DONNO, Dario
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.281
NA - Nord America 6.571
AS - Asia 2.743
AF - Africa 192
SA - Sud America 131
OC - Oceania 67
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 17.991
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.419
IT - Italia 4.822
CN - Cina 956
SG - Singapore 729
IE - Irlanda 645
FR - Francia 571
SE - Svezia 391
DE - Germania 335
FI - Finlandia 247
AT - Austria 182
UA - Ucraina 176
VN - Vietnam 170
KR - Corea 166
PL - Polonia 157
IN - India 149
GB - Regno Unito 136
TR - Turchia 120
ID - Indonesia 119
CA - Canada 116
BE - Belgio 115
ES - Italia 65
PK - Pakistan 64
BR - Brasile 57
NL - Olanda 52
PT - Portogallo 52
RO - Romania 49
GR - Grecia 46
JP - Giappone 44
CH - Svizzera 41
MG - Madagascar 39
PH - Filippine 36
HK - Hong Kong 35
ZA - Sudafrica 35
AU - Australia 34
IR - Iran 33
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 33
TH - Thailandia 30
EG - Egitto 29
MX - Messico 29
CL - Cile 28
MY - Malesia 27
RU - Federazione Russa 25
NG - Nigeria 19
TW - Taiwan 19
HR - Croazia 18
LT - Lituania 18
HU - Ungheria 17
MA - Marocco 17
RS - Serbia 17
DZ - Algeria 16
AR - Argentina 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
CO - Colombia 14
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 14
NO - Norvegia 12
PE - Perù 10
SI - Slovenia 10
IQ - Iraq 9
BG - Bulgaria 8
IL - Israele 8
DK - Danimarca 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
EU - Europa 5
GE - Georgia 5
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 5
MU - Mauritius 5
SM - San Marino 5
TN - Tunisia 5
EC - Ecuador 4
KM - Comore 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
MD - Moldavia 4
ME - Montenegro 4
MT - Malta 4
NP - Nepal 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 3
BJ - Benin 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
GH - Ghana 3
SO - Somalia 3
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 3
BY - Bielorussia 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CM - Camerun 2
EE - Estonia 2
ET - Etiopia 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
MK - Macedonia 2
OM - Oman 2
PY - Paraguay 2
RE - Reunion 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
AN - Antille olandesi 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CU - Cuba 1
GT - Guatemala 1
JO - Giordania 1
KH - Cambogia 1
Totale 17.981
Città #
Chandler 759
Dublin 635
Singapore 568
Torino 508
Santa Clara 502
Beijing 494
Ashburn 342
Turin 277
Fairfield 246
Rome 246
Milan 239
Villeurbanne 231
Wilmington 209
Houston 206
Princeton 203
Medford 200
Columbus 189
Vienna 178
Ann Arbor 167
Nyköping 157
Woodbridge 130
Fremont 119
Redwood City 116
Pisa 113
Seattle 112
Cambridge 109
Dong Ket 104
Dearborn 93
Jacksonville 91
Warsaw 90
Genova 75
Florence 74
Bologna 71
Ghent 71
Boston 69
Jakarta 66
Naples 66
Ottawa 61
Boardman 50
New York 50
Catania 41
Helsinki 38
Verona 38
Padova 37
Strasbourg 37
Guangzhou 36
Palermo 36
Pune 36
Hangzhou 31
Hebei 30
Norwalk 29
Mountain View 28
Washington 28
Toronto 27
San Mateo 26
Dallas 25
Nanjing 24
Bari 22
Bolzano 22
Brussels 22
Kunming 22
Modena 22
San Diego 20
Venice 20
Wuhan 20
Chengdu 19
Tokyo 19
Munich 18
Genoa 17
Hong Kong 17
Parma 17
Falls Church 16
Islamabad 16
Paris 16
Venezia 16
Ankara 15
Istanbul 15
Los Angeles 15
Napoli 15
Trento 15
Trieste 15
Abilene 14
Chicago 14
Quinto Vercellese 14
Seoul 14
West Jordan 14
Antananarivo 13
Evran 13
Ferrara 13
Hefei 13
Lisbon 13
London 13
Perugia 13
Rivarossa 13
Salerno 13
Shanghai 13
Athens 12
Buffalo 12
Como 12
Lagos 12
Totale 9.512
Nome #
Certificare la sostenibilità: molti i vantaggi per l'azienda 1.094
Currants and strawberries as bioactive compound sources: determination of antioxidant profi les with HPLC-DAD/MS 445
Improving the nutritional value of kiwifruit with the application of agroindustry waste extracts 403
La nuova castanicoltura intensiva su portinnesti clonali: materiali genetici, tecniche vivaistiche, vantaggi agronomici 338
Applicazione della metodologia LCA ai sistemi di produzione frutticola: aspetti chiave e studi di caso 336
Medicinal plants, chemical composition and quality: may blackcurrant buds and blackberry sprouts be a new polyphenol source for herbal preparations? 321
L'approccio Footprint Family applicato alla filiera agroalimentare: il sistema melicolo della Provincia di Torino 307
Biodiversity and traditional medicinal plants from Madagascar: Phytochemical evaluation of Brachylaena ramiflora (DC.) Humbert decoctions and infusions 267
Carbon Footprint per la valutazione della performance di politiche di acquisti verdi pubblici: un caso di studio nella ristorazione collettiva 257
Goji berry fruit (Lycium spp.): antioxidant compound fingerprint and bioactivity evaluation 230
Setting a protocol for hazelnut roasting using sensory and colorimetric analysis: influence of the roasting temperature on the hazelnut quality of Tonda Gentile delle Langhe cv 189
Nuove tecniche per la propagazione agamica mediante talea di ibridi di Castanea spp. 185
Study of adaptation of five introduced varieties of sweet chestnut in Istria County (Croatia) 185
