoretic control in argumentation and proof activities 77
Theories and empirical researches: towards a common framework 76
Learning within MOOCs for mathematics teacher education 75
Experimental approaches to theoretical thinking the mathematics classroom: artefacts and proofs 74
Riflessioni su variabili e funzioni 73
Dalla geometria di Euclide alla geometria dell'universo. Geometria su sfera, cilindro, cono, pseudosfera 73
The epistemological gap - A case study on networking of APC and IDS 73
Gesture and body-tactile experience in the learning of mathematical concepts 72
La pensée algébrique dans une perspective sémiotique 72
La Matematica per il Cittadino 71
Didactical consequences of semantically meaningful mathematical gestures 71
Da Peirce a Hintikka (senza dimenticare Dewey): la logica dell’indagine in classe. 71
Framing the embodied mind approach within a multimodal paradigm 66
Semiotic Games: the role of the teacher. 66
Symposium celebrating the Centennial of ICMI (International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) 66
A model for developing students’ example space: the key role of the teacher 66
New mathematical standards for the school from 5 through 18 years 65
Passato, presente e futuro dell’educazione matematica nelle celebrazioni del centenario dell’ICMI. 65
Totale 18.421
Categoria #
all - tutte 41.504
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 10.543
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 52.047

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.958 0 0 0 0 0 0 328 283 335 376 278 358
2020/20212.465 270 118 184 154 243 157 167 133 266 192 220 361
2021/20223.333 227 326 289 362 239 228 249 315 159 209 362 368
2022/20232.520 217 118 109 186 240 548 239 191 246 118 186 122
2023/20241.692 199 181 106 142 141 161 84 148 22 151 151 206
2024/20251.943 123 229 222 306 845 213 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.087