DORE, Bruno Emilio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.540
NA - Nord America 3.540
AS - Asia 1.201
SA - Sud America 25
AF - Africa 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 8.332
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.509
IT - Italia 896
CN - Cina 603
IE - Irlanda 402
SE - Svezia 400
UA - Ucraina 381
FR - Francia 350
DE - Germania 330
SG - Singapore 274
FI - Finlandia 259
KR - Corea 242
GB - Regno Unito 193
PL - Polonia 131
AT - Austria 48
RU - Federazione Russa 38
VN - Vietnam 29
BE - Belgio 26
CA - Canada 22
GR - Grecia 19
IN - India 18
NL - Olanda 16
CH - Svizzera 14
ES - Italia 13
BR - Brasile 12
RO - Romania 9
ID - Indonesia 8
TN - Tunisia 8
EU - Europa 7
MX - Messico 6
CL - Cile 5
JP - Giappone 5
PH - Filippine 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
TR - Turchia 4
AR - Argentina 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
IR - Iran 3
PT - Portogallo 3
SN - Senegal 3
DK - Danimarca 2
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 2
HR - Croazia 2
MA - Marocco 2
NO - Norvegia 2
RS - Serbia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AU - Australia 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IL - Israele 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 8.332
Città #
Chandler 596
Beijing 455
Dublin 394
Jacksonville 262
Villeurbanne 227
Singapore 199
Ann Arbor 171
Medford 151
Warsaw 130
Princeton 128
Houston 120
Columbus 119
Ashburn 115
Dearborn 90
Nyköping 82
Milan 75
Boston 63
Boardman 60
Wilmington 57
Vienna 47
Woodbridge 46
Torino 35
New York 33
Rome 33
Fairfield 30
Verona 26
Dong Ket 24
Fremont 24
Turin 23
Cambridge 21
Hefei 21
Nanjing 19
Santa Clara 18
Athens 17
Brussels 16
Norwalk 16
Redwood City 16
Florence 15
Guangzhou 13
Jinan 13
Naples 13
Falls Church 12
Mountain View 12
Saint Petersburg 12
Padova 11
Patti 10
Seattle 10
Lachine 9
Pisa 8
Shanghai 8
Bari 7
Catania 7
Hangzhou 7
Leuven 7
Palermo 7
Pune 7
Richemont 7
Bologna 6
Chengdu 6
Genova 6
Kunming 6
Mumbai 6
Nanchang 6
Toronto 6
Washington 6
Cagliari 5
Centro 5
Ferrara 5
Fuzhou 5
Jakarta 5
Khabarovsk 5
Nürnberg 5
Parma 5
Rivoli 5
Udine 5
Appleton 4
Bergamo 4
Brescia 4
Cuneo 4
Fossano 4
Helsinki 4
Menlo Park 4
Messina 4
Perugia 4
Syracuse 4
Travaco Siccomario 4
Venezia 4
Vicenza 4
Wuhan 4
Almancil 3
Altavilla Silentina 3
Bra 3
Busto Arsizio 3
Düsseldorf 3
Gradara 3
Lecce 3
Loreto 3
Monza 3
Nanning 3
Napoli 3
Totale 4.341
Nome #
Fasciola hepatica e Dicrocoelium dendriticum nel suino Nero del parco dei Nebrodi: indagini anatomo-patologiche retrospettive 250
L'impatto della lotta biologica alle zanzare sulle popolazioni di anfibi. 184
Etilen glicole come sostituto non tossico della formalina nella raccolta e nello studio dei macroinvertebrati. 138
Protezione degli anfibi, effetti del Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis su larve di Chironomus 138
APPUNTI DI TECNICHE ISTOCHIMICHE per il laboratorio di tecniche microscopiche, istologiche ed istochimiche. CLU, Torino 120
Unio pictorum mancus (Mollusca, Bivalvia) as fresh waters bioremediator. An histochemical study of the annual cycle of activity. 118
Natural trematode infestation in feral Nebrodi Black pigs: pathological investigations 115
Tasso sierico di aldosterone nel tritone crestato ipofisectomizzato, portatore di autotrapianto ectopico a lungo termine: effetti del CRF. 105
Skin morphology and function in Xenopus laevis exposed to a saline environment for up to one week 104
L'ergonomia e il lavoro al microscopio. 103
Guida alle esercitazioni di Istologia ed all'uso del Microscopio.Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria, Torino 103
Glycosaminoglycans in corneagenous cells of Stomatopoda (Crustacea) eyes 95
Aspecific alkaline phosphatase activity in the kidney and skin of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) adult specimens under different experimental conditions. 95
Cryostabilization and hydrofilic resin embedding: a new perspective to study the mantle of Unio pictorum Mancus (Mollusca, Bivalvia). 95
Ricerche su Mustela erminea e Mustela nivalis in Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta. Tecniche di cattura-ricattura, radiotelemetria ed analisi alimentare 94
Image analysis applications to the quantification of root sclerotic dentine in human teeth 93
Histochemical studies on canine globoid cell leukodystrophy 90
Il tegumento degli anfibi proposto come modello per lo studio del mantello dei molluschi lamellibranchi. 90
L'analisi alimentare nello studio eco-etologico dei mammiferi. 90
Aspecific alkaline phosphatase of amphibia integument. Levamisole effect on short-circuit current (SCC). 90