Castanea spp. biodiversity conservation: collection and characterization of the genetic diversity of an endangered species 180
Effect of Agronomic And Environmental Conditions on Chemical Composition of Tree-species Buds Used For Herbal Preparations 160
Castanea spp. biodiversity conservation strategies collection and characterizatıon of the genetic diversity of an endangered species 158
Innovazioni nel vivaismo: il microinnesto di C. sativa e ibridi 154
Il germoplasma di C. sativa in Friuli Venezia Giulia: nuovi ritrovamenti e strategie regionali di valorizzazione della filiera 153
Bud Extracts as New Phytochemical Source for Herbal Preparations — Quality Control and Standardization by Analytical Fingerprint 150
Phytochemical Composition, Antibacterial Activity, and Antioxidant Properties of the Artocarpus altilis Fruits to Promote Their Consumption in the Comoros Islands as Potential Health-Promoting Food or a Source of Bioactive Molecules for the Food Industry 147
Gelso da frutto, nuova opportunità di diversificazione colturale? 144
Biomolecules and Natural Medicine Preparations: Analysis of New Sources of Bioactive Compounds from Ribes and Rubus spp. buds 143
Lo stato in coltura del Marrone di Chiusa Pesio: da Cuneo all’altro emisfero 140
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Modulate the Crop Performance and Metabolic Profile of Saffron in Soilless Cultivation. 137
Saffron Cultivation in Marginal Alpine Environments: How AMF Inoculation Modulates Yield and Bioactive Compounds 136
Impiego di prodotti innovativiper preservare la qualità dei piccoli frutti in post-raccolta evalutazione degli effetti sui parametri analitici qualitativi 135
Foodomics for mulberry fruit (Morus spp.): Analytical fingerprint as antioxidants' and health properties' determination tool 135
Carbon footprint in green public procurement: Policy evaluation from a case study in the food sector 133
Irrigazione del castagno: definizione dei parametri ottimali 131
Castanea 2009 - Food, Timber, Biomass & Energy in Europe. Atti del 5° Convegno Nazionale sul Castagno. 130
Multifunctional Ecological Footprint Analysis for assessing eco-efficiency: a case study of fruit production systems in Northern Italy 129
Simbiosi tra agro-farmaceutica e piccoli frutti opportunità per le micro-filiere locali 129
Cornus mas (L.) Fruit as a Potential Source of Natural Health-Promoting Compounds: Physico-Chemical Characterisation of Bioactive Components 129
Insights in the chestnut genetic diversity in Canton Ticino (Southern Switzerland) 129
Modelling, assessing, and ranking public procurement options for a climate-friendly catering service 125
Agricoltura moderna: dalle prime macchine agricole alla monocultura intensiva 121
Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antidiabetic Activities of Leaves and Stems of Uapaca bojeri Bail.(EUPHORBIACEAE), an Endemic Plant of Madagascar 119
Ethnobotany in the Maromizaha's protected area: Malagasy medicinal plants as source of phytochemicals for human health 117
Environmental sustainability of traditional foods: the case of ancient apple cultivars in Northern Italy assessed by multifunctional LCA 114
Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg (breadfruit) nutritional characterization and local uses in Comoros Islands 114
Phytochemical characterization and bioactivity evaluation of autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb.) pseudodrupes as potential sources of health-promoting compounds 114
Influence of applied drying methods on phytochemical composition in fresh and dried goji fruits by HPLC fingerprint 113
On the use of Life Cycle Assessment to improve agronomists’ knowledge and skills toward sustainable agricultural systems 109
Applicazione di indicatori ambientali in frutteto: stato dell’arte e aspetti metodologici su casi di studio 108
Ex situ conservation and characterization of the genetic diversity of Castanea spp. 108
Castanea spp. e gemmoderivati: il castagno come fonte fitochimica di composti bioattivi 107
Seasonal climatic change affects lychee (Nephelium lychee Cambess) phenology in Madagascar 107
Seasonal climatic change affects lychee (Nephelium lychee Cambess) phenology in Madagascar 106
Chestnut R&D Centre, Piemonte (Italy): 10 years of activity 105
New findings in prunus padus l. Fruits as a source of natural compounds: Characterization of metabolite profiles and preliminary evaluation of antioxidant activity 104
Quando maturano le castagne? 101
Sviluppo di protocolli per la propagazione di specie vegetali endemiche del Madagascar ad alto valore fitochimico 100
Phytochemical characterization of traditional villagers remedies in Madagascar: Brachylaena ramiflora decoctions and infusions 99
Castanea sativa bud-derivative: an innovative green extraction and re-use strategy to valorize food supplement by-products 99
A multidisciplinary approach to preserve biodiversity 97
Definizione della dose ottimale di fertilizzante su castagno utilizzando strumenti non distruttivi e routinari per la misurazione del contenuto di clorofilla e fluorescenza fogliare 97
Fingerprinting compositivo e sensoriale di cultivar di Castanea sativa ed ibridi allevati su portinnesti clonali 96
Nutraceuticals in alternative and underutilized fruits as functional food ingredients: ancient species for new health needs 94
Psidium cattleianum as source of antioxidant compounds for functional foods 93
Castanea spp. Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Genotype Influence on Chemical and Sensorial Traits of Cultivars Grown on the Same Clonal Rootstock 93
Evoluzione della castanicoltura intensiva con portinnesti ibridi clonali 92
First ethnobotanical inventory and phytochemical analysis of plant species used by indigenous people living in the Maromizaha forest, Madagascar 92
Impiego di prodotti innovativi per preservare la qualità dei piccoli frutti in post-raccolta e valutazione degli effetti sui parametri analitici qualitativi 91
Diversità genetica di Castanea sativa Miller in Canton Ticino (Svizzera meridionale) 90
A recycling proposal for pomegranate marcs obtained after juice squeezing 90
An innovative green extraction and re-use strategy to valorize food supplement by-products: Castanea sativa bud preparations as case study 90
Insights into an endemic medicinal plant species of Madagascar: the case of famelona (Chrysophyllum boivinianum (Pierre) Baehni) 89
Assessing environmental impacts of nursery production: methodological issues and results from a case study in Italy 89
Analytical fingerprint and chemometrics as phytochemical composition control tools in food supplement analysis: characterization of raspberry bud preparations of different cultivars 88
Linking geographical certification and environmental declaration of food products: the apple Mela Rossa Cuneo (PGI) case study 87
Produzione commerciale e tecnologie di estrazione verde di fitoterapici gemmoderivati di Castanea spp.: il progetto FINNOVER 85
Analytical Strategies for Fingerprinting of Antioxidants, Nutritional Substances, and Bioactive Compounds in Foodstuffs Based on High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry: An Overview 85
Castanea 2009 1st European congress on Chestnut - 5 Convegno Nazionale Castagno 84
Crocus sativus L. Cultivation in Alpine Environments: Stigmas and Tepals as Source of Bioactive Compounds 83
Fingerprint chimico e sensoriale dei frutti di 18 cultivar di Castanea sativa ed ibride euro-giapponesi innestate su portinnesto clonale 83
Assessment methods for sustainable tourism declarations: the case of holiday farms 80
Exploring wild edible flowers as a source of bioactive compounds: New perspectives in horticulture 80
Integratori e doping. L’analisi chimica al servizio dello sport 79
Fruit quality and nutraceutical composition in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck from Northern Italy (Piedmont) 79
Phytochemical characterization of Brachylaena ramiflora (DC.) Humbert decoctions and infusions 79
Bioactive compounds, nutritional traits, and antioxidant properties of artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) fruits: Exploiting a potential functional food for food security on the Comoros Islands 79
Bioactive compounds from tree-species buds and green extraction technologies: the FINNOVER project 79
Biomolecules and Natural Medicine Preparations: Analysis of New Sources of Bioactive Compounds from Ribes and Rubus spp. 78
I prodotti gemmoterapici. Dalla farmacopea francese al consumatore di oggi 77
Assessing Nutritional Traits and Phytochemical Composition of Artisan Jams Produced in Comoros Islands: Using Indigenous Fruits with High Health-Impact as an Example of Biodiversity Integration and Food Security in Rural Development 77
Minor fruit species as natural source of health-promoting compounds: Lycium spp., Morus nigra L. and Crataegus azarolus L. 76
The use of environmental impact assessment methods to improve agronomists’ curriculum: opportunities and constraints 76
Comportamento vegeto-produttivo di nuove cultivar e selezioni di lampone 74
Botany, Anatomy and Nut Composition 73
Traditional and unconventional dried fruit snacks as a source of health-promoting compounds 72
L’analisi dei composti polifenolici come metodo predittivo per valutare la compatibilita’ di innesto di Castanea spp. su portinnesti clonali 71
Antioxidant activity, sugar and phenolic content of fresh fig (Ficus carica L.) fruits grown in Croatia 70
Ecological Footprint Applied in Agro-Ecosystems: Methods and Case Studies 69
Totale 13.821
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.421
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 18.216
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 71.637

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.017 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 181 129 204 181 108
2020/20211.867 167 80 177 133 187 103 192 92 158 140 179 259
2021/20222.429 78 103 121 148 165 133 217 189 122 183 458 512
2022/20233.502 379 243 137 252 297 747 336 307 325 113 217 149
2023/20242.416 205 295 187 198 179 299 199 159 38 166 185 306
2024/20252.599 121 288 312 522 1.043 311 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.673