Effetti indotti da un tensioattivo sul Calcio nel bivalve Unio mancus Pfeiff. 89
Histochemical study of Unio pictorum Mancus (Bivalvia:Unionidae) mantle to assess shell calcification and metal bioremediation 86
Analisi istochimiche su diverse cultivar di melo conservate in fruttaio 82
The open-field test in social and isolated chicks (Gallus domesticus). Differences in behavioural responses between males and females. 82
Studio del rapporto preda/predatore, mediante analisi delle borre del gufo comune (Asio otus). Esperienze didattiche. 81
Fruit pulp semi-thin sections for optical microscopy 80
Histochemical data on kidney and interrenal tissue from Xenopus laevis (Daudin) adult specimens treated with drugs (6 OH-DOPAMINE and L-DOPA) acting on prolactin release. 80
Ultrastruttura ed istochimica dei tubuli malpighiani e del sistema digerente di Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Insecta: Homoptera). 80
Krabbe’s disease in two West Higland White Terriers 78
Histochemical study of cryostabilized sections of apricot buds. 78
Heavy metals capture in Unio pictorum Mancus (Lamellibranchiata). Use of semithin resin sections after cryostabilization in ethylene glycol. 78
Adrenal activity in hypophysectomized male crested newts bearing a medium term pituitary autograft. 77
Chetosteroidi nel corpo prepericardico di Bufo bufo. 77
Histochemistry and enzymes in mitochondria-rich cells of Rana esculenta skin, exposed to osmotic stress. 77
Variazioni stagionali della calcemia in rospi normali, privati del corpo prepericardico e trattati con calcitonina. Primi risultati. 76
Alternative to formaldehyde and flammable toxic solvents in histotechnology 74
Growth and light/dark adaptation in Lysiosquillina maculata (stomatopoda, crustacea) 73
Enzyme activities in the integument of amphibia: biochemical, histochemical and electrophysiological data on Rana kl. esculenta and Xenopus laevis 73
Histotopochemical preservation and detection of waxes and polyphenols in fruits 73
Freshwater mussels bioremediation in an italian lake 73
Tecnica di criostabilizzazione ed inclusione in resina applicata alle bacche di Vitis vinifera cv "Shiraz" 72
Active ion transport and morphofunctional organization in the skin of the alpine newt, Triturus alpestris, during the life cycle. 72
La calcemia in rospi adulti normali e privati del corpo prepericardico trattati con paratormone e con calcitonina. 72
La calcemia in rospi maschi adulti, normali e tiroidectomizzati, trattati con paratormone. 71
Histochemical study and polygalacturonase detection in cryostabilized resin embedded sections of apricot pulp 69
Leucil-aminopeptidase is involved in the toxicity to the Bacillus thuringensis subsp. israelensis delta-endotoxin in Culex pipiens larvae (Insecta, Diptera). 68
Ancient bone remains sectioning in anthropological studies: some technical innovations 68
Further biochemical data concerning normal and prolactin treated Xenopus laevis (Daudin) adults reared in water or moist moss. 68
The ripening process studied using histochemistry on cryostabilized apple tissues 68
Il tegumento degli anfibi: aspetti morfologici e funzionali correlati all’adattamento a variazioni dell’ambiente esterno. 68
Histochemistry on glycol methacrylate sections, avoiding chemical fixation and dehydration. Enzymes and lipids 68
Application of an innovative technique for histological and histochemical study of different vegetal tissues 68
Improved histochemistry of ripening fruit pulp cells. 68
Research on cholesterol, steroidal hormones and liposolubile vitamins by thin layer chromatography in some adipose organs of anuran amphibians. 1) Cholesterol and hormones. 68
Histochemical investigations on fleshy fruit pulp, cryostabilized and embedded in a polar resin. 67
Researchs on the development of Xenopus laevis larvae fed on Tubifex tubifex. I. Presence of liposoluble vitamins in the lipid extract from Tubifex worms. 66
Applications of an innovative technique for histological and histo-chemical study of different vegetal tissues 64
Adaptation of the reproductive cycle in Triturus alpestris apuanus to an unpredictable habitat. 64
Histological method to study winter physiological dormancy in leaf buds of ‘San Castrese’ and ‘Laycot’ apricot , Prunus armeniaca L. 64
The contribution of resin embedding for light microscopy to veterinarian histopathology 64
Influence of environmental changes on blood Calcium level and CaCO3 deposits in Anuran Amphibians treated or not with prolactin. 63
A mantis shrimp wearing sun-glasses 63
Ricerche istologiche ed istochimiche su cicadellidi vettori di agenti fitopatogeni (Homoptera, Auchenorryncha) 63
Survey of heavy metals in Chironomus riparius larvae (Insecta Chironomidae) 63
L'utilizzazione dell'analisi computerizzata di immagine per l'osservazione morfologica quantitativa. 63
Ion transport processes and alkaline phosphatase activity in the skin of the crested newt 62
Renal Alkaline Phosphatase and osmoregulatory adaptations in Amphibians. II Seasonal variations and action of Arginine-Vasotocin and Prolactin in Triturus cristatus carnifex Laur. (Urodela) kidney. 62
Abundance of short-chain (C8-C14) fatty acids in the neutral lipids of Tubifex tubifex. 62
Enzymatic changes in mitochondria-rich cells of Xenopus laevis skin epithelium are induced by ionic acclimation 61
Histological and histochemical procedures for the examination of calf testes 61
Histochemistry and Enzymes in Unio Pictorum mancus, a Fresh Water Bioindicator 61
Testosterone and isolation effects on open-field behavior in male chicks. 61
Aspecific alkaline phosphatase, carbonic anhydrase and electrophysiological measurements in the skin of Xenopus laevis exposed to a saline environment 61
Analisi agronomiche ed istologiche del processo di maturazione e conservazione in diverse cultivar di melo. 60
Studio dell'avifauna in un ambiente fluviale di città. Esperienze didattiche. 59
Ethylene glycol "stabilization" in the study of pollutant effect on aquatic organism 59
Skin morphology in larval, paedomorphic and metamorphosed alpine newts, Triturus alpestris apuanus. 58
Histochemistry of fleshy fruits polyphenols, cryostabilization and GMA embedding 58
Modificazioni ambientali, calcemia e riserve di CaCO3 in anfibi anuri, trattati o no con prolattina. 58
Histochemical approach for the identification of two cellular types in Unio pictorum mancus mantle 58
Osservazioni al macello sulla patologia testicolare nei suini con particolare riferimento ai criptorchidi. 57
MICROSCOPIA Introduzione allo studio delle cellule e dei tessutiCooperativa Libraria Universitaria, via Ormea 83, Torino 56
New histochemical data on Xenopus laevis (Daudin) kidney. 56
Presenza di ovociti nei testicoli di rospi sottoposti a irradiazione della regione tiroidea mediante raggi X . 56
Research on Cholesterol, steroidal hormones and liposoluble vitamins by thin layer chromatography in some adipose organs of anuran amphibians. II. Liposoluble vitamins. 56
Guida alla sicurezza in laboratorio.Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria, Torino 55
Morphological and histochemical analysis of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) integument and kidney during brackish water adaptation 55
Preliminary results of the histological study of ancient skin tissue samples from the Chinchorro mummies. 55
Primi risultati dello studio istochimico del tegumento degli anfibi mediante inclusione in resine polari. 55
Batteri,virus, funghi, protozoi 54
Effect of Argininevasotocin (AVT) on acid phosphatase activity of Triturus carnifex kidney. 54
Influence exerted by homografts of prepericardic body and adrenal fragments on liver glycogen and body growth in Bufo bufo larvae. 53
Aspecific alkaline phosphatase in the cytoplasm of some tracts of Xenopus laevis (Anura, Amphibia) kidney proximal tubule. 53
Osservazioni istologiche su reperti ossei umani antichi: valutazione delle condizioni di conservazione e contaminazione microbiologiche. 52
Growth and light/dark adaptation of stomatopod (Crustacea) eyes 52
Histochemistry of fleshy fruits polyphenols, cryostabilization and GMA embedding. Histotopochemical preservation and detection of polyphenols in fruits. 51
Polar resin embedding for Machrotrachela quadricornifera 51
Photomechanical adaptation in the eyes of Squilla mantis 50
Histology as a technique within archaeological heritage management research 50
Guida al test di Introduzione alla Biologia per il Modulo di Microscopia. Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria, Torino 50
Totale 7.521
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.981
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 12.293
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 37.274

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020785 0 0 0 0 59 162 135 40 153 93 97 46
2020/2021912 148 9 123 57 86 29 63 20 168 81 51 77
2021/2022959 17 15 46 47 40 27 18 43 45 36 305 320
2022/20231.740 162 102 28 133 236 453 166 115 179 16 110 40
2023/2024668 99 143 27 27 35 106 18 37 2 8 46 120
2024/2025415 28 130 51 179 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.